Pupil Premium Funding2016-2017
The PP funding is allocated at the start of the financial year. However, the school strategically plans over an academic year. This is to ensure that the impact of the interventions chosen and in place can be fully evaluated and the external exam results will be useful in this process.
In order to write a strategic pupil premium plan, there is a need to ensure accuracy of the following:
-Pupil premium funding for the financial year
-Accurate pupil premium numbers for the October census
The PP funding allocated to the school in April 2016 was £222,013
The school utilises the money over an academic year so 7/12th of this funding will be allocated to the 2016-2017 spending, which is £129,507
At the start of the academic year 2016-2017 projections are made on what the school is likely to receive in terms of PPG funding in April 2017. This is based on the Octobercensus from which our funding allocations are taken.
Based on the analysis of the school population, we calculate a predicted PP income of £222,013 in April 2017. If we proportion what should be spent of this allocation in this academic year, this equates to £92,505
Therefore the total amount of PP funding the school is planning to utilise from PP grant money in the academic year 2016-2017 is £222,012
The total amount of PP funding we expect to spend in 2016-2017 is £222,000. The Pupil Premium plan details how this money has been allocated and what we predict we will spend in each intervention.
Summary of Pupil Premium Funding
PP grant allocation April 2016 / £222,013Proportion of April 2016 PP grant to be spent in academic year 2016-2017 (7/12ths) / £129,507
Predicted PP grant allocation April 2017 / £222,013
Proportion of April 2017 PP grant to be spent in academic year 2016-2017 (5/12ths) / £92,505
Total amount of PP Grant available in 2016-2017 / £222,012
Planned expenditure of PP funding in 2016-2017 / £222,200
Pupil Premium Plan
The pupil premium plan has been created based on the identification of the barriers, disadvantaged students face. The analysis of the cohort of students and the proportions in each year group as well as the cross over with SEND status, has influenced where we prioritise the interventions.
The decisions on selecting specific interventions have been made by:
-Analysis of current progress data to identify gaps
-Analysis of our cohort in terms of low, middle and high attainers
-Analysis of prior performance in terms of closing the gap for disadvantaged students
-Analysis of prior interventions to assess impact
-Analysis of behaviour data including Fixed term exclusions and isolations
-Collaboration with primary school staff to assess the needs of students in year 6 who will be joining the school in September 2016
-Analysis of teaching and learning across the school, particularly strengths and areas for development
-Research findings, particularly the Sutton Trust on the most effective strategies to close the gap
-Recommendations from the Pupil Premium Review
Tracking Pupil Premium
Tracking of pupil premium spending has been reviewed and the tracking system now:
- Allows expenditure against each objective in the PP plan to be tracked
- Compares planned and actual expenditure
- Tracks interventions against each PP student, to ensure fairness and equality
- Triangulates PP requests and bids with expenditure
- Analyses interventions and costings per year group and sub group
Example of Tracking system