Name: ______Period: ______
English II Research Project 2017 - The Glass Castle
Project Description
Sometimes, there is not enough time for you to cover everything that you want to help your friend. When time runs short, you can give them brochures with helpful information. You will research one topic that is represented inThe Glass Castle. You will use what you learn to create a brochure.
Research Topics:
Effects of having an alcoholic parent
Mental Illness
Child Welfare laws
Resilience of children(may need two database articles for this topic instead of a book)
Child abuse and neglect
Sexual Abuse
Foster Care/Child Protective Services
Domestic violence
*I highly recommend you bring a flash drive to class each day.
Topic: ______Approval: ______
Final due date: FRIDAY, MAY 12TH
What your Final Product Will Look Like:
Steps to create the brochure:
1. Front cover: Creative title and symbolic visual that is school appropriate!
2. Inside Left: Definition of your topic (what it is, who it effects the most, where it
3. Inside center: Causes/effects and a data chart or graph
4. Inside Right: Where to get help (rehabilitation centers, hotlines, etc.)
5. Back: How does your topic relate to a particular character in The Glass Castle? This should be at least 6-7 sentences!
Brochure model:
PHS HONOR CODE (directly from the Student Handbook):
Students attending Pearland High School are expected to conduct themselves honorably in pursuit of their education. We believe students are responsible for maintaining and supporting the academic integrity of the school by completing all assigned work, activities, and tests in an honorable process without engaging in cheating, fraud, plagiarism, or prohibitive electronic assistance.
- Plagiarism:Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to:
- Presenting someone else’s work as your own, including the copying of language, structure, programming, computer code, ideas, and/or thoughts of another without proper citation or acknowledgement.
- Copying word for word, without using quotation marks or giving credit to the source of the material.
- Failing to use proper documentation and bibliography.
- Having someone else do assignments, which are then submitted as one’s own work.
Honor Code Violation Consequences:
1. A student shall receive a “0” for the school work, and is subject to a “U” in conduct, and disciplinary action.
2. Retakes will not be allowed for assignments associated with cheating.
3. A student is not eligible for final exam exemption in course where cheating took place.
Please note: If a student is found in violation of the Honor Code, Ms. McMinn will write a disciplinary referral to his or her supervising assistant principal, and will notify your parents/guardians.
Project Grading:
- Brochure:
- 20 POINTS = Front cover: Creative title and symbolic visual that is school appropriate!
- 20 POINTS =Inside Left: Definition of your topic (what it is, who it effects the most, where is it most prevelant)
- 20 POINTS = Inside center: Causes/effects and a data chart or graph
- 20 POINTS = Inside Right: Where to get help (rehabilitation centers, hotlines, etc.)
- 20 POINTS = Back: How does your topic relate to a particular character in The Glass Castle? This should be at least 6-7 sentences!
- Works Cited Page:
- 30 POINTS = At least 3 sources are represented (book (The Glass Castle or library cart book), online database, and other online source)
- 70 POINTS = MLA Formatting
- Typed, 12 point font, Times New Roman
- Guidelines for MLA 8th Edition are followed. See additional handouts in this packet for instructions.
Timeline For Completion:
- Thursday, May 4th: SOURCE #1 – I DAILY GRADE
- Choose topic, start gathering information from Source #1-book (The Glass Castle).
- Have at least 2 pieces of information in the form of handwritten notes from Source #1(The Glass Castle)that supports your chosen topic. Handwrite your notes on your notes page
- Create MLA citation and parenthetical citation on notes page. Due atbeginning of class next day.
- Friday, May 5th:SOURCE #2 – 1 DAILY GRADE
- Sign in to One Drive.
- Create Works Cited page (Word document). Save as: last name_first name_WorksCited
- Type MLA citation from your book source in to your Works Cited page.
- Gather information from Source #2-database. Copy and paste notes onto notes page. Have at least 2 pieces of information from Source #2-databasethat supports your chosen topic.
- Create MLA citation and parenthetical citation on notes page. Copy and paste your MLA citation into Works Cited page.
- Save your notes page as: last name_first name_Source#2notes. Share notes page to my One Drive account.
- Monday, May 8th:SOURCE #3 – 1 DAILY GRADE
- Gather information from Source #3-online source(credible website).Copy and paste notes onto notes page. Have at least 2 pieces of information from Source #3-online sourcethat supports your chosen topic.
- Create MLA citation and parenthetical citation on notes page. Copy and paste your MLA citation into Works Cited page. You should have all 3 sources on your works cited page in alphabetical order by this day.
- Save your notes page as: last name_first name_Source#3notes. Share notes page to my One Drive account. 1 DAILY GRADE
- Tuesday, May 9th:
- Start creating your pamphlet using the notes you gathered from your sources. Begin with front cover and follow the steps on page 1 of this research project packet.
- Wednesday, May 10h-
- Continue creating your pamphlet. You should have Steps 1-3 completed at this point. If not, you need to be working on it for homework
- Thursday, May 11h-
- Continue creating your pamphlet. You should have Steps 1-5 completed at this point. If not, you need to be working on it for homework
- Friday, May 12h-
- You should be finalizing your pamphlet. Share your completed pamphlet(TEST GRADE)and Works Cited page (TEST GRADE) to my One Drive account. ALSO, upload your pamphlet to TURNITIN.COM
10th ELA Research – Library Resources
Library Databases:
Go to the PHS Web site: ( Select Our School, select Library, and then select Databases & Research.
