The Dean
College of Home Science
Central Agricultural University
Sangsanggre, Tura, Meghalaya.
Subject: Purchase of Tender Documents
*I/We am/are registered with the CPWD as Class ……………………contractor/contractors and our Registration no. is ……………………………..It is certified that the said registration is valid as on date ……………………….……………..
2. *I/We am/are not registered with CPWD.
3. *I/We am/are registered contractor(s) with MES/Railways/P&T/State PWD also.
Particular of the Authority, class and tender amount/limit up to which I/we am/are eligible to tender are furnished below –
Authority / Class / Tendering limitIt is certified (confirmed) that this registration/these registrations is/are valid as on date and we shall inform the department ourselves as soon as my / our registration expires or is cancelled/revoked.
The particulars of work done are furnished/enclosed (for State PWD contractors)
*I/We request that permission may be granted to me / us for the purchase of tender document for the work of ……………………………………………………..
Yours faithfully,
(*Strike out inapplicable portion)
Name of work: - Construction of RCC building for hostel caretaker, cooks, helper inside the hostel at College of Home Science, CAU, Tura, Meghalaya.
Estimated Cost : Rs. 9,96,148/-
Earnest money : Rs.19,930/-
Time of Completion: 04 ( Four ) months & 15 days
Name of Contractor:-……………………………………………………………………….
Temporary Address:-………………………………………………………………………..
Permanent Address:-…………………………………………………………………………
Contact Telephone / Mobile No:……………………………………………………
Instruction for submission of tender documents purchased directly from tender inviting authority :1.The Tender shall be submitted in an envelope as detailed below:
The envelope shall be super scribed as “TENDER DOCUMENTS”. The envelope shall contain the E.M.D (‘Bank Draft’ drawn in favour of the ‘Dean, College of Home Science, payable at S.B.I,Main Branch, Tura( Refundable, the EMD given by all the tenderers except the lowest tenderer should be refunded immediately after the opening of the tenders, or latest within a week from the date of receipt of tenders) duly filled and signed tender document as purchased from tender inviting authority and it shall be Wax sealed for submission in usual manner.
2.Security Deposit :
a) 10% security deposit shall be collected by deductions from the running bill/final bill of the contractors at the rate mentioned below, and the earnest money that is deposited at the time of tender, shall be treated as part of the security deposit. The security deposit can also be deposited in cash or in the form of Government Securities, Bank Draft (drawn in favour of ‘ Dean, college of Home Science, payable at S.B.I, Main Branch , Tura). Earnest money shall be adjusted first in the security deposit and further recovery of security deposit shall commence only when the up to date amount of security deposit starts exceeding the earnest money.
b) A sum @ 5% of the gross amount of the bill shall be deducted from each running bill of the contractor, till the sum along with the sum already deposited as earnest money amounts to security deposit @ 5% of the tendered amount of the work. Such
deductions shall be made unless the contractor has deposited the amount of security at the rate mentioned in cash or Government securities or fixed deposit receipts
3. Opening and Acceptance of Tenders:
a) All the tenders should be opened in the presence of office authority and tenderers.
b) Use of correction fluid anywhere in tender documents should not be allowed. In case
use of correction fluid is noticed, such tender will be liable for rejection.
c) The tenders that are received after the due date and time of receipt are not to be
considered at all. They should neither be opened nor entered in the tender opening
d) When tenderers sign their tenders in any Indian script or can only write their names in
e) Where the contractor has quoted rates in rupees and no paisa is mention, the word
‘only’ should invariably be added after the words ‘rupees’, and the corrections should
be initialed and dated with suitable remarks at the end.
f) The tenderer should be asked to fill in the tenders properly and carefully. They should
avoid quoting absurd rates and making too many corrections in the tenders. The amount
should also be correctly worked out. If any contractor does not follow these instructions
and desists from filling the tenders carefully, it would be liable for rejection.
NAME OF WORK:- Construction of RCC building for hostel caretaker, cooks, helper inside
the hostel at College of Home Science,CAU,Tura, Meghalaya.
SCHEDULE ‘A’ :- Schedule of Quantities of items of work (Please refer enclosed sheets)
SCHEDULE ‘B’:- Schedule of materials to be issued to the contractor for bonafide use in
the work. (NIL)
SCHEDULE ‘C’ :-All tools and plants required for execution of the work shall have to be
arranged by the Contractor at his own risk and cost.
I/We hereby certify that at present the following works are in my/our hand.
Name of Work
/ Name and Particulars of Division where work is being executed / Value of Work / Position of Work in Progress / Remarks
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
I/We note that, non-submission of his certificate will render my/our tender liable for rejection.
Signature of the tenderer
Date :
Contractor: Certified Officer
General Conditions
1) The work shall be carried out as per description of item given in the “Schedule of
Quantities”, General conditions, and CPWD Specifications 2009 Vol I & Vol. II for Cement
Mortar, Cement Concrete, Brick, Steel, RCC works, etc, and CPWD Specification for
electrical 2009 unless and otherwise specified in individual item or items in the schedule
of quantity of the work.
2) The order of preference regarding applicability of various specifications and special
condition shall be as given below:
a) Nomenclature of items given in the schedule of quantities in the tender.
b) Particular Specifications
c) General Conditions
d) Directions of Engineer-in-charge shall be applicable where none of the above
are to be applied.
3) All the materials such as stone aggregate, screening materials , sand, bricks, cement,
steel, etc. to be used in the work, shall have to be got approved from the Engineer-in- charge
or his authorized representative prior to use in the work failing which work shall not be
measured & paid for.
4) The contractor shall construct suitable Godown / stockyard at the site of work for safe storing of materials, like cement and other materials, against damage by sun, rain, dampness, fire, theft etc at his own cost. He shall also employ watch & ward personnel(s), for plants and machinery and other materials issued and arranged by him at his own cost and no extra payment shall be made on this account.
5) No tools & plants or machinery shall be supplied by the department.
6) The contractor shall make his own arrangements for electricity and water required for
the execution of the work and nothing extra shall be paid for the same. However, for
electrical connection, Engineer-in-charge shall recommend the application to concerned
authority for Electrical connection if required. Necessary payment shall be made by the
contractor directly to the department concerned. In case the concerned authority fails to
sanction the electric connection or delays the sanction of electric connection, the
contractor shall make his own arrangements by providing diesel generators of adequate
capacity at his own cost.