(Class Struggle in the United States)

(July 2015)

Unit Statement:The student will examine the history of class struggle in the United States. As the country entered a rapid period of industrialization at the turn of the twentieth century,labor unions formed and challenged the laissez-faire approach of the government and capitalist system that solidified its presence in the United States. Since that time, the working class has experienced conflict as it has attempted to secure their livelihood in an era of progress and change.

This unit is designed as a reflection of the reading of Howard Zinn’sA People’s History of the United States.

Essential Outcomes:(must be assessed for mastery)

  1. The Student Willidentify the economic contributions made by indigenous peoples, African slaves, indentured servants,immigrants, women and the working class.
  1. TSW describe the transformation of the class system in the United States.
  1. TSW appraise the sense of class consciousness that has developed in America.
  1. TSW outline legislation that has supported the interest of management over labor.
  1. TSW evaluate attempts made by the working class to challenge management and government.
  1. TSWevaluate the degreeof economic inequality that has existed over time.
  1. TSW compare the cause of economic inequality over time.
  1. TSWanalyze the impact economicinequality has had on society and politics.
  1. TSW evaluate the impact foreign policy and war has had on class struggle.

Key Terms and Concepts:

labor / management / Economic disparity / Class system / Class consciousness
Laissez-faire capitalism / Communism / Socialism / Bacon’s Rebellion / Shay’s Rebellion
Stono Rebellion / Haymarket Riot / Homestead Strike / Pullman Strike / IWW
Whiskey Rebellion / Great Railroad Strike of 1877 / Concentration of Wealth / Progress and Poverty / Gospel of Wealth
Occupy Movement / Military Industrial Complex / War is the handmaiden of revolution / American Dream / Eugene Debs
Emma Goldman / Helen Keller / Henry Wallace / Sinclair Lewis / Howard Zinn

Suggested Materials:

A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn

Inequality for Alla documentary by Robert Reich

The Wobblies a documentary by Steward Bird

Technology Links:

WebPath Express (found in school library)

This is a digital copy of Howard Zinn’s book, A People’s History of the United States. The author of this site recognizes the potential copyright issues related to this publication; however, there is a disclaimer expressing that Zinn gave the creators of the site explicit permission to duplicate the source in this manner.

This website is a companion to Zinn’s book A People’s History of the United States. It includes a number of lesson plans and documents related to the topics outlined in this unit.

Voices of a People’s History provides a number of documents from important people in the labor movement in the United States.

This is the IWW’s website. Perusal of it may give the instructor insight on this labor union that has been deeply involved in the struggle of the working class.

This website includes lesson plans and recordings of socially conscious music by Woody Guthrie.

This website is a collection of labor union songs and the history behind them.

Suggested Assessment Tools and Strategies:

  1. Simulate a discussion/debate between important figures in the USA surrounding the issue of wealth distribution.
  1. Conduct a debate on American foreign policy and class struggle.
  2. Analyze music of the social conscious. Including, but not limited to the following songs and artists:
  3. Rebel Girl by Joe Hill
  4. The Popular Wobbly by T-Bone Slim
  5. Solidarity Forever by Ralph Chaplin
  6. 1913 Massacre by Woody Guthrie
  7. All you Fascists by Woody Guthrie
  8. I Am a Union Woman by Aunt Molly Jackson
  9. I Don’t Want your Millions Mister by Jim Garland
  10. Alice’s Restaurant by Arlo Guthrie
  11. Working Nine to Five by Peggy Seeger
  12. Allentown by Billy Joel
  13. In the Ghetto by Elvis Presley
  14. Shuttin’ Detroit Down by John Rich
  1. Watch American sitcoms and analyze class as portrayed in the episodes. Including, but not limited to the following sitcoms:
  2. Father Knows Best
  3. Good Times
  4. Happy Days
  5. Sanford and Son
  6. Mary Tyler Moore
  7. Silver Spoons
  8. Different Strokes




Copyright © 1988-2015


Suggested Selective Unit 8(S08) Rubric:

Name ______Class______Date ______

  • All TSW’s must be mastered for a ‘B’.
  • 3 of 5‘A’-level blocks should be met for an ‘A’.
  • Teachers may choose to use their own rubrics; however, all TSW’s must be assessed.

The Student Will / ‘A’-Level / ‘B’-Level / Notes
  1. Read a historical text.
/ Read a historical text.
  1. Identify the economic contributions made by indigenous peoples, African slaves, indentured servants, immigrants, women and the working class.
/ Identify the economic contributions made by indigenous peoples, African slaves, indentured servants, immigrants, women and the working class.
  1. Describe the transformation of the class system in the United States.
/ Describe the transformation of the class system in the United States.
  1. Appraise the sense of class consciousness that has developed in America.
/ Appraise the sense of class consciousness that has developed in America; offering original insight and/or a number of specific details. / Appraise the sense of class consciousness that has developed in America; offering general ideas outlined by Zinn.
  1. Outline legislation that has supported the interest of management over labor.
/ Outline legislation that has supported the interest of management over labor.
  1. Evaluate attempts made by the working class to challenge management and government.
/ Evaluate attempts made by the working class to challenge management and government; offering original insight and/or a number of specific details. / Evaluate attempts made by the working class to challenge management and government; offering general ideas outlined by Zinn.
  1. Evaluate the degree of economic inequality that has existed over time.
/ Evaluate the degree of economic inequality that has existed over time; offering original insight and/or a number of specific details. / Evaluate the degree of economic inequality that has existed over time; offering general ideas outlined by Zinn.
  1. Compare the cause of economic inequality over time.
/ Compare the cause of economic inequality over time.
  1. Analyze the impact economic inequality has had on society and politics.
/ Analyze the impact economic inequality has had on society and politics; offering original insight and/or a number of specific details. / Analyze the impact economic inequality has had on society and politics; offering general ideas outlined by Zinn.
  1. Evaluate the impact foreign policy and war has had on class struggle.
/ Evaluate the impact foreign policy and war has had on class struggle; offering original insight and/or a number of specific details. / Evaluate the impact foreign policy and war has had on class struggle; offering general ideas outlined by Zinn.



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