GAE Government Relations produces and sends out a daily Legislative Hotline message during the session to keep members informed about what is happening at the Capitol. As a GAE member you will automatically receive the update if your membership record lists an email address. If you did not include an email address on your membership application, please send us an email address if you would like to receive this update, preferably a home email address. You may send the email to .

Whenever there is an issue in the legislature that requires immediate action of our members, GAE posts an Action Alert. Attention to these alerts is important because business sometimes moves quickly in the General Assembly. Notices can be given to the public in the afternoon for a bill to be on the calendar or in committee the next morning. This necessitates an immediate turnaround in order to encourage the legislators to vote for or against a particular piece of legislation. Because of this, we urge you to check your email on a regular basis to make sure YOU do not miss any of the action!

By following the links in the Action Alert, you will be taken to a site to contact your legislator, a committee, or targeted legislators. Prewritten statements are provided for you or you can also personalize your message by writing how this law would impact you in your school.

Alerts and other information can also be accessed via the Legislative Action Center. Go to the GAE website, and click on “Legislative Action Center.” Similar information as well as copies of the bills can also be found on the General Assembly website:

The above tools help keep our GAE members better informed and has the potential to get even more members involved in the Cyberlobbying process. When legislators receive HUNDREDS of emails on an issue, it is sure to make an impact.

We hope you will use these resources during the legislative session. Sign up now, and keep your email address updated so you will be ready to cyberlobby from the computer in your classroom or at home. YOU can make a big difference in the lives of educators and children in our public schools by helping to shape public policy in Georgia!