Boise Brave ParentsParent Board MeetingMay 6, 2014
Attendance: Amy Kohlmeier, Katie Rotchford, Carol Hembree, Theresa Ryden, Cyndi Eyolfson, Joan Wong, Robin Ivanoff, Tani Theiler, Cindy Gustavsen, Gail Inch, Louise Poole, Suzanne Hughes, Shauna Waller, Connie Simpson, Barb Egland, Beth Bogue, Jennifer Jones, BJ Klotz, Cherilyn Blender, Molly Mannschreck, Wendi Pennington, Justin Peters .
Call to Order: Carol Hembree called the meeting to order at 3:33 p.m. Carol gave the floor to Theresa Ryden to give the Secretary’s report.
Secretary’s Report
Theresa Ryden (Secretary): Carol Hembree emailed minutes from the April 1, 2014 Board Meeting to the Board. Theresa Ryden presented the minutes from the April 1, 2014 Board Meeting. No questions were raised.
Action: BJ Klotz moved that we approve the April 1st minutes. Barb Egland seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Principal’s Report
Amy Kohlmeier (Principal): Thank you for the wonderful taco bar lunch! Prom at the Pen was very successful! The students had a great time! It was very organized and warm in the tents despite the cool temperature. The ice cream social was great! Leadership did a super job on the Academic Assembly. Next year Jeff Roberts will be joining the Boise High faculty and staff as assistant principal. This brings the number of assistant principals to four which is what Boise High originally had under Mr. Anderson. Jeff was the athletic director and a teacher at Les Bois Junior High. Mrs. Wendy Hartman is retiring. Laurel Telly will fill her position. Laurel is a former student of Mrs. Hartman’s and is a teacher and musician. She has a Masters from University of North Carolina. April 25th was the election assembly. The seniors went to the auditorium to listen to Tiana Tozer speak on making choices. Amy and a student visited Lucille Eastman, a 1933 Boise graduate, at a nursing home. Lucille is 99 years old and was the “E” in B-O-I-S-E. They brought her Boise High gifts including a sweatshirt with B-O-I-S-E spelled out by the historical group. She was also in the tumbling club. Boise won the National Oceanic Science competition. The students involved will go to Maine this summer. Usually Arcadia in Louisiana wins. They were very surprised to see land-locked Boise take the championship!
Faculty Report
Katie Rotchford (Faculty Representative):
From Doug Stanweins: The Boise Architecture Project students at Boise High are putting the finishing touches on the ten documentary films they have made about Boise history and its architecture. They can be found on Youtube by searching Building Boise or Boise Architecture Project.
Sports Medicine: ATHLETIC PHYSICALS for incoming freshmen and juniors will be held on June 5th at the Caven-Williams Indoor Practice Facility at BSU. Cost is $20. Individual letters are being mailed out with forms included. All money comes directly back to support the Sports Medicine department. Also, the Sports Medicine students are preparing to compete in the National Competition on May 19. Phase I is an online test with top finishers going on to Phase II which enables them to win a scholarship. In the past several students have been high finishers but none have advanced to Phase II. Hoping to change that this year!
Jennifer Robbins Smith: My sophomores have just finished reading the book Ishmael which deals with our growing crisis of resource depletion, climate change, etc. One class period in particular was so concerned and inspired by the book that they wanted to do something as opposed to simply talking about it. During their Socratic Seminar last week, they asked if they could work together to create some activities that might actually make an impact in their community. I have always wanted this sort of response, but I never felt comfortable mandating it. So, I offered to give them class time to work on these projects in lieu of the presentation the other classes will be doing. On Friday they came up with three projects they would like to try to accomplish before the end of the year even though they may not be implemented until next year. A couple of these ideas Amy H., Cathy B., and I tried to implement a few years ago with a student club. We did not get much support from the district, but I still think it is good for these students to experience this real world process. One of the projects involves Turn-Off Day: A day to ask all teachers, staff and students to use as little power as possible (we’re planning for May 19th, and Amy has already approved the project). The other two ideas are large scale and would involve more widespread involvement of staff. One group wants to look into the potential of having cafeteria waste composted for the gardens, and another group wants to apply for a Solar 4R Schools grants from Idaho Power for solar panels for the school (Capital did this several years ago, but they are the only BSD school participating.) Again, I don’t know where they’ll get with this, especially given the time constraints, but Amy is on board, and they are enthusiastic about these projects. We also have some great resources in Ali Ward, who has agreed to help with the composting project, and Cheryl Howe, who helped get the solar panels at Capital.
Sharon Hanson: A big thank you to Brave Parents for the grant I received for literature circle books this year. My students are almost finished with their reads, and the response has been only positive. Students have learned so much from the books themselves, from their discussions, and from the connections they are making to material in other classes and current events. The two favorites this year are Devil in the White City and Boys in the Boat.
Humanitarian Club: Humanitarian Club’s International Day was a huge success with Boise High students performing African dance, Nepalese dance, and Basque dance. We also had students in an African choir sing and dance in eleven different classes during the day. Friday we celebrated with an international potluck.
Boise High Orchestra (Mrs. Hartman): The Pops Concert/Awards night is next Thursday, May 15 at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. I have been told that there is going to be a (formerly surprise) Retirement Concert/Alumni Celebration for me on May 21st at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. I don’t have any details. Megan Montague is in charge. I just know that I’d love to see all my former students and their parents one more time.
Boise High Band: Four Boise High Band students placed at State Solo competition: Amy Krutz-oboe- first place; Michele Hembree-French horn -first place; Jordan Miller-alto sax-second place; Peter Lindquist-trombone-third place.
