Model Interchange Working Group (MIWG) Minutes
07 January 2013
Attendance: Etienne Brosse – SOFTEAM, Fatma Dandashi – MITRE, Peter Denno – NIST, Simon Moore – Atego, Pete Rivett – Adaptive, Ed Seidewitz – Model Driven Solutions
The following is a summary of our January 07, 2013 telecon. Let me know if you have any corrections. Our next telecon will be Monday January 14at 10:00 AM EST (3:00 PM UTC).
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Status of Release 13:
There have been no further submissions to Release 13 since November.
Simon said that Atego has generated submissions for the UPDM tests, but he is not entirely satisfied with them. He will try to get the fixes done and the submissions posted by the end of this week, but it may take until the end of next week.
Modelio has submitted to all Release 13 test cases except Test Case 19. Etienne said they still are having problems with Test Case 19, but he is hoping to be able to submit by January 21 (two weeks).
If Atego, at least, is able to submit this week, we will evaluate at our next telecon on January 14 whether to finally make Release 13 public.
Status of Release 13:
There has been no additional work done on the next two UPDM test cases, TCs 21 and 22.
Ed has now completed a total of 11 additional UML 2.3 test cases, which are committed on the trunk as TCs 23 to 33. These include the TCs on Components, Deployments and Templates discussed in Burlingame, as well as additional test cases covering Parameter Sets and Activity and Action modeling not previously tested. These TCs bring the total UML 2.3 metaclass coverage up to 83%. The majority of the remaining uncovered metaclasses have to do with additional Interaction modeling capabilities, for which there are already known interchange issues in UML 2.3, and Timing, which is most commonly used in conjunction with Interactions.
Simon will try out proposed Test Cases 26 (Classifier Templates) and 27 (Activities: Data Store Related) and report if he finds any issues.
Charting MIWG as a SIG:
The idea of officially chartering MIWG as a SIG received a fairly favorable response in discussions in Burlingame. Pete took an action to draft a proposed charter for review by the group.
Closed Actions:
None this week
Open Actions:
130107-01 Draft a SIG charter – Pete
111128-01 Check in model files – Vendors (note: need a discussion of where the model files should be put)
111128-02 Recreate models that do not exist – Vendors (note: need to decide which vendor should do each of the missing model files)
111212-01 Provide an explanation on the MIWG Wiki of why both valid.xmi and valid-canonical.xmi files are needed, and add links to this explanation in all of the test cases where they are shown – Ed
111212-03 Update the roadmap for MIWG test cases – Sandy/All
111212-04 Baseline the MIWG testing process – Sandy/All
111219-02 Modify the namespaces in a copy of the MIWG test case XMI files to specify UML 2.4.1, and rerun these test cases to determine which test cases are incompatible with UML 2.4.1 -- Vendors that support UML 2.4.1 including No Magic and Sparx
111219-04 Indicate if your tool can import canonical XMI, and if so, which of the MIWG test case canonical XMI files can be imported by your tool – Vendors
Wiki Updates:
Refer to Model-Interchange Wiki at latest information. These minutes and previous minutes are posted to the Wiki.
-- Ed Seidewitz
-- Model Driven Solutions