1. Organization
** must use paragraphs
· Introduction (MUST HAVE THESIS)
· Body paragraphs (2-4)
· Conclusion
2. Clearly stated and supportable MAIN IDEAS at the BEGINNING of each body paragraph.
(During planning time, WRITE you Main Ideas in complete sentences before you start writing anything else)
3. ADEQUATE Support… (which is MORE than you are comfortable using!)
· You must have 2-4 examples in EVERY body paragraph
· SUPPORT MUST COME FROM THE ARTICLES in paraphrases and SHORT quotations (properly cited.) Your explanations for using the paraphrased/ quoted information is mandatory. (Copying LONG quotes is not acceptable…only use the most important info. from a piece…and ellipsis are to be used to shorten long quotations.)
· To be considered a SYNTHESIS essay- most information should come from all of the pieces presented.
EXAMPLE OF ARGUMENTATION THESIS- Although some may feel __________, (topic of essay) ______________because ______________, _______________, and ___________.
The NEW test wants you to read the passages and find the support for YOURR ideas from the pieces. BUT, you can NOT simply copy out of the passages. You MUST PARAPHRASE (put it into your own words!!)
A PARAPHRASE can be as long as the original in the passage. And, after you paraphrase it, you must CITE (or give credit to the author.) See below:
1. Parenthetical – write the authors last name in parenthesis
For Example- (Steinbeck). The period goes AFTER the parentheses.
2. Or you can name the author in the sentence.
For Example- John Steinbeck suggests….
3. Or you can name both the piece AND the author in the sentence.
For Example- In the novel Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck suggests…