Baseball: A big thank you for the recent grant and for all you do!
Video Broad-casting: Video Broad-casting class has been enjoying the GoPro thus far. Footage from the camera was used for some short segments in a teacher’s evaluation.
Student Report
Justin Peters (Student Representative): The prom was a huge success! Students danced to the bitter end! Teacher Appreciation Week is going well. Some teachers are receiving gift baskets with cookies and letters. The Senior Assembly went well. Seniors need to check the Facebook page for the senior party. Carol will send Katie the Facebook link.
Committee Reports
Suzanne Hughes and Shauna Waller (Ice Cream Social): The ice cream social was wonderful with 280 seniors, 218 juniors, and 217 sophomores served. Detailed grocery lists have been kept for future events.
Barb Egland and Connie Simpson (Character Education): The Brave Empowerment Network (B.E.N.) is putting on the Ben-b-que and including a story slam at the football field Saturday from 12:00-3:00 p.m. Sumo wrestling competitions will also be staged. B.E.N. has been very frugal with their funds and worked hard getting food donations. Also, therapy dogs were available to help with stress after A.P. exams. There will be some B.E.N. reorganization for next year. Mr. Adams’ wife had a baby!
Carol Hembree: The two student parking spots are up for bid in the online auction! It ends at 10:00 p.m. next week. Regarding the following, we really need one more Brave Weekly person. We also need senior party volunteers.
2014-2015 Board Commitments are as follows:
EXECUTIVE BOARD: President-Amy Rustad; Vice-President-Kristin Sinclair; Secretary-Theresa Ryden; Treasurer-Joan Wong; Assistant Treasurer-pending.
COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Academic Liaisons-Suzanne Hughes and Shauna Waller; Activities Liaison-Therese Patek; Athletics Liaison-Wendi Pennington; Brave Weekly-Carol Hembree and pending; Character Education/B.E.N.-Connie Simpson; Fundraising Chair-Cherilyn Blender; Hospitality-Tani Theiler and Robin Ivanoff; Membership-Cindy Gustavsen and Cissy Madigan; Public Relations-Jennifer Jones and Gail Inch; Volunteer Coordinator-Louise Poole; Spirit Wear-BJ Klotz.
A.P. Exams: David Chehey has asked for $1,000.00 for A.P. exams.
Action: BJ Klotz moved that we approve the $1,000.00. Connie Simpson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Cherilyn Blender (Fundraising): The Stuekle Sky Center has been reserved for Saturday, March 14th from 6:00-11:30 p.m. for the Brave Fundraiser! The possible theme is a theatrical “whodunit.”
Treasurer’s Report
Cyndi Eyolfson (Treasurer): Funds were transferred as discussed per last meeting. B.E.N. is not a grant; it’s a line item. A.P. snack receipts need to be in by June 6th for Cindy to be able to close out books.
Boise Brave ParentsTreasurer Report
May 6, 2014
Bank of Cascades / Braves Dues / Braves Fundraising / Total
Prior Treasurers Report / 4/1/2014 / 57,264.77 / 21,468.82 / 0.00 / 78,733.59
Interest Income / 0.94 / 0.94
Member T-shirts / (192.50) / (192.50)
Ice Cream Social / (1,416.00) / (1,416.00)
Senior Graduation Party / 749.83 / 749.83
Transfer between accounts / (37,000.00) / (16,000.00) / 53,000.00 / 0.00
Cash Balance in Brave Accounts / 4/30/2014 / 21,015.54 / 5,276.32 / 51,584.00 / 77,875.86
Technology Account
Beginning Balance / 22,177.76
Hewlett Packard R1400417 / (249.00)
Hewlett Packard R1400443 / (249.00)
Lenovo R1400442 / (1,598.00)
Hewlett Packard R1400505 / (498.00)
Hewlett Packard R1400566 / (498.00)
Hewlett Packard R1400499 / (249.00)
Hewlett Packard R1400566 / ($498.00)
Apple iMacs #199401 / ($1,000.00)
Gov Connection R1400797 / ($1,157.68)
Hewlett Packard R1400780 / ($249.00)
Troxell R1400670 / ($474.00)
Bank of America - / ($413.97)
Hewlett Packard R140199 / ($249.00)
Troxell R1401103 / ($474.00)
Hewlett Packard #199407 / ($796.87)
Digital Edge R1401300 / ($1,109.25)
Bank of America #124144 / ($109.00)
ASUS Laptop / ($379.00)
Troxell (document camera) / ($337.00)
Amazon (ASUS computers) / ($9,360.00)
BofA (ASUS laptop) / ($308.88)
Lenovo R1403056 / ($642.00)
Hewlett Packard R1403064 / ($286.50)
Tek-Hut (Lenovo batteries) / ($239.98)
Balance 1/31/14 / 752.63
Remaining Grants
BRYDGES $19.04
HOWE $329
WARD $20.10
HARTMAN $15.60
BEN $280.34
FYI: Snack donations for A.P. testingDue now
Grant Assessments DueFriday, May 9th
Last Day for SeniorsFriday, May 23rd
Yearbook DistributionFriday, May 23rd
Senior Graduation, Picnic & PartyTuesday, May 27th
Teacher Appreciation LuncheonMonday, June 2nd
Last Day of SchoolWednesday, June 4th
Next Meeting will be Wednesday, May 14th at 11:45 a.m. at the Cottonwood Grille
Meeting adjourned at 4:32 p.m.Respectfully submitted by Theresa Ryden, Secretary