Today’s Date: ______
Chapter: ______
Chapter Contact Person: ______
Daytime Phone: (______)______E-mail: ______
The Chapter Excellence Awardsare designed to recognize CAMFT Chapters that demonstrate excellence in the following five key areas:
- Best Chapter Management
- Best Marketing Practices
- Best Community Involvement and Outreach
- Best Membership Development
- Best Financial Management
An award will be given to the chapter that best demonstrates excellence in each of the categories, for a grand total of 5 awards granted. While your chapter may apply to be considered for all of the awards, please note that one chapter may not win more than 2 awards in a single year.
The winning applications will be compiled into a “best practices” chapter manual, so please share the creativity and innovation you’ve spearheaded as a chapter, particularly in use of technology, communication, and marketing! Judging criteria will favor those chapters that demonstrate unique, creative, and innovative ideas!
1)Please circle the specific award(s) you would like your chapter to be considered for.
2)On an attached sheet of paper, please explain how your chapter is deserving of the award. You are encouraged to provide examples and measurable results/benefits, and to consider the bullet items listed under each award category in your response. The items listed in each category are intended as examples only and are not meant to be an exhaustive list. The specific items applicable to your chapter may vary. Please attach a separate sheet for each award you apply for, and type the name of the award and your chapter as the heading.
3)Submit this sheet and your attached response sheet(s) to the email address or mailing address listed at the bottom of the page before December 31, 2015.
Best Chapter Management
- Operational efficiency (e.g. structure of meetings, registration process, etc.)
- Board/volunteer orientation
- Board/volunteer retreats
- Building a collaborative board of directors
- Volunteer recruitment and retention
Best Membership Development
- Demonstrate how your chapter meets the diverse needs of your membership (locations, times, structure, content of meetings, educational offerings, luncheons, etc.).
- Outreach to prelicensed members (i.e. interns and trainees) and schools
- How many active members?
- How many attend meetings?
- How often do you engage in membership drives?
- Use of technology
- Communication strategies (emails, newsletters, phone trees, etc)
Best Marketing Practices
- Efforts to determine what members want (e.g. surveys, focus groups, evaluations, etc.)
- Targeting marketing to reach diverse members
- Use of technology
- How do you tailor your marketing efforts to the size and location of your chapter?
Best Community Involvement
- Involvement with local causes supporting mental health
- Development of programs to reach non-members, mental health professionals, and others in the community
- Marketing using CAMFT promotional material and other resources
- Partnering with local mental health and wellness organizations
- Speaking at schools, organizations, etc.
- Evaluation, assessment of the broader community and chapter services to the non-member
- Increasing the visibility of chapter members to potential clients
- Directory, local referral service, etc.
Best Financial Practices
- Budgeting, use of resources, planning, etc.
- Account checks and balances
- Process for paying dues, automating processes, etc.
- Non-dues revenue building- sponsorships
Application Requirements:
Please complete the information and requirements on the preceding page. Applications must be received by CAMFT by December31, 2015.
All award recipient chapters will be recognized at the 2016Chapter Leadership Conference and will receive a $250 stipend from CAMFT.
Submit Application and Attachments to:
7901 Raytheon Road
Attention: Mariam Babayan
San Diego, CA 92111-1606
(858) 292-2638
Deadline for Receipt of Application: December 31, 2015 Page 1 of 3