Date: Thursday, September 10, 2015
Good Morning Stallions and Staff! Today and every day will be the best days of your life. At Sligo, we expect the Best! Sligo’s 2015-2016 There is “Sligo on the Rise”. Thanks Drew Fisher.
I am ______, ______, ______we are your fellow Morning Announcers. And if you wish to participate in sharing morning announcements, please inquire in the Main Office.
Please stand for the pledge of allegiance to our American Flag:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic
For which it stands, One nation Under God, Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all Thanks! You may now be seated.
Today’s Quotation: “A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles. So, today smile”. Written by Washington Irving. Wow! Stallions, I can’t see you smiling. Just Smile! I’m smiling, everybody’s smiling.
The 2015-2016 Sligo Middle School Vision Statement: Sligo Middle School is a professional learning community who believes in academic excellence for all students. Through a collaborative, rigorous instructional program, we provide a positive, safe, supportive learning environment where students become skilled, productive members of a global society.
Here are just a few reminders:
- Just a daily reminder that BEST students are asked to place your breakfast tray on the carts located in the hallway before first period. Thanks for the on-going support to this request.
- This is a very reminder from the desk of Ms. Monroe in room 113: Attention Students! All SSL forms for service performed during the summer are due to Ms. Monroe, SSL coordinator by September 25. Students, remember to write in a paragraph in blue or black ink.
- TODAY! This is a Best Buck Store Update: TODAY - Thursday Sept 10 (and next Thursday) - 7th and 8th grade ONLY during BEST 8:15-8:35. 6TH Graders you can visit the Best Buck on next Wednesday - 6th grade ONLY during BEST 8:15-8:35. As a reminder students must have staff permission and present a pass from their BEST teacher and have at least 5 BEST bucks in order to visit the BEST Buck store.
S’TEAM has return again this school year. Our afterschool program S'TEAM Sligo will be meeting on the following dates: Sessions will be held in room 104, 108, 214, or the following days from 3-5:20
- TODAY - 9/9, 9/10, 9/16, 9/17, 9/25 . S'TEAM Sligo Community Day Festival is Saturday - 9/26 9:00 - 4:00pm
- Everybody is getting ready now for Back to School Night on Thursday, September 24th at 7pm. Earlier, the same night, The Health Education Information Night will convene from 5:30 pm to 6:00 pm
- Once again this week, please allow me to announce that Ms. Taylor-Rubin will be sponsoring Girls on the Run again this year. “Girls on the Run, Heart and Sole. However, registration is full for the fall 2015 season. For those who are registered, we will meet next Tuesday and Thursday, at 3:05p.m. in room 105. See you then, ladies.”
- September 15, the After School Activity Programs will be officially open. To participate in the activity program, please pick up a parental permission form from the main office or check out the school website for parental permission forms. The activity buses will be in full operation.
- We send a very special Happy Birthday to the following students: Amelie House, Patrick Clayton, Kidus Girma, Oscar Avalos, Camile Clayton, Peter Connaghan, Mariah Smiley, Tess Schmitt, Orlando Velasquez, Kierna, Andrea Castaneda Mazariegos and Jeremiah Sheck.
Special congratulations are extended to Sligo student who are having a high school moments in Algebra 2 at Thanks for sharing with us your undivided attention. We appreciate your kindness and respect. Make today and each day your VERY BEST DAY! Have a most enjoyable DAY and most wonderful week.