Request / Response
FoI Request No: 291 – received 7.5.15
The contact information for the following roles would be appreciated:
  • Director / Head of Business Intelligence / Informatics / IT
  • Head Of Commissioning
  • Director of Transformation
  • Director of Finance / Chief Finance Officer
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Chief Operating Officer
  • Head of Performance Management
  • Director of Quality
Does the CCG use a Business Intelligence and / or Reporting product currently?
What is this application / Application suite?
Is it provided by a CSU?
Does the CCG use a Performance Management / Action tracking application?
Which application is this?
Is it provided by the CSU?
Which IT systems will the CCG be looking to purchase over the coming 12 months? / Does the CCG use a Business Intelligence and / or Reporting product currently? Yes
What is this application / Application suite? Inphase and RAIDR
Is it provided by a CSU? Yes
Does the CCG use a Performance Management / Action tracking application? No
Which application is this? N/A
Is it provided by the CSU? N/A
Which IT systems will the CCG be looking to purchase over the coming 12 months? The CCG has no plans to directly purchase any additional BI or Performance Management systems over the next 12 months
FoI Request No: 292 – received 5 May 2015
Please supply the following two / (three) figures for the CGG:
1. The total CCG budget for the financial year 2014-2015.
2. The total spent on Pathology services in the financial year 2014-2015 (PRIMARY CARE ONLY).
(3). If you are in a position to supply this - the total unit activity of Pathology services in the financial year 2014-2015 (PRIMARY CARE ONLY).
Items 1 and 2 will allow me to calculate by CCG the percentage of the CCG budget spent on open access Pathology. Items 2 and 3 will allow me to calculate the average unit cost of Pathology without requesting individual test or specific pricing information.
Please note to save any confusion; NHS England commissions GP services but CCGs pay for the Pathology tests those GPs send to their local laboratory under open/direct access arrangements. / 1. The total CCG budget for the financial year 2014-2015. – Total Resource Allocation £368,602,000
2. The total spent on Pathology services in the financial year 2014-2015 (PRIMARY CARE ONLY). – Direct Access £2,753,851
(3). If you are in a position to supply this - the total unit activity of Pathology services in the financial year 2014-2015 (PRIMARY CARE ONLY). – Direct Access Activity is 2,360,484
FoI Request No: 293 – received 5 May 2015
Does theBarnsley CCGcurrently fund Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) testing and Ambulatory ECG (a.k.a. Holter monitoring / 24-hour ECG)?
If so, what is the fee paid per test, and annual number performed within:
* GP Practices or other community providers?
* Hospitals via GP Direct Access (please include name of Trust)?
* Hospitals via cardiology referral (please include name of Trust)? / Does theBarnsley CCGcurrently fund Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) testing and Ambulatory ECG (a.k.a. Holter monitoring / 24-hour ECG)? YES see below.
If so, what is the fee paid per test, and annual number performed within:
* GP Practices or other community providers? – ECG/ABPM not paid on an activity basis, part of Practice Delivery Agreement to GP’s.
* Hospitals via GP Direct Access (please include name of Trust)?
Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust -
ECG - £18.98 Activity plan 2015/16 - 2458
ECG 24 hours £33.86 Activity Plan 2015/16 - 507
ABPM not commissioned as a direct access service.
* Hospitals via cardiology referral (please include name of Trust)?
Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
ECG National tariff rates applied currently at £68.34. Activity plan 2015/16 - 1074
ABPM – not commissioned to this level of detail.
FoI Request No: 294 – received 5 May 2015
ICT Documents
1.ICT Strategy- I require the document that hold future plan and strategy of the organisation’s ICT department.
2.ICT Departmental Business Plan
3.ICT Technical Strategy.
4.ICT Structure
5.ICT Capital budgets and programmes
If you feel that your organisation or the department hold other documents that relate to my request or the document above please send them accordingly.
Lead member:Cabinet Member forICT and Telecommunications come under? Please can you provide me with their direct contact details including their Full Name, Actual Job Title, Contact Number and Direct Email Address?
