The Congress Of These United States:
The Congress of these United States:
Our Legislative Branch
Money and Power
Actually, Power and Money
Power: Party Leadership
Romulus and Remus…
? __________________
? “Once assigned to a committee or subcommittee, a member is expected to specialize in its work and become an _____________ in that area”
? _________________
? “Members look for ______________ in voting on legislation outside their won committee’s field to members of the committee that ________________ in it.”
? _____________, but very powerful rule
? Length of ___________ in office = level of seniority
? Committee chairmen have historically been selected based on seniority
? Lost some strength in the mid 70’s; now the party caucus can use appointments as rewards and punishment
? These days party _________ is also a major factor in appointments to plum positions
? A _______________ of all the members of that party who are serving in a particular house of Congress
? The Republican majority in the House calls its caucus the Republican Conference
? The Caucus/Conference chooses the minority/majority ________ and the _______
? Not to be confused with Presidential caucuses
? Many sub-groups have their own caucus
Majority and Minority Leadership
? Majority Leader – Political Leader
– Steny Hoyer (MD) House; Harry Reid (NV) Senate
? Minority Leader – I’d be the boss if WE were in charge
– John Boehner (OH) House; Mitch McConnell (KY)
? Whips – coordinate party positions
– Name comes from English ______________________
? “Whipper-in” keeps dogs from ______________________
– Counts votes
– Keeps votes in line
Party Loyalty
? __________%!
? ___________: members who show less __________ to their ________ and do not abide by informal rules
? Now, not a single chairman in either side believes they are there because of the leadership. (Dick Army)
Show Me the Money
Revenue and Appropriations
? Appropriation: the ________ authorization to _____________ governmental funds
? How we fund government
? ____________: Ways and Means, Finance
? _____________: Appropriations Committee
? The Big Picture, the whole process: Budget Committees
To spend money you need:
? Authorization (an appropriation)
? Funds (revenue)
? You must have _______________
– A check book with checks but no cash on deposit will get you in trouble
– Cash in the bank, but a lost ATM card still means no ___________
You gotta start somewhere…
? And for money, you start in the _____________________
? Article I, Section 7 (1) All Bills for raising Revenue shall ___________ in the _________ of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.
The 1974 Budget Act
? An attempt to address the lack of a ____________ economic __________
? Set up Budget Committees in each house to review President’s Budget in light of all taxing and spending measures
? _________________ Committees set total spending, tax and debt levels
? Staff for the Budget Committees is the Congressional Budget Office
– Non-partisan, but not impartial
– Legislative/Executive ______________
Fiscal Calendar
? Fiscal means having to do with ______________
? My Budgetary clock is “ticking like this!”
? Federal _____________ Year: October 1 to September 30
? President submits budget in January
? Budget Committees reviews his plan and sets overall taxing and spending levels in a resolution which must be approved by April 15th
? By mid-June, standing committees have made recommendations to Budget Committee, which draws up a _______________ bill.
If they can’t come to agreement, things will shut down, unless they pass a _____________ resolution. Sadly, these are not uncommon.
Line Item Veto
? Declared _________________ in 1998
? No line item veto means the President cannot separate out objectionable items from important, helpful items.
? Throw out the “baby with the bathwater”
? _____________ – a piece of legislation attached as an amendment to another, possible totally unrelated bill
? Oink, oink, oink…
– Pork Barrel Spending
? Bringing home the ______________
? Items of interest to your constituents
? (and in a worst case scenario, of service to no one else!)
? Trent Lott: There are really three parties: Republicans, Democrats and Appropriats
Two Key Terms
? Deficit
? The Federal Government does not require a balanced budget!
? The difference between __________ (receipts) and expenditures (_____________)
? An _____________ measurement of the shortfall
? The opposite of surplus
? Too much spending, not enough money!
? Estimated FFY 2007 deficit: $172 billion (CBO)
? _____________ from $337 in 06!
? Debt
? What we ________________ to cover accumulated deficits
? The interest will eat you alive!
? We _____________ from ourselves and others
? You can have debt without deficits!
