The Boletín del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino is a biannual journal founded in March 1985 and focused on the indigenous art and symbolism of the Americas, with special emphasis on pre-Contact times. The Boletín welcomes articles, essays and reports on investigations in the areas of archeology, anthropology, rock art, visual art, history, architecture, cognition, cosmology, ecology, economics, ethnography, ideology, musicology, technology and related disciplines. Both the text and accompanying graphics must have a clear and justifiable link to the journal’s central theme. Submissions that combine two or more of the above-mentioned disciplines are especially welcome.

While the reception of manuscripts will be confirmed by email, this does not imply acceptance. Once a manuscript has been accepted by the Editorial Committee, it will be subject to a double blind review. The overall evaluation process may take several months. The journal’s editors are responsible for informing authors as soon as possible regarding whether their manuscript has been accepted or not.

Works submitted must be original and unpublished during the publication process and cannot be under consideration by another publication at the same time. Authors are responsible for the content of their submissions, the accuracy of their citations and bibliographic references, and the legal right to publish the material submitted, and therefore must obtain all permissions for reproducing copyrighted graphics and/or data.

Manuscript submission

Manuscripts may be submitted at any time and shall be published in their order of acceptance. Works should be sent via email to the Editor in Chief, with copy to Editor Andrea Torres, at the following email addresses:

Instructions for authors

Manuscripts must be submitted as MS Word files, on letter-size pages (216 x 279 mm). All pages must be duly numbered, and the text must be double-spaced, 12-font, and with 3 cm margins on all four sides of the page. The entire work, including all sections (abstract, text, references, notes, figures, annexes, etc.), shall not exceed 9000 words.

Title page

In order to facilitate the anonymous review process, the title page must include only the name, institutional affiliation, address, and email of all authors, as well as Acknowledgements, if used.

Page two (prior to main text)

The second page of the submission must include the title of the article in Spanish and English, as well as an abstract no longer than 150 words, also in both languages. A list of three to seven keywords (in both Spanish and English) must also be included. Translations into English shall be reviewed by a professional and modified according to their criteria under the supervision of the Editor in Chief.


The title and subtitle of the manuscript must be concise (particularly the latter), as the journal is published in a two-column format. The Editor in Chief reserves the right to modify either as necessary. The hierarchy of primary, secondary and tertiary subtitles must be clearly indicated, whether by font size or style.

Lists and bullet points

Authors should avoid the excessive use of lists (e.g. itemization or telegraphic descriptions), in favor of a more fluid, literary style.


Notes shall be listed on a separate page under the heading “Notes” and referred to in the body of the text with consecutive superscript numbers placed after a semi-colon or period, never in the middle of a sentence. Notes should be limited in both number and length, and the Editor reserves the right to shorten them when they are too long.

Citations within the text

In-text citations should be in parentheses, indicate the page number(s) and be clearly linked to the references, in the following format: (Cruzat 1898: 174-178). Where an author’s name is mentioned in the body of the text, the citation should come immediately after the last name, and include the year of publication and page number(s), where applicable, as follows: Cruzat (1898: 174-178) affirms that…

In-text citations may include up to two authors, but where the source cited has multiple authors, the first author’s surname shall be used, followed by et al., as follows: (Betancourt et al. 2000: 1542). Authors of different publications cited in the same parentheses or comment must be listed chronologically, not alphabetically.

Quotations longer than 40 words shall be inserted in a free-standing block of text, without quotation marks, and must be single-spaced, indented and in font size 10 (i.e. not 12 as for the main text). The corresponding reference (author, year, page) shall be included at the end of the quotation in parentheses. In these cases notes should not be used, except where the quotation requires additional explanation or comment. In that case, the note number shall be placed immediately after the in-text citation.


Publication information for each reference should be complete, and ordered as follows: author(s), year of publication, title, place of publication, printer or publisher, and other information, as applicable to the type of work cited. Some examples are provided below.


Murra, J., 1978. La organización económica del Estado Inca. Mexico City: Siglo XXI Editores.

Bertonio, L., 1956 [1612]. Vocabulario de la lengua aymara. Cochabamba: Ediciones Ceres.

Chapters or articles appearing in books:

Kubler, G., 1981. Period, style and meaning in ancient American art. In Ancient Mesoamerica, J. Graham, Ed., pp. 11-23. Palo Alto: A Peek Publication.

Journal articles

Conklin, W. J., 1983. Pukara and Tiahuanaco tapestry: time and style in a Sierra weaving tradition. Ñawpa Pacha 21: 1-44. Berkeley: Institute of Andean Studies.


Sinclaire, C., 2004 Ms. Ocupaciones prehispánicas e históricas en las rutas del despoblado de Atacama: primera sistematización. Informe parcial arqueológico, Proyecto Fondecyt Nº 10400290.

Online resources

Mercado, C., 1996. Música y estados de conciencia en fiestas rituales de Chile central. Inmenso puente al universo. Revista Chilena de Antropología 13, 1995-1996 [online] pp. 106-125 ISSN 0716- 2790 [Accessed 21-07-06].


Meneses, M., 1994. Wichan:El juicio. 25 min. Kien Producciones, Chile.


Each submission may contain up to 15 illustrations, including photographs, diagrams, plans, maps and drawings. All illustrations shall be called “Figures” and may be referred to in the text in abbreviated form: (fig. 1), (figs. 3-7). Figures must be numbered sequentially, in the same order they are referred to in the text. The captions for all figures must be provided in a separate document, also in numerical order. Captions must be brief (30 words maximum) and include the corresponding credits.

All figures involving measurements must use the metric system; all maps and geographical drawings must have a scale; and photographs of objects must include their dimensions (width, length, or height). For maps, the journal will create the final version, and therefore the author(s) must provide a preliminary map with the points or localities indicated.

The technical and artistic quality of all figures will be taken into account when the article is evaluated for publication. Photographs must have a resolution not less than 300 dpi.

Tables and graphs

All tables and graphs must be provided in Word format and must include a brief descriptive title, be listed in numerical order (Arabic script) and be submitted on a separate page or pages under the heading “Tables” or “Graphs”. All tables and graphs must be referred to in the main text.

Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino

Casilla 3687, Santiago, Chile, Tel. (+562) 2928-1521