Can you please provide me with a direct link to this committee? / 1.ICT Strategy- I require the document that hold future plan and strategy of the organisation’s ICT department.
Barnsley CCG are currently developing their ICT strategy which at present is in draft form and awaiting sign off.
2.ICT Departmental Business Plan
Barnsley CCG outsources it’s IT to Yorkshire and Humber CSU.
3.ICT Technical Strategy.
The technical strategy is part of the draft ICT strategy.
4.ICT Structure
Barnsley CCG outsources it’s IT to Yorkshire and Humber CSU. As such it does not directly employ any ICT staff.
5.ICT Capital budgets and programmes
We do not have a capital budget or programme.
If you feel that your organisation or the department hold other documents that relate to my request or the document above please send them accordingly.
Lead member:Cabinet Member forICT and Telecommunications come under? Please can you provide me with their direct contact details including their Full Name, Actual Job Title, Contact Number and Direct Email Address?
Lesley Jane Smith
Chief Officer

Tel: 01226 433667
Can you please provide me with a direct link to this committee? As above.
FOI 295/2015 received 12/5/15
Please let me know:
a) Which rebate schemes the CCG is currently engaged in (name of drug plus name of manufacturer and what type of rebate eg discount by prescribing volume)
b) When each contract was signed
c) Whether each drug was in the local formulary when the contract was signed
d) Where savings from each rebate are included in the commissioning budget or are accounted for as "other income"
e) Whether CCG employees receive any financial or other reward for achieving savings via PCRS.
Please let me have copies of:
f) Any information or requests sent to GP practices in the 6 months since contract signature with respect to these rebates (eg informing them that the drugs under the scheme are now cheaper)
g) Copies of the PCRS contracts, redacted as appropriate.
I would also like:
h) details of any other rebates or benefits obtained by the CCG arising from membership (either membership of the CCG itself or local GPs' membership) of other manufacturer discount schemes.
Please note:
With regards to provision on details ofcontracts, the ICO has said:
"Clearly there is a public interest in the scrutiny of how public money is spent. This will be equally true whether a public authority is purchasing goods or services or responsible for awarding grants to private sector companies. Transparency of decisions on how public funds are spent will also generate confidence in the integrity of the procedures involved. Where a public authority is purchasing goods or services there is a public interest in ensuring it gets value for money. This is particularly relevant at a time when there is a public debate around the increasing role private companies have in delivering public services."
It also said: "Public authorities should be wary of accepting arguments that the potential for commercial information to be released would reduce the number of companies willing to do business with the public sector, leading to reduced competition and increased costs. In practice, many companies may be prepared to accept greater public access to information about their business as a cost of doing business with the public sector. And the overall value of public sectorcontractsis a great incentive to tender for them." / a) Which rebate schemes the CCG is currently engaged in (name of drug plus name of manufacturer and what type of rebate eg discount by prescribing volume)- Rivaroxaban , Bayer plc, standard % discount not linked with volume
b) When each contract was signed– the contracts were signed in March 2014
c) Whether each drug was in the local formulary when the contract was signed - Yes it was
d) Where savings from each rebate are included in the commissioning budget or are accounted for as "other income"- in budget under rebate
e) Whether CCG employees receive any financial or other reward for achieving savings via PCRS.– No financial or other rewards received
f) Any information or requests sent to GP practices in the 6 months since contract signature with respect to these rebates (eg informing them that the drugs under the scheme are now cheaper)- None, we havenot advised primary care prescribers of the rebate.
g) Copies of the PCRS contracts, redacted as appropriate.- N/A
h) details of any other rebates or benefits obtained by the CCG arising from membership (either membership of the CCG itself or local GPs' membership) of other manufacturer discount schemes.- None
FOI 296/2015 received 13/5/15
1) Does the CCG commission NHS funded services for the assessment and treatment of Wet Age Related Macular Degeneration?
