ABA Criminal Justice Section Member Benefits
The following are some of the benefits that you will receive if you join the Section:
- Four times a year, Criminal Justice Magazine brings you critical analyses of groundbreaking court decisions, legislation, and other developments that affect practice in the criminal justice field.
- Criminal Justice Section Newsletter offers news and valuable practice tips, including a special section on ethics and professionalism and advice for judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys. It is published three times per year.
- Squibb briefs of Supreme Court criminal law casesprovide timely summaries of criminal law decisions as well as links to the actual opinions as they are rendered.
- E-News provides monthly updates on Section activities and criminal justice happenings.
- Weekly Criminal Justice News Round-Upprovides synopses of criminal law-related issues in national news.
- CLE sessions provide trainingon current topics of interest by the country’s leading criminal justice experts. Annual programs on anti-money laundering and white collar crime are supplemented by teleconferences and institutes on other subjects of interest to criminal justice professionals.
- Opportunities to mentor law students and young lawyers interested in pursuing criminal law as a career.
- Discounts on practice-related publicationspublished throughout the year.
- Committees and networking opportunities. Committee membership can help you stay on top of emerging practice issues, shape policy, and improve the criminal justice system, whether you only want to receive committee materials or take on a leadership role. You can view our list of committees at
- provides a wealth of information about the Section – policy initiatives, recommendations on current criminal law issues, publications, information on meetings and committee activities, an online Section directory and much more. You also can access email-based discussion groups managed by members of the Section.
Join the ABA Criminal Justice Section
Please fill out the attached application and return it to the address on the reverse side of this form. You may also enroll online at by phone at 800-285-2221.
ABA Criminal Justice Section
2009-2010 Member Enrollment Form
Enroll me in the Criminal Justice Section
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Phone numberFax number
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Annual dues for ABA Lawyer and Associate Members – $45
Check payable to American Bar Association American Express® MasterCard® Visa®
Account NumberExpiration Date
Membership in the ABA is a prerequisite to enrollment in ABA Sections. If you are interested in receiving ABAmembership information call 800-285-2221or visit
Return completed application to:
ABA Membership/Application Processing
321 North Clark Street
Chicago, IL60654-7598
Phone:(800) 285-2221
Fax:(312) 988-5528