? We had balanced budgets (no deficit) in 1998-2001, but we still had debt
? Current debt:
Other Powers
Advise and Consent:
Confirming and Ratifying
? The Senate ____________ the President’s Appointments
? Judicial
? Executive
? Diplomatic
? They can __________ the authority to fill certain “inferior” positions without confirmation
? Again, committees do the work
? A major component of checks and balances
? The Senate Must _______________ all Treaties
? Foreign Relations Committee
? A major component of _________ and ____________
? The Executive retains the power of _____________ on this. (Can you say Kyoto?)
? We brought you into the world and we can take you out! (But they never do…)
? General Accounting Office (The GAO)
– Examines governmental programs and departments
– Looks for fiscal _________, consistency with legislative intent, and ____________ of operations
– Analogous to Legislative Auditors at the state level
? Congress can investigate ____________ it wishes!
? Often viewed as a grandstanding, ___________ activity
? Oh yeah, this really _________ with legislative/ executive tension!
? Joe McCarthy and the House Un-American Activities Committee
? The _________ impeaches; the _______ holds the ___________
? Johnson 1868
? Clinton 1998
– Impeached but _________ convicted
? Nixon 1974
– ______________ instead of facing impeachment
? Federal ____________ can be (and have been) impeached (and convicted)
The War Powers Act
? Congress has not used its constitutional power to declare war since ________
? Criticism of the President’s role in _________ led to the War Powers Act of 1973
? The President may only commit troops abroad for a period of ___ days, (90 if including withdrawal)
? ____________ must approve a longer period
? ______________ vetoed it, they over-rode the veto
? Presidents don’t like it, but tend to go for some sort of authorizing resolution from Congress
? Remember, no matter what, Congress still __________ things!
You Gotta Draw the Line Somewhere…
Apportionment, Incumbency and Reform
I Count!
? 25 cent word for the day: __________ census
? Article 1, Section 2 (3) …the actual _______…within every subsequent Term of ___ years
? The census was created to establish the correct number of voters. (Everything else is bonus, or ___________-constitutional, take your pick!)
? Apportionment
? Mal-apportionment large differences in the _________ of Congressional districts
? Re-Apportionment – the process of re-distributing the populations amongst districts
? _________ – the process of drawing the lines on the maps. Sounds simple, right?
? _________ draw Federal House Lines
– (Why not Senate?)
? Their processes vary dramatically!
Bad Boys, Bad Boys…
? ____________ – Governor Eldridge Gerry’s Salamander shaped district
? Drawing district lines for _____________ purposes
? Packing and Cracking
– Packing – putting _______ of your people in one district
– Cracking – ______________ out the opposition so they can’t win
? As Little Texas says: God Blessed Texas…It ain’t boring!
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Changes in Apportionment
? Here Come the Judge: Baker v. Carr
– Apportionment is _____________; they will go “into the thicket”
? “I Want to Soak Up the Sun”
– Population _____________ to the Sunbelt means Yankees are loosing seats.
? Big Guns, like Delay are purported to be involved in state level issues
? ______________ is solidifying
No More Snow for Me!
? Incumbency:
– Being the ____________ officeholder
? Advantages:
– Staff
– _______________ (mail)
– Publicity
? Disadvantages
– We hate the __________ of incumbency
? _____________ pays off for incumbents!
? In 2006 ___% of House members and ___% of Senators won re-elections
? Term Limits
? 23 States have passed term limits for their officials
? Federal Officials remain ___________
? Arkansas’s little role in all this:
? US TERM LIMITS vs Thornton
? Some at the Federal level have volunteered to “self-limit”
? (and generally failed to keep the promise)
? Generally, the trend is ___________
Campaign Finance Reform
? _____________ it!
Congress In a Nutshell
? A House and a Senate makes a _________
? ______ of Bills
– Few pass
? _________ rich, Heavy on the __________
? LOTS of _________
– But less than there once was
? At the Moment: ____________ Controlled
? ___________ are where the work gets done
? They legislate, appropriate, confirm and ratify, oversee and investigate
? _______________ by design
? _____________, with Checks and Balances
? Where we all have a _________
? Where ________ laws are made
____ congress: they _______ for ____