2) If the CCG does commission such services, please provide a list of providers commissioned for the following periods:
 1st April 2014 – 31st March 2015
 1st April 2015 – 31st March 2016
3) For each provider listed, please provide
 a copy of the pricing scheme agreed for the financial year 2015/16
 a copy of the contract or extract from contract and/or any variation thereof, or any service level agreement that covers the period 2015/16 / 1) Does the CCG commission NHS funded services for the assessment and treatment of Wet Age Related Macular Degeneration? -YES
2) If the CCG does commission such services, please provide a list of providers commissioned for the following periods:
 1st April 2014 – 31st March 2015 - ROTHERHAM HOSPITAL FOUNDATION TRUST
 1st April 2015 – 31st March 2016 – ROTHERHAM HOSPITAL FOUNDATION TRUST
3) For each provider listed, please provide
a copy of the pricing scheme agreed for the financial year 2015/16 – The attached pricing structure is an extract from the Rotherham FT contract for the Ophthalmology service commissioned by Barnsley CCG. This is split by ‘Point of Delivery’. We do not have a split by medical condition.
 a copy of the contract or extract from contract and/or any variation thereof, or any service level agreement that covers the period 2015/16 – We are still awaiting receipt of the contract for 2015/16 from Rotherham CCG (who are the co-ordinating commissioner), however we use the NHS Standard Contract which is available for information on the Department of Health website.

FOI 297 – RECEIVED 13 May 2015
In NHS Barnsley CCG, in the financial year 2015/16:
 Is there an established pathway for referral to a designated Foot Protection Service* for all people with diabetes who are defined as being at increased risk of foot ulcers** during annual foot risk surveillance***? Such referral should enable further expert assessment and long term risk management.
* Foot Protection Service means a service that is usually podiatry-led and community-based, that provides a recall and review system, patient education, callus/nail/skin management and offloading, and the provision of advice and/or appropriate support for people with diabetes who have feet at increased risk of ulceration.
** Foot risk categories are defined by defined by NICE: NICE guidelines [CG10], January 2004, Type 2 diabetes foot problems: Prevention and management of foot problems (please see paragraph The services that should be available to people with different levels of risk are described in: Diabetes UK (2012) Commissioning/planning a care pathway for foot care services for people with diabetes.
*** Annual foot risk surveillance is usually carried out as part of a person’s routine annual diabetes review. / Unfortunately the service specification is not specific enough around foot care and we are not aware if there is a specific pathway in place. We would advise you contact SWYPFT as the provider who should be able to provide them with the information they require -
FOI 298 – RECEIVED 13 MAY 2015
NHS Barnsley CCG.
My ref: N002A_2.
The CCG has been unable to answer a previous FOI request. If you provided laboratory contacts, I have contacted them (if you didn't forward the request to them). This NEW request is considerably reduced in size and complexity. I request permission to re-use of the data under the Open Government License (attached). Please supply the CCG position on use under OGL.
The data is for PRIMARY CARE only.
Please note Data Set A is for the financial year April 2014 - March 2015 inclusive.
Please complete data set A.
If you do not hold the data in this level of detail then if the CCG has a unitary price for each pathology discipline, please suppply the price if you have it by laboratory speciality (as some CCGs can) e.g.
Biochemistry £3.50
Haematology £4.20
Immunology £4.20
If you have multiple laboratory providers please complete a copy of Data Set A or supply the unitary cost for each.
If can not provide any of the above then please provide details of any Pathology activity and costs. NHS Monitor requires CCGs to exercise fianancial governance and I am interested as to what Pathology activity\financial information the CCG actually does hold. / The CCG has been unable to answer a previous FOI request. If you provided laboratory contacts, I have contacted them (if you didn't forward the request to them). This NEW request is considerably reduced in size and complexity. I request permission to re-use of the data under the Open Government License (attached). Please supply the CCG position on use under OGL.
Please see licence above
The data is for PRIMARY CARE only.
Please note Data Set A is for the financial year April 2014 - March 2015 inclusive.
Please complete data set A.
