TIPS FOR PLAYERS – Players have an important role in creating a positive sporting environment
Be a good sport – Remember the principles of fair play – respect, integrity and fairness
Respect your opponent – Treat your opponent the way you would like to be treated; fairly
Respect your team members – Treat your team members the way you would like to be treated; fairly
Respect officials – Always accept and respect their decisions, thanking for their time after the game
Uphold the Code of Conduct – Support and abide by the code – available in Club office
TIPS FOR PARENTS – Parents can reduce incidents by being good role models
What children want from sport? – Sport provides valuable experiences for children, the real reason they
play sport is for the enjoyment. This must always be kept in mind
Encouraging fair play – You have the best chance of teaching players the values of fair play
Control your emotions – While emotions can be well intended, you must always consider their impact
Respect for coaches – Without them, there is no team and no game; support and encouragement is key
Respect for officials – Like anyone, they can make mistakes but they are doing their best to ensure the
rules are abided by and the game is played fairly
Upholding the Code of Conduct - Support and abide by the code – available in Club office
TIPS FOR COACHES – Coaches should be good role models and create positive environments
Encourage fair play – Show respect for players from teams, spectators and officials
Respect officials – Always set a positive example for the players; accept the decisions made
Good coaching technique – Provide positive, constructive feedback and make the game enjoyable!
Uphold the Code of Conduct - Support and abide by the code – available in Club office
For further information please refer to the relevant code of conduct, the bullying and harassment policy or the grievance procedure
Hume Mini Bus Hire Rates as at March 2009
For any of you travelling any major distances to games the club has managed to secure the hire of a mini bus from the Hume City Council.
We feel that this may alleviate some of the expense of travelling for parents.
The bus seats 11 people
Must have a full licensed driver
Returned with full tank of petrol
Cannot be taken out of Victoria
For further information please call 92052200