Gale (password = learn)
- Try cross-searching the Academic OneFile, General OneFile, and Student Resources in Context databases. Since you are looking for general information about your topic, try limiting your content type to books first, before looking at results from academic journals and magazines. Results too overwhelming? Try searching the individual databases, starting with Student Resources in Context.
- Click on the Citation Tools tab for the MLA Citation.
- For health related topics, try the Health & Wellness Resource Center. This is essentially an online version of a reference book. Use the following format to cite an article: “Title of Article.” Gale Encyclopedia of Child Health 2. Gale, 2011, pp. #. Health and Wellness Resource Center, URL for article. Be sure to plug in the article title, page range for article, and URL of article.
Facts on File (username = pearlandhs and password= oilers)
- Select the Health Reference Center for topics relating to health.
- Click on the Citation Link at the top of an article to see the citation (use MLA).
EBSCO (username = pearland & password = oilers)
- Start with the Explora Secondary Schools Database.
- When searching, use the search limiters on the left side to help narrow your results. Since you are looking for general information on your topic, try encyclopedias first.
- For the citation, click on the Cite button on the right side of the article and scroll down to MLA format.
Britannica (username = j020908 & password = learn)
- Britannica is an online encyclopedia that provides an overview on a variety of topics.
- Once logged in, click on High.
- For the citation, click on the checkmark icon at the top of the article (use MLA).
Web Sites
You must evaluate the credibility and accuracy of any web sites that you use as a source for this assignment.
Works Cited/Bibliography Resources
Purdue OWL
MLA Handbook, 8th edition (available in the libraries)
MLA 8 – Basic Works Cited Entries
- With MLA 8, citations for all works share the same basic format: Author. Title of Source. Title of Container, Other Contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication Date, Location.
- Omit any citation components that do not apply to the specific work that you are citing.
- Below are examples for the most common resources you will use for research at PHS: books, websites, and database articles.
Citation for an Entire Book
Book with one author:
Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title. Other Contributors (if applicable), edition (if applicable),
Publisher, publication date.
Sharenow, Robert. The Berlin Boxing Club. Scholastic, 2011.
Citation for an Article from a Website
Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article or Page.” Title of the Website, edition (if applicable), number
(vol. and/or no. if applicable), Publisher (if different from name of site), publication date, URL or DOI.
Smith, Lindsay N. “10 Ultimate National Parks Adventures.” National Geographic, 28 Apr. 2017,
- Author: if the author of the article isn’t given, omit the author and start with the title of the article/page.
- Publisher: only include the name of the company/organization who published the web site if it the name of the company is different than the name of the web site.
- Publication date: use the specific date for the article/page (If there is no date listed for the article/page, use the copyright year for the web site (usually at the very bottom of the page) as the publication date.
- Location: omit the or from the beginning of the URL.
- Omit the article title if you are citing an entire web site.
- At the end of the entry, you can include the date that you accessed the article (example: Accessed 2 May 2017.) Be sure to include this information if there is no date at all (not even a copyright year) for the web site and/or at your teacher’s request.
Citation for an Article Retrieved in a Database
Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of article.” Title of Magazine, Newspaper, or Journal, edition (if
applicable), volume (if applicable), number (if applicable), publication date, page numbers. Title of database, URL or DOI.
Cunningham, Josh. "School Choice Gets a Boost." State Legislatures, vol. 43, no. 2, 2017, p. 7. Academic
- Most of our databases provide citations; click on the citation link (usually on the top, right of the article). Be sure to use the citation for MLA 8, and copy the citation EXACTLY as it appears.
Citation Resources
- Purdue OWL, Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab
- EasyBib
- MLA Handbook 8th Edition (available in the PHS Libraries)
Sample Format for Works Cited Page
My Last Name3
Works Cited
“Capital Punishment.”Student Resource Center.Detroit: Gale, 2010.StudentResourceCenter–
Gold. Web. 31 Mar. 2011.
Dieter, Richard C. “What Politicians Don’t Say About the High Costs of the Death Penalty.”
Studies in ProlifeFeminismWntr1995: 11+.General OneFile. Web. 31 Mar. 2011.
Flanders, Stephen A.Capital Punishment.New York: Facts on File, 1991. Print.
Gottfried, Ted.Capital Punishment: Death Penalty Debate.Springfield:Enslow, 1997. Print.
MLA Format in Word 2013 for Works Cited Page
Type your Works Cited Page up as the final page in your paper.
Leave the header, font, and spacing the same for the Works Cited page.
Works Cited (Title)
Center the words Works Cited at the top of the page. Highlight the words, click on the Home tab, and click on the Center Alignment button.
Formatting Your Citations
Your citations need to be double-spaced. The first line of each entry is aligned with the left margin, and the additional lines are indented. Use the paragraph launcher to set up the formatting automatically.
Click on the Home tab, and click on the little arrow to the right of the word Paragraph. Then,
Make sure that the Alignment is set to Left.
In the Indentation section, change Special to Hanging.
Under Spacing, make sure Before and After are set to 0pt.
Under Line Spacing, change it to Double.