Farmers Associated to Conserve the Environment (FACE)




INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………………………… 4 - 5

BACKGROUND …………………………………………………………………………………….. 5





PARTICIPANTS / BENEFICIARIES ………………………………………………………….. 10

CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………………………………………… 10

RECOMMENDATIONS ………………………………………………………………………… 11


Annex 1: Stakeholders Identification & Analysis Report

Annex 2: Constitution and By-laws

Annex 3: Term of Reference

Annex 4: Strategic Plan

Annex 5: List of BCFF Members


BCFF Bomi County Forest Forum

CFF County Forest Forum

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization

FACE Farmers Associated to Conserve the Environment

FDA Forestry Development Authority

MIA Ministry of Internal Affairs

MLME Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy

MOA Ministry of Agriculture

NFF National Forest Forum

NFP National Forest Program


The Farmers Associated to Conserve the Environment (FACE) was contracted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in collaboration with the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) to provide technical support for the preparation and establishment of the Bomi County Forest Forum.

In executing its mandate under the contract, FACE conducted series of activities commencing with a stakeholder identification and analysis study. The study was designed to identify stakeholders of forest issues in Bomi County at the chiefdom, district and county levels; and to analyze their various characteristics; interests, concerns; interaction between different stakeholders; proximity to forests, power relations; local knowledge related to sustainable forest resources management; culture & forests/forest resources links, and pre-existing customary rights to forest resources. The study also sought to analyze the organizational capacity of groups for effective rules and accountable decision-making about forest goods and services; options for bringing together the unorganised groups to facilitate the building of their capacity to ensure their effective participation in the NFP process; and any potential opposition of individuals or groups to the formation of the CFF.

After the stakeholder identification and analysis process, FACE conducted three consultative and awareness workshops for members of several stakeholder groupings from all four districts of Bomi County.

The purpose of the workshops was to sensitize the various stakeholders (some of whom became members of the BCFF) on issues of sustainable forest management as well as key issues in the National Forestry Law of 2006 and the various FDA regulations relating to sustainable forest management in Liberia. The workshop also served as a platform for consulting the stakeholders on issues of sustainable forest management and the establishment of the Bomi County Forest Forum. The various stakeholder groupings who participated in the workshops were identified during the stakeholder identification and analysis study.

A term of reference was created for members of the Bomi County Forest Forum; after which, twenty-five (25) persons representing all stakeholder groupings from the four districts were selected to become the initial members of the Bomi County Forest Forum. The selection was done based on consultations with stakeholders, including local authorities and elders in the various districts.

Additionally, FACE developed the BCFF’s Constitution and By-laws and a five-year strategic plan. All of these documents were prepared in collaboration with the full membership of the Bomi County Forest Forum.

At the initial meeting of the full membership of the group, it elected its leadership and adopted its Constitution and By-laws. The BCFF was subsequently launched on December 17, 2010.


The concept of the County Forest Forum (CFF) was envisioned by the FDA, FAO and the National Forest Program Facility in their bid to support the smooth operation of the National Forest Forum (NFF) by including stakeholders from the county, district and chiefdom levels. The CFF was simultaneously being established in all fifteen counties of Liberia.

The Partnership established between the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) of Liberia and the National Forest Programme Facility of FAO is based on a concept note prepared by FDA, setting up a framework for implementation of the process over a three-year period.

The main purpose of the partnership is to establish effective mechanisms and structures for multi-stakeholders dialogue aimed at: (i) sustainable management of Liberia’s forests; (ii) equitable sharing of the benefits and responsibilities from the forest; and (iii) efficient conflict resolution during forest management and utilization.

It was against this backdrop that FACE was contracted to provide technical support for the preparation and establishment of the Bomi County Forest Forum. FACE hired a consultant who was ably assisted by three regular FACE staffs. The consultant’s work was defined by a term of reference developed by the FDA.


