IEP Meeting Checklist: Referral Meeting
Forms required: Parent Invitation, Student Invitation (if applicable), DEC1, DEC2 (if applicable), DEC5, minutes
Before the Meeting:
Send parent invitation to conference with at least 10 days’ notice
Send student invitation to conference if student will be 14 during the duration of the IEP
Consult with regular education teachers, RTI team, school psychologist, and other participants
Confirm meeting date and time with all participants
Open DEC1, DEC2 (if applicable), and DEC5 forms
During the Meeting:
Have all draft forms available and accessible by parent.
Provide parent a Handbook of Parent Rights.
Ensure all required IEP team members are in attendance for the entire meeting (LEA representative, EC teacher, regular education teacher).
Complete ALL parts of DEC1.
If team decides to conduct an evaluation, check all appropriate areas on DEC2, obtain parent signature and date.
If team decides to make a placement decision without additional evaluations, complete the initial placement process.
Complete DEC5 section for referral. Complete all explanation sections and sign.
IEP team member completes detailed minutes.
Send final copies of all paperwork home with parent.
Organize all paperwork and set up new EC file.
After the Meeting:
Enter required information for referral in online IEP system.
Inform school psychologist and/or other evaluators (speech, OT, etc.) of needed assessments and timeline.
Schedule initial placement IEP meeting within 90-day timeline following referral meeting.
IEP Meeting Checklist: Initial Placement Meeting
Forms Required: Parent Invitation, Student Invitation (if applicable), DEC3, DEC4, DEC5, DEC6, minutes
Before the Meeting:
Placement meeting scheduled within 90-day timeline following referral meeting.
Send parent invitation to conference with at least 10 days’ notice.
Send student invitation to conference if student will be 14 during the duration of the IEP.
Consult with regular education teachers, RTI team, school psychologist, and other participants.
Confirm meeting date and time with all participants.
Open DEC3, DEC4, DEC5, and DEC6 forms.
If necessary, completed needed assessments to determine present levels and goals for the IEP.
During the Meeting:
Have all draft forms available and accessible by parent.
Offer parent a Handbook of Parent Rights.
Ensure all required IEP team members are in attendance for the entire meeting (LEA representative, EC teacher, regular education teacher).
Complete ALL sections of DEC3 worksheet(s) and eligibility determination.
Complete ALL sections of DEC4 if student is found eligible.
Complete DEC5 sections for eligibility, educational placement, and other (if applicable). Complete all explanation sections and sign.
DEC6 signed by parent if student is found eligible.
IEP team member completes detailed minutes.
Send final copies of all paperwork home with parent.
Organize all paperwork in EC file.
After the Meeting:
Enter required information for eligibility in online IEP system.
Share modifications and testing accommodations with general education teachers and testing coordinator.
Schedule services as designated on IEP.
IEP Meeting Checklist: Reevaluation Determination
Forms Required: Parent Invitation, Student Invitation (if applicable), DEC7, DEC2 (if applicable), DEC5, minutes
Before the Meeting:
Send parent invitation to conference with at least 10 days’ notice.
Send student invitation to conference if student will be 14 during the duration of the IEP.
Consult with regular education teachers, school psychologist, related service providers, and other participants.
Confirm meeting date and time with all participants.
Open DEC7 and DEC5 forms.
If necessary, completed needed assessments to determine present levels and goals for the IEP.
During the Meeting:
Have all draft forms available and accessible by parent.
Offer parent a Handbook of Parent Rights.
Ensure all required IEP team members are in attendance for the entire meeting (LEA representative, EC teacher, regular education teacher).
Complete ALL sections of DEC7.
Determine if additional data is needed.
If collection of data through formal assessment is decided, complete DEC2 and parent signs.
If collection of data without formal assessment is decided, explain on DEC7.
If using existing data, continue to Reevaluation Results meeting checklist.
Complete DEC5 section for Other (Reevaluation Determination). Complete all explanation sections and sign.
IEP team member completes detailed minutes.
Send final copies of all paperwork home with parent.
Organize all paperwork in EC file.
After the Meeting:
Inform school psychologist and/or other evaluators (speech, OT, etc.) of needed assessments and timeline.
Schedule reevaluation results meeting prior to reevaluation due date.
IEP Meeting Checklist: Reevaluation Results Meeting
Forms Required: Parent Invitation, Student Invitation (if applicable), DEC3, DEC4, DEC5, minutes
Before the Meeting:
Results meeting scheduled prior to reevaluation due date.
Send parent invitation to conference with at least 10 days’ notice.
Send student invitation to conference if student will be 14 during the duration of the IEP.
Consult with regular education teachers, school psychologist, related service providers, and other participants.
Confirm meeting date and time with all participants.
Confirm that all evaluations have been completed if applicable.
Open DEC3, DEC4, and DEC5forms.
If necessary, completed needed assessments to determine present levels and goals for the IEP.
During the Meeting:
Have all draft forms available and accessible by parent.
Offer parent a Handbook of Parent Rights.
Ensure all required IEP team members are in attendance for the entire meeting (LEA representative, EC teacher, regular education teacher).
Complete ALL sections of DEC3 worksheet(s) and eligibility determination.
Revisit DEC4 in one of three ways:
New IEP (Reevaluation IEP and Annual Review). Dates on IEP reset for another year.
Some changes made to current IEP (Addendum). IEP end date remains the same.
No changes made to current IEP (Reevaluation IEP). IEP end date remains the same.
Complete DEC5 sections for reevaluation, educational placement, and other (if applicable). Complete all explanation sections and sign.
IEP team member completes detailed minutes.
Send final copies of all paperwork home with parent.
Organize all paperwork in EC file.
After the Meeting:
Share modifications and testing accommodations with general education teachers and testing coordinator.
Schedule services as designated on IEP.
IEP Meeting Checklist: Annual Review or Addendum
Forms Required: Parent Invitation, Student Invitation (if applicable), DEC4, DEC5, minutes
Before the Meeting:
Send parent invitation to conference with at least 10 days’ notice.
Send student invitation to conference if student will be 14 during the duration of the IEP.
Consult with regular education teachers, related service providers, and other participants.
Confirm meeting date and time with all participants.
Open DEC4 and DEC5 forms.
Complete needed assessments to determine present levels and goals for the IEP.
During the Meeting:
Have all draft forms available and accessible by parent.
Offer parent a Handbook of Parent Rights.
Ensure all required IEP team members are in attendance for the entire meeting (LEA representative, EC teacher, regular education teacher).
Complete ALL sections of DEC4.
IEP end date remains the same if meeting is an addendum to the IEP.
Complete DEC5 sections based on decisions made, including Other (Annual Review or Addendum) and Educational Placement, if applicable. Complete all explanation sections and sign.
IEP team member completes detailed minutes.
Send final copies of all paperwork home with parent.
Organize all paperwork in EC file.
After the Meeting:
Share modifications and testing accommodations with general education teachers and testing coordinator.
Schedule services as designated on IEP.
Checklist adapted from Alamance-Burlington School System