*Project Title (max. 250 characters):

* Project Acronym (max. 20 characters):

*Name ofProject Coordinator (only name, no address data, max. 100 characters):


  1. Background and state of the art in the field
  2. Project aims,expected results and their exploitation
  3. Work packages
  4. Work plan
  5. Work plan summary
  6. Added valueof the proposed international collaboration
  7. Related projects
  8. Training opportunities
  9. Dissemination and/ or exploitation of results and management of intellectual property at the international level
  10. Justificationof requested resources
  11. Societal and ethical aspects
  12. GANTT chart

Project description, project summary, partner descriptions and financial data of pre-proposal are still available online and might slightly be modified for the full-proposal. Citations (max. 25) can be listed at the submission tool (navigation toolbar “Citations”) as well.

*1. Background and state of the art in the field:

(max. 8000 characters incl.space characters, corresponding to approximately 2 pages if font Times New Roman and font size 12)

*2. Project aims,expected results and their exploitation:

(Including a short statement, how the project fits to the goals of the EMIDA activity line and specific topic respectively)

(max. 2000 characters incl.space characters, corresponding toapproximately ½ page if font Times New Roman and font size 12)

EMIDA Application Form „F“page 1sd 07122011

*3a. Work plan:

(To include objectives, timeframe, a description of workpackages, milestones and deliverables and the involvement of each partner in each of them, together with the overall management of the project, for each Work Package a summary in table format. The work of each project partner must be explicitly stated.)

(max. 8000 characters incl.space charactersplus additional 6000 characters per participant plusa maximum of6 pages “Summary of Work Package” (see 3b). The overall length of this section must not exceed 20 pagesif font Times New Roman and font size 12!)No more than 6 diagrams may include in the flow text. (Diagrams can be inserted via copy and paste or via “insert” / “insert chart”.) Please consider the file size of the diagrams, the max. file size of the total document may not exceed 10 MB.

Please insert text here:

*3b Work plan - Summary of Work Package

(please include one work plan per work package, copy and paste this page for this purpose)

Work Package number / Start date or starting event (month):
Work package title
Participant No
Person-months per participant:
Objectives (max. 1500 characters):
Milestones (max. 1500 characters)
Please indicate Milestone number, - title and deadline (means month of project running time)
Deliverables (max. 1500 characters)
Please indicate Deliverable number, - title and deadline (means month of project running time)

EMIDA Application Form „F“page 1sd 07122011

*4. Added value of the proposed international collaboration

(Impact of the proposed project, includingdescription of the consortium, including the advantages and challenges of this trans-national collaboration. Description of the specific choice of participants in the transnational consortium.)

(max. 2000 characters incl.space characters, corresponding to approximately ½page if font Times New Roman and font size 12)

*5. Related projects

(Description of ongoing projects of each participant related to the present application, indicating project name, funding sources and amounts, and potential overlap with the current proposal)

(max. 4000 characters incl.space characters, corresponding to approximately 1 page if font Times New Roman and font size 12)

6. Training opportunities

(Description of training/ exchange activities foreseen within the project, if applicable)

(max. 2000 characters incl.space characters, corresponding to approximately ½ page if font Times New Roman and font size 12)

*7. Dissemination and/ or exploitation of results and management of intellectual property at the international level

(max. 2000 characters incl.space characters, corresponding to approximately ½ page if font Times New Roman and font size 12)

*8. Justification of requested resources

(Human resources, equipment, subcontracting, travel and other additional costs, if not already stated in detail on the submission tool)

(max. 4000 characters incl.space characters, corresponding to approximately 1 page if font Times New Roman and font size 12)

*9. Societal and ethical aspects

(Contribution to the societal issues, e.g. ethics, environment, and/ or intellectual and cultural development, indicating any aspects of the proposal that could possibly raise societal concerns or ethical issues. Full implementation of the ‘3R’ (reduction, replacement, refinement) principles in any research project using animals is required. If your proposal involves the use of animals, please confirm that you will seek to implement this principle in full.)

(max. 4000 characters incl.space characters, corresponding to approximately 1 page if font Times New Roman and font size 12)

EMIDA Application Form „F“page 1sd 07122011

*10. GANTT Chart

(Indicating milestones and deliverables)

(max. 2 pages)

EMIDA Application Form „F“page 1sd 07122011