Kimball High School Math Department

Algebra 1

Mr. GonzalezRoom F5

E-mail: chool Phone: 832-6600 Ext.

Office Hour: Mondays -Fridays 3:35 p.m.-4:00 p.m. (or by appointment)

Course Description:

Algebra 1 teaches valuable techniques for solving purely mathematical as well as real-world problems. Throughout each chapter students will engage in error analysis and mathematical reasoning to build critical thinking skills and to construct logical arguments. Algebra provides a balance between basic skills, conceptual understanding and problem solving-all supported by mathematical reasoning.

Course Outline:

This class will cover topics noted in the course text.

Textbooks:I will post in written form on the board when textbooks are to be brought to class.

Required Materials: Covered textbook, two composition notebooks,lined paper, pencils, graph paper, calculator, different color pen, two dry erase markers and one sheet protector.

Class Rules:

Classroom Expectations

  • Follow all the school rules
  • Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak
  • Don’t interrupt other’s right to learn or my right to teach
  • Use appropriate language, no put downs, No bullying
  • There is no “arguing with the ref” during class. If you disagree with the teachers decision, hold up a “t” wait until after class to express your opinion
  • Keep your are clean and wait to be dismissed at the end of the period


Have your cell phone off and out of sight, as well as, all other electronic devices.

Remove your sunglasses, hat or hood.

No Gum, food, or liquids (except bottled water)No nut products allowed

Restroom passes are given if you give me 5mins. of your time

Respect school property and others belongings

Stay in your seat unless permitted to move

Backpacks/purses on the floor.

Use the proper heading on your assignments.

Record your homework daily and keep your work organized.

The goal is to create a learning environment where everyone feels safe, respected, confident, and not afraid to speak.

Consequences of failing to follow the Classroom Expectations:

Following and respecting the above agreements will build a sense of community in the classroom and if individual problems arise, appropriate action will be taken including:

  1. Warning
  2. Private meeting with teacher after class*
  3. Removal from class

Note: I reserve the right to skip steps depending on the severity of the offense.

*If removed from class student must schedule a private meeting with teacher upon return

Kimball High Tardy Policy
Students are expected to be in their seats, ready to work, when the bell rings.
First through fourth tardy / Teacher assigned consequence.
Fifth tardy / Student remains in class.
Assigned 30 minute detention. Teacher-Parent contact.
1. Complete detention form. Original to teacher. Copy to student.
2. Detention served within two days.
3. Detention form stamped by detention teacher.
4. Form turned in to teacher who assigned detention.
Sixth tardy / Student remains in class. Referral to AP for In-House Suspension.
Seventh tardy (or more) / Student remains in class. Referral to AP for At-Home Suspension.

Make- Up Work Policy:

Excused Absence:

It is your responsibility to find out what you missed

  1. Check my website for homework assignments.
  2. Copy the class notes you missed from a classmate.
  3. Ask the teacher for any hand outs and additional information you missed.
  4. Turn in missing work and write ABSENT with the date of absence.

Students will have the same number of days to complete the work as they were absent. Make-up assessments will be given before or after school. Please make arrangements with the teacher ahead of time.

Suspension or Unexcused Absence:

If you are suspended home or have an unexcused absence, you may not make up the work. If you are suspended to the Support Room, you may make up the work.

Homework Policy:

*Homework is due at the beginning of the period.

*No late homework will be accepted unless you have an excused absence.

*Homework will be completed in pencil, blue or black pen, proper heading in right hand corner and all work must be shown.

*All work including class work should be completed neatly in pencil, blue or black pen and with great effort. The purpose for assigning homework is to give students the opportunities to practice skills, to prepare them for a new topic, or to elaborate on introduced material. Students will keep track of the assignments on their homework log. For additional notations, Refer to Board Policy 6154

Grading Policy:

All work will be graded equally out of the total points. Your child will be able to check their grade on Parent Link. Grades will be updated every two weeks.

A= 90-100% B= 80-89% C= 70-79% D= 60-69% F= 59% and below

Semester grade is determined as follows:

First Semester:

40% Quarter 1 40% Quarter 2 Semester Exam 20%

Second Semester:

40% Quarter 3 40% Quarter 4 Final Exam 20%

Grading Determination:

Tests, quizzes or other assessments: 50%

Homework and Classwork: 30%

Notebook Checks: 20%

Cheating Policy:

Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and the consequences will be followed as outlined in the Student Handbook.

******In addition to the above agreements, all students are expected to abide by the school rules outlined in the student conduct code. This includes dress code, technology, and attendance. Writing, tracing, scratching, gum on/UNDER desks, walls, and other items in the room will result in two periods and a referral to the Assistant Principal for destruction of school property. YOU SHOULD CHECK UNDER AND AROUND YOUR DESK AT THE START OF EACH PERIOD FOR ANY DAMAGE AND REPORT IT TO ME AT THE START OF THE PERIOD BECAUSE IF FOUND DURING THE PERIOD, YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE DAMAGE.

TA’s:You are required to attend minimum 70% of the time to receive a passing grade.

Dear Families,

I have the privilege of having your child in my Algebra 1 class. In order to help every student feel comfortable and capable to contribute to classroom activities, it is important that we work together so that we can create a positive learning environment. Please read through the materials and sign by Wednesday, August 24, 2011. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call, e-mail, or write them on a note for the teacher.


Mr. Gonzalez

832-6600 Ext.


Please sign, and have your student return this to class by Wednesday, August 24, 2011. THANK YOU!

Student Name ______Period______

(Please Print)

I have read and understand the course syllabus, and I am willing to contribute to a successful year.


Student Signature Parent Signature