The 2007-2013 EU funding period – chances and challenges for the national implementation of Natura 2000 /
Institution / organisation
Unit / position
Workshop invitation
place, town
Dear Mr / Mrs ……….
Natura 2000 will be an EU-wide ecological network of conservation areas with the aim of maintaining and restoring endangered habitats and species of national and Community interest. After the European Commission has adopted the Community lists of Natura 2000 sites the Member States are responsible for taking all necessary measures to guarantee the conservation of their sites and prevent their deterioration.
These activities impose costs, which in principle have to be covered by national budgets based on the principle of subsidiarity. However, the ‘integration option’ of the European Union provides for the possibility of Community co-financing within existing financial instruments. The provisions in the new 2007-2013 funds open up the possibility of making much more finance available for nature projects than in the 2000-2006 period. The needs for funding of Natura 2000 were clearly identified in all the appropriate funding regulations presented by the Commission in the context of the 2007-2013 Budget proposals.
However, in order to fully benefit from this possibility the relevant national authorities and those involved in the management of nature projects need to work together to ensure that the opportunities provided by the Community funds are taken up. This means that the national and regional authorities planning the funding programmes, together with the managers of Natura 2000 sites and land included in Natura 2000 sites need to increasingly think how nature conservation objectives and the management of Natura 2000 can be integrated into the broader concept of regional, rural and marine development.
The European Commission wishes to support the Member States in using the options of Community co-financing for Natura 2000. This is why DG Environment launched last year an EU wide tender project called “Financing Natura 2000 – Guidance and Workshops”. The project team developed in consultation with all involved DG’s a Guidance Handbook presenting these options in 22 languages. The results will be presented in 36 EU wide workshops in all 25 MemberState as well as Romania and Bulgaria.
>Name of national authority< will be hosting in cooperation with >name of your organisation< as national partner the workshop in >MemberState<. The objective is to support and strengthen the Natura 2000 financing aspects in the programme planning process on national and regional level. With this workshop we aim:
- to inform you about EU funding opportunities for Natura 2000 measures within the new 2007-2013 funds and to present you the new Guidance Handbook provided by the European Commission,
- to give you an overview on the state of national programme planning as well as the implementation of Natura 2000
- to analyse and discuss the national funding opportunities respective funding gaps for financing Natura 2000,
- to exchange experience and opportunities in both directions: call for action to improve and influence ongoing preparations for the programming on national level as well as learning from good practice examples and within new networks.
[Note: adopt this paragraph near to your workshop targets and target groups!]
Invited guests to the workshop include representatives from the European Commission, Ministries of Agriculture, Environment and Development as well as representatives from relevant NGO’s. [Note: here you can fill in some specific names of “important” persons]
Enclosed please find a preliminary programme, the registration form and information concerning the workshop venue. If you have any questions please feel free to contact >responsible person< by e-mail (>e-mail address<) or by phone (> phone number<).
We believe the workshop would greatly benefit from your participation through adding your expertise and experience to the discussions.
We would be delighted if you could accept this invitation.
/ Financing Natura 2000:The 2007-2013 EU funding period – chances and challenges for the national implementation of Natura 2000 /
Preliminary workshop programme
[Note: this is only a fictive example. Replace it by your individual programme!]
Thursday, 18 May 2006
14:00 / Welcome and IntroductionBerit M., Ministry of Environment (responsible for Natura 2000)
David K., WWF (national partner)
Introduction of agenda and of participants
14.30 / Integration of Natura 2000
Tobias R., European Commission, DG Environment
15.00 / Presentation of the new Guidance Handbook of the European Commission: “Financing Natura 2000” – EU funding options within the 2007-13 funding period
David K., WWF
Questions and Discussions
17:00 / Coffee break
17:30 / Framework conditions:
national programme planning and Natura 2000 implementation
Michael W., Ministry of Environment (responsible for EU funding )
Berit M., Ministry of Environment (responsible for Natura 2000)
Questions and Discussions
19:30 / Dinner
/ Financing Natura 2000:
The 2007-2013 EU funding period – chances and challenges for the national implementation of Natura 2000 /
Friday, 19 May 2006
9:00 / Introduction into the day and building of working groupsDavid K., WWF (national partner)
9:30 / Working groups on national funding information:
Main focus could be information of co-funded measures or identification of funding gaps
11:00 / Coffee break
11:30 / Plenary discussion
Presentation and discussion of working group results
12:30 / Lunch
13:30 / Continuation of working groups on national funding information
(or other optional modules e.g. Good practice, LEADER, Success factors,
follow-up actions)
15:00 / Summary and conclusions
/ Financing Natura 2000:
The 2007-2013 EU funding period – chances and challenges for the national implementation of Natura 2000 /
Workshop Venue
[Note: replace this pan and specific information below with your dates]
How to get to the workshop venue:
U/S-Bahn: Friedrichsstraße
Bus: Nr. 100, Bus stop “Staatsoper”
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e.V.
Am Kupfergraben 7
10117 Berlin
Tel.: (0 30) 20 17 48-0
Fax: (0 30) 20 17 48-50
The 2007-2013 EU funding period – chances and challenges for the national implementation of Natura 2000 /
Workshop registration form
place, town
TitleFirst Name
Last Name
Please send this registration form no later than >date<to:
> name of your organisation<
> name of responsible person<
E-mail:>e-mail adress<
Fax:>fax number<