Manatee Community College

Instructor: Amy Santos

Bradenton Campus


Office hrs: MWF (daytime) 8-8:45, 10-10:45, 12:15-1

TTH (daytime) 8-9:15, 12:30-1


Course Description:

Student utilizes mathematical operations to solve practical business application problems.


  • To provide the student with the application of basic mathematical functions to business requirements and analytical techniques used in business, whether profit or non-profit.
  • To begin to prepare the student for eventual employment in business and/or management.
  • To assist in understanding the integration of mathematical functions, as outlined in the text, into various business and personal finance areas.

Course Materials:

  • Slater – Practical Math Procedures, 8th Edition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin Publishers 2006
  • A calculator (non-scientific preferred)

Course Outline:

Part A: Review of Math Basics (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5 & 6)

Part B: Retailing Concepts (Chapters 7 & 8)

Part C: Mathematics for Banking (Chapters 4, 10, 11, 12 & 13)

Part D: Mathematics for Accounting & Finance (Chapters 9, 17, 18, 19, 21 & 16)

Part E: Mathematics for Other Areas (Chapters 15, 20, 14 & 22)

Course Schedule:

Week 1: Chapters 1 & 2 / Week 10: Exam 3 & Chapter 9
Week 2: Chapter 3 & 5 / Week 11: Chapters 17 & 18
Week 3: Chapter 6 / Week 12: Chapters 19 & 21
Week 4: Exam 1 & Chapter 7 / Week 13: Chapter 16 & Exam 4
Week 5: Chapter 8 / Week 14: Chapter 15
Week 6: Exam 2 & Chapter 4 / Week 15: Chapters 20 & 14
Week 7: Chapter 10 / Week 16: Chapter 22 & Exam 5
Week 8: Chapters 11 & 12
Week 9: Chapter 13 / WEEK OF DECEMBER 11-15TH:

Course Policies and Procedures:

Textbook reading – Students must read every chapter before coming to class

Assignments – Some even numbered exercises and problems will be completed in class. Students must complete all odd numbered exercises and problems outside of class for practice (answers provided in the textbook). Each chapter’s Word Problem Practice Quiz from the Business Math Handbook and Study Guide must be completed and turned in to the instructor before the deadline (announced in class).

Withdrawal Policy – The MCC policy, as stated in the college catalog, allows students to withdraw from any course without academic penalty (WF) by a specific withdrawal deadline. The deadline is listed in the college calendar, and it is Monday, Oct 30, 2006 for the Fall Term. Students must take responsibility for initiating the withdrawal procedure, but are encouraged to speak to their instructors before taking this action.


5 Chapter Exams50%

Final Exam20%


Class Participation10%

Extra credit points towards chapter exams: Students can earn 10 extra credit points per chapter exam in the following manner. One hour/week must be spent in the Academic Resource Lab (ARC), working with a tutor on end-of-chapter exercises and problems. The work must be kept in a notebook and signed by the tutor at the end of every session. WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT PROPER SIGNATURE.