Leisure Lake Property Owners’ Association
Spring General Membership Meeting
May 18, 2014
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Bob Gross at 1:02 p.m.
Roll Call: Present were President Bob Gross, Vice-President C Ray Smith, Treasurer Jennifer Abitz, Precinct 1 Larry Herrington, Precinct 2 Gina Mascarella, Precinct 3 Cathy Brenner, Precinct 4 Joyce Whitney, Precinct 5 Ted Simon, Precinct 6 Barb Buhle, Precinct 7 Dan Kinsley, Precinct 8 Steve Althaus. Absent was Secretary Angie Leppert.
Secretary’s Report: In lieu of the Secretary’s absence, a motion was made by Lorin Ahlers to accept the minutes without a formal reading; seconded by Jen Neuman; approved.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was given by Jennifer; a surcharge of $30 will be charged to any member issuing a insufficient check pursuant to Iowa Code; requested members to update their contact information. Steve Niedert made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report, seconded by Susan McAfee; approved.
Presentation for Lake: Del gave a presentation to the membership regarding the restoration and presentation of the lake and the request for an assessment of $300 per year for three (3) consecutive years. Short discussion was held; Mr. Niedert commented that some members are on fixed incomes; Jennifer advised that a payment plan may be entered into; Bobby Jo questioned why absentee ballots were not allowed; absentee ballots are only allowed for a dues structure. A motion was made by Steve Althaus to assess the membership $100 per year for three (3) consecutive years to be paid pursuant to the dues structure; seconded by Elaina Edwards; vote was held by ballot; votes were counted by Mary Hird, Steve Faulhaber and Kathy Brenner; 85 yes – 14 no; approved.
Precinct Reports: Precinct 1 given by Larry Herrington; wells at Daisy Street beach and pavilion tested good; the water test on lake is good. Precinct 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, no reports. Precinct 7 given by Dan Kinsley; culverts are being installed, gully washers are being fixed. Dan asked that members keep their ditches cleaned out. Larry Thompson asked whether there was any money in the road fund and if not, where the money to fix roads is coming from; Jennifer stated that there is no money in road fund; Bob stated that we will be paying for road repair from 2yr road assessment. A member asked about putting a fence around the ditch on his property for insurance purposes because the ditch was too deep. Precinct 8 no report.
Committee Reports: Joyce gave a report for zoning committee; they will be sending out letters regarding zoning violations; a meeting will be held at Jackson County Courthouse to address zoning issues on June 10 at 7:00 p.m.
Barb gave a report on the budget committee; meeting next month.
C. Ray Smith is now head of security and Lynette Calderwood was appointed to chair the entertainment committee.
New Business: Bob reported that 3 boats were removed from Lake street boat ramp area; area around boats not being maintained.
Adjournment: Jim Otrubra made a motion to adjourn; Del Bischoff seconded; motion carried; 2:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Abitz, Treasurer