Your Name:
Your critter: Image processing of the skull of a male Acinonyx jubatus raineyi (male, FMNH 29635; Kenya, Eastern Province, Manchakos Dist., Athi River, 1500m, C. E. Ackeley 74, 27 November 1905). Scanned by Matthew Colbert on 8 March 2001. Original scan data located on Archive 0344. Field of reconstruction = 131mm; inter-slice spacing = 0.48mm for the original coronal slices and 0.26mm for the full size horizontal and sagittal reslicings. Image processing by Your Name, Spring 2001 as part of the class projects for Geology 391, Digital Methods in Paleontology.
lgcor: Image processing of original scanned images. Grayscale levels adjusted to 0, 1, 15, file format changed to 8bit mode, and grayscale levels adjusted again to 0, 1, 15, with output grayscale levels set at 0, 239. Images have also been cropped. Saved in TIFF format.
lgsag: Images sagitally resliced in NIH image/ Scion Image with an input slice spacing of 1.60 pixels, and an output slice spacing of 1.0 pixels. Image grayscale levels adjusted to 0, 1, 15, with output grayscale levels set at 0, 239. Saved in TIFF format.
lghor: Images horizontally resliced in NIH image/ Scion Image with an input slice spacing of 1.60 pixels, and an output slice spacing of 1.0 pixels. Image grayscale levels adjusted to 0, 1, 15, with output grayscale levels set at 0, 239. Saved in TIFF format.
smcor: TIFF/lgcor images reduced in size to conform to applet viewer conventions. New image size = XXX pixels wide by XXX pixels high.
smsag: TIFF/lgsag images reduced in size to conform to applet viewer conventions. New image size = XXX pixels wide by XXX pixels high.
smhor: TIFF/lghor images reduced in size to conform to applet viewer conventions. New image size = XXX pixels wide by XXX pixels high.
lgcor: JPEG versions of TIFF/lgcor images with slice numbers. Saved using Photoshop/ Irfanview using best compression.
lgsag: JPEG versions of TIFF/lgsag images with slice numbers. Saved using Photoshop/ Irfanview using best compression.
lghor: JPEG versions of TIFF/lghor images with slice numbers. Saved using Photoshop/ Irfanview using best compression.
smcor: JPEG versions of TIFF/smcor images. Saved using Photoshop/ Irfanview using best compression.
smsag: JPEG versions of TIFF/smsag images. Saved using Photoshop/ Irfanview using best compression.
smhor: JPEG versions of TIFF/smhor images. Saved using Photoshop/ Irfanview using best compression.
THUMBS: Navigation icons derived from QuicktimeVoxBlast animations. Images reduced in size with one pixel of black canvas surrounding specimen. Dorsal view(s) are XXX pixels wide and XXX pixels high. Lateral view(s) are XXX pixels wide and XXX pixels high. Saved as JPEG images with best compression.
AIcor: Labeled images in Adobe Illustrator format. Images based on every fifth image of TIFF/lgcor with extra canvas added for labels.
AIsag: Labeled images in Adobe Illustrator format. Images based on TIFF/lghor with extra canvas added for labels).
Aijpgcor: Labeled images in JPEG format with best compression. Images based on files in Labeled/Aicor.
Aijsag: Labeled images in JPEG format. Images based on files in Labeled/Aihor.
- Quicktime slice-by-slice animations along the three orthogonal axes (,, Based on the images in JPEG/lgcor, JPEG/lgsag, and JPEG/lghor.
- Quicktime animations of labeled images ( Based in the images in Labeled/Aijpgcor.
WEB: Adobe GoLive templates including text content for your specimen.