The main purpose of the activities under this agreement is to prepare and establish the County Forest Forum (CFF) of Bomi County. The specific objectives of this Agreement are the following:

(i) Specific Objective 1: In consultation with key partners (eg. FDA, Communities), conduct stakeholder identification and analysis at the chiefdom, district and county levels in the assigned county;

(ii) Specific Objective 2: Prepare materials for awareness raising on the County Forest Forum; and

(iii) Specific Objective 3: Set up and implement the County Forest Forum. This included the preparation of the BCFF’s guiding documents as well as coaching and mentoring.


To ensure full technical assistance to the formation of the Bomi County Forest Forum, FACE employed various methods, including a stakeholder identification and analysis studies, awareness and education awareness workshops, coaching and mentoring of BCFF members, and a participatory approach to the development of the group’s guiding documents.

The stakeholder identification and analysis study was conducted using four major methods, including personal interviews, community interviews, meetings and observation. The awareness and education workshops were conducted in a participatory manner, allowing participants to freely contribute to the discussions.

All of the processes that led to the full establishment of the BCFF were fully participatory and consultative, including the selection of BCFF members and the development of the group’s guiding documents, such as the Constitution, and strategic plan.


During the duration of the project, several key activities were undertaken which was intended to fulfil the objectives of the project. All of the expected results under this project were achieved. The activities undertaken include a stakeholder identification and analysis study; awareness and education workshops; development of the BCFF founding documents (term of reference, strategic plan, and Constitution and By-laws); selection and election of BCFF membership and leadership; and the launching of the BCFF.

Stakeholder Identification and Analysis Study

FACE conducted a study for identification and analysis of stakeholders. The study was designed to identify stakeholders of forest issues in Bomi County at the chiefdom, district and county levels; and to analyze their various characteristics (See Annex 1 for full report). The study was conducted using four major methods, including personal interviews, community interviews, meetings and observation.

In the course of the study, FACE identified and categorized a total of twelve (12) major stakeholder groups who directly affect and are affected by the usage and management of the forest. These major stakeholder groups are most likely to have greater impact on the establishment of the Bomi County Forest Forum. However, the FACE research team also identified some other smaller and less influential groups who are not listed, but characteristics and interests were taken into account during the study. These smaller groups share similar interest and concerns with the major stakeholder groups listed in this report.

The stakeholder identification and analysis process greatly aided the selection of the Bomi County Forest Forum. Membership to the group was determined based on the findings of the stakeholder identification and analysis study.

Awareness and Education Workshops

In furtherance of activities leading to the formation of the Bomi County Forest Forum (BCFF), FACE conducted three consultative and awareness workshops for members of several stakeholder groupings from all four districts of Bomi County. The three workshops were conducted in Senjeh, Klay and Suehn-Mecca Districts; the workshop conducted in Klay District included participants from both Klay and Dewoin Districts.

During each workshop, the FACE facilitators introduced the participants to key issues in the National Forestry Law of 2006 and related FDA regulations. The participants were also exposed to various topics on sustainable forest management. Specifically, participants were taught their obligations and benefits under the law. They were also taught the importance of sustainable forest management and the consequences to their lives and the environment if the forest is ill-managed. The workshops were highly participatory in which the participants raised several issues and made some suggestions on ways of ensuring sustainable forest management in Liberia.

The workshops broadened the knowledge of the participants on issues of sustainable forest management as well as key issues in the National Forestry Law of 2006 and the various FDA regulations relating to sustainable forest management in Liberia. Most of the members of the BCFF attended this workshop, which orientated them to the National Forestry Law of 2006 and the various FDA regulations.

Additionally, FACE conducted a workshop on fundraising. The workshop exposed the BCFF to fundraising techniques and sources.

Development of the BCFF Founding Documents

FACE also developed some guiding documents for the use of the BCFF. These documents included a term of reference, a Constitution and By-laws and a five-year strategic plan. All of these documents were prepared in collaboration with the membership of the BCFF as well as other stakeholders in Bomi County. The Constitution and strategic plan were vetted and adopted by the full membership of the BCFF.

