(Supplementary Order Paper)
Dé Máirt, 4 Márta, 2003
Tuesday, 4th March, 2003
2.30 p.m.
Fógra i dtaobh leasú ar Thairiscint: Notice of amendment to Motion
34.AThat Dáil Éireann:
Caware of the growing public concern and hardship caused by inadequate provision of health, housing and support services for the elderly and people with disabilities;
Cnoting the lack of sufficient subvention in respect of nursing home care and the inadequacy of respite and residential care;
Cdeplores the lengthy waiting lists for disabled persons housing grants, the changes made to the eligibility criteria for such grants and the failure of the current level of disabled persons housing grants to meet demand and modern construction costs;
Cbelieves that this situation will result in further pressure on the overstretched health and housing services;
Ccondemns the Government for its failure to address these and other issues affecting the rights and quality of lives of people with disabilities, the elderly, their families and carers;
and calls on the Minister for the Environment and Local Government and the Minister for Health and Children to immediately bring forward a comprehensive package of measures, including additional finance, to address these crises and to provide for the eradication of such waiting lists.@C Bernard Allen, Olivia Mitchell, Enda Kenny, Richard Bruton, Pat Breen, John Bruton, Paul Connaughton, Simon Coveney, Seymour Crawford, John Deasy, Jimmy Deenihan, Bernard J. Durkan, Damien English, Olwyn Enright, Tom Hayes, Phil Hogan, Paul Kehoe, Padraic McCormack, Dinny McGinley, Paul McGrath, Gay Mitchell, Gerard Murphy, Denis Naughten, Dan Neville, Michael Noonan, Fergus O=Dowd, Jim O=Keeffe, John Perry, Michael Ring, David Stanton, Billy Timmins.
[4 March, 2003]
1. To delete all words after “Dáil Éireann” and substitute the following:
AC recognises the importance of addressing the needs of older persons and people with disabilities;
C acknowledges the significant measures being taken by the Government and the further development of services supporting the needs of older persons and those with disabilities;
C in particular, approves the Government's commitment to put in place an increased level of service provision in line with the Programme for Government;
C commends the actions taken by this Government and the previous Government since 1997 in meeting this commitment which include the allocation of substantial additional funding;
C notes the commitment by the Minister for Health and Children to review the nursing home subvention scheme; and
C acknowledges the significant improvements to the terms, conditions and financing of the disabled persons grant and essential repairs grant schemes in recent years.@ --- An tAire Sláinte agus Leanaí.