NHS Barnsley CCG does not hold information to this level of detail. You will need to make a separate request for this information directly from Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
If you do not hold the data in this level of detail then if the CCG has a unitary price for each pathology discipline, please suppply the price if you have it by laboratory speciality (as some CCGs can) e.g.
Biochemistry £3.50
Haematology £4.20
Immunology £4.20
The prices for each pathology discipline for 2014/15 at Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust are as follows:
Chemistry £0.61
Haematology £3.32
Histopathology £27.14
Immunology £4.14
Microbiology £4.08
FOI 299 – Received 19 May 2015
Please can you supply the spend on agency locum Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians for the period of time Jan – Dec 2014. / Barnsley CCG spend in this period for agency locum Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians was £106,684
FOI 300 – Received 19 May 2015
Could you please provide me with the details of any prescribing rebate schemes and QIPP prescribing schemes active within your CCG during the financial year 2014/15?
Please answer the questions below:
  1. Primary Care Prescribing Rebate Schemes
Name of Scheme / Drug(s) covered / Companies involved in the scheme
  1. What was the total income for the CCG from rebates during 2014/15?
  1. QIPP Prescribing Schemes
Name of Scheme / Drug(s) covered
/ In response to your request for information please see details below:-
  1. Primary Care Prescribing Rebate Schemes
Name of Scheme / Drug(s) covered / Companies involved in the scheme
Not applicable / Rivaroxaban / Bayer
  1. What was the total income for the CCG from rebates during 2014/15? = £20,920
  1. QIPP Prescribing Schemes - No NHS Barnsley QIPP schemes in 2014/15
Name of Scheme / Drug(s) covered
None / None
FOI 301/2015 – received 20 May 2015
1)Name of your Clinical Commissioning Group?
2) In the following financial years how much money has your CCG allocated to mental health services NOT including services for dementia?
a) 2013/14
b) 2014/15
c) Projected budget for 2015/16
3) What percentage of the total annual budget of the CCG went to mental health services NOT including services for dementia in the following years?
a) 2013/14
b) 2014/15
c) Projected budget for 2015/16
4) How many adult patient referrals for mental health did your CCG commission treatment for in the following years (not including dementia treatment)
a) 2013/14
b) 2014/15
c) Projected numberfor 2015/16
5) In the following financial years how much money has your CCG allocated to child and adolescent mental health services?
a) 2013/14
b) 2014/15
c) Projected budget for 2015/16
6) What percentage of the total annual budget of the CCG went to child and adolescent mental health services in the following years?
a) 2013/14
b) 2014/15
c) Projected budget for 2015/16
7) How many child and adolescent patient referrals for mental health did your CCG commission treatment for in the following years?
a) 2013/14
b) 2014/15
c) Projected number for 2015/16 / 1)Name of your Clinical Commissioning Group? - Barnsley CCG
2) In the following financial years how much money has your CCG allocated to mental health services NOT including services for dementia?
a) 2013/14 - £33,119,631
b) 2014/15 - £31,681,792
c) Projected budget for 2015/16 - £34,012,844
3) What percentage of the total annual budget of the CCG went to mental health services NOT including services for dementia in the following years?
a) 2013/14 – 9%
b) 2014/15 - 9%
c) Projected budget for 2015/16 – 9%
4) How many adult patient referrals for mental health did your CCG commission treatment for in the following years (not including dementia treatment)
a) 2013/14 – 135,025
b) 2014/15 – 139,249
c) Projected numberfor 2015/16 – 128,015 Reduction due to Mental Health PBR & clustering as no longer commissioned by referrals numbers
5) In the following financial years how much money has your CCG allocated to child and adolescent mental health services?
a) 2013/14 - £3,784,000
b) 2014/15 - £3,749,000
c) Projected budget for 2015/16 - £3,683,699
6) What percentage of the total annual budget of the CCG went to child and adolescent mental health services in the following years?
a) 2013/14 – 1%
b) 2014/15 – 1%
c) Projected budget for 2015/16 – 1%
7) How many child and adolescent patient referrals for mental health did your CCG commission treatment for in the following years?
a) 2013/14 – This information is not held