The BCFF Strategic Plan was developed through a two-day brainstorming process involving its membership. The brainstorming process provided valuable raw data upon which the strategic plan is written.

The full implementation of the Strategic Plan will enable the BCFF make enormous impact in the fulfilment of its mission, goals and Strategic Objectives. All of these documents along with policies to be developed will work in harmony for the smooth operations of the BCFF.

Selection and Election of BCFF Membership and Leadership

Based on the findings of the stakeholder identification and analysis study, twenty-five persons were selected to become members of the BCFF, representing all stakeholder category and all districts in Bomi County. BCFF members were selected based on consultation with stakeholders, including local authorities and elders in the various districts.

The twenty-five BCFF members include twenty persons representing different stakeholders groups at the district level, and five persons representing government ministries/agencies, including FDA, EPA, MOA, MIA, and MLME.

Subsequently, the twenty-five BCFF members met and elected their leadership, including a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer and an Assistant Secretary as stipulated in the BCFF’s Constitution. The elections were conducted by representatives from FACE, FDA and EPA.

Launching of the BCFF

After the composition of its membership and leadership, and with the adoption of its Constitution and By-laws and other guiding documents, the BCFF was launched on December 17, 2010.

The launching program was held in Tubmanburg, Bomi County and was facilitated by FACE. Several persons attended the program, including the Bomi County officials, the membership of the BCFF, representatives of Government agencies and several members of the public.

The Bomi County Forest Forum, as being fully established, remains a vital partner in the promotion of sustainable forest management in Liberia.


The project team comprised 4 members: the consultant and three FACE staff. A vehicle (Toyota Pickup) was hired, and hotel accommodation (lodging and feeding) provided during field trips to Bomi County. The project team also got some meaningful assistance from local officials, community based groups, private individuals and regulatory agencies.


In the course of the project, FACE identified and categorized a total of twelve (12) major stakeholder groups who directly affect and are affected by the usage and management of the forest from all four districts of Bomi County. FACE also identified and worked with some other smaller and less influential groups who were not listed, but characteristics and interests were taken into account during the implementation of the project.

Specifically, FACE interviewed forty persons (both males and females) during the stakeholder identification and analysis study, and interacted with several other persons during the implementation of the project. A total of sixty-five persons (both males and females) attended the three awareness and education workshops.


Sustainable forest management is a participatory endeavour. A sustainable management process involves all stakeholder groupings at various levels of society, including community, county and national stakeholders. Greater participation of citizens in the management process is significant to the overall effectiveness of the National forestry law and the various FDA regulations. As the participants stated during the project, regular consultations at all levels, especially involving affected communities, are necessary in the sustainable management of the forest.

As such, the Bomi County Forest Forum is a vital vehicle in initiating consultations at the community and county levels. Efforts should also be made to create forest forums at the district and clan levels for efficiency and effectiveness in communication and consultations at those levels; the lower level forums should work closely with the county forums. If they are composed correctly and made functional, these forest forums will serve as strong partners of the FDA in the sustainable management of the forest in Liberia.

However, the success of the Bomi County Forest Forum depends on the general support of all stakeholders, including the Bomi County officials and FDA. The full commitment of the group membership is also vital to its overall success.


Based on findings from the project, FACE recommends the following:

1. That the National Government institutes a program for training local people in alternative ways of agriculture – farming, fishery and animal husbandry;

2. That the Government addresses the issue of rural poverty by creating job opportunities and prioritizing education;

3. That the FDA maintains representatives at the district level, and the forest forum also be initiated at the district and clan levels;

4. That the Bomi County Forest Forum be given full support by local and national authorities, and the citizenry of Bomi County;

5. That the Government ensures that companies always fulfil their obligations to affected communities.