type directly into this form, do not erase any blue font wording


please don’t forget to personalize the doc title by inserting your name

Here is the key to comments on your Three Ideas

As reader looking for an interesting something to read—

LOVEIT ·······This is my favorite

LOVEIT? ······This could be my favorite if there is a little further development

GOOD ········This is interesting

GOOD? ·······This is interesting if there is a little further development

OK ···········This is OKish

OK? ··········This is probably OK if there is a little further development

HMM ·········This doesn’t really get my attention

HMM? ········This might get my attention if there is a little further development

As an instructor, thinking of what changes might be needed going forward, might add something like the below. There are no detailed comments on Step 01. —

DOABLE??? ··This needs a lot more attention spent on feasibility, be sure to consult us if you continue with this one

DOABLE? ·····This needs a little more attention spent on feasibility

DEV! ·········This really needs more development of the idea

DEV ··········This needs more development of the idea

Step 01 — Three Paper Ideas (“Ideas”)

Course: J7B Spring 2009

LASTNAME, First name

Date submitted:

A background in Japanese language or culture is NOT expected in this class, nor do I treat those students who have such background as having an advantage when grading. That being said, there may be some who want to use their Japanese language skills. Therefore:

If you are enrolled or have completed J100 (4th-yr modern Japanese) and are interested in trying to use some Japanese sources, type in “MODERN YES” after this paragraph and we will keep that in mind as we consider topics and, later, source material.

Type here if you wish:

Idea A

Brief description of the idea:

Why it is interesting to you:

Why you think it might be interesting to others:


Idea B

Brief description of the idea:

Why it is interesting to you:

Why you think it might be interesting to others:


Idea C

Brief description of the idea:

Why it is interesting to you:

Why you think it might be interesting to others:


Student’s ranking of ideas (*need something here even if it an explanation as to why you are not ranking): typehere


GRADE (supplied by paper mentor only):

grader’s name:

initial score as number: ## (score as letter grade: XX)

penalties (as percent):

late submissions penalty: 0%

format penalties: 0%

impression that instructions were read casually or hastily (this cannot be higher than 5% for Step01 but can increase beyond that for other steps — please get used to reading all the instruction information): 0%

total penalties: 0%

assignment grade as number (initial score with penalty deductions): ## (this is what is used in the grade book)

FURTHER COMMENTS (may or may not be added): text