Professor Marc André Meyers is a member of the Materials Science and Engineering community. His research field is the mechanical behavior of materials. Within this field, he has focused on three areas:

a)Dynamic behavior of materials;

b)Nanocrystalline materials;

c) Biological materials.

The dynamic behavior of materials comprises deformation, fracture, fragmentation, shear localization, chemical reactions under extreme conditions and processing (combustion synthesis; shock compaction; explosive welding and fabrication; shock and shear synthesis of novel materials). The underlying unifying theme is the high rate at which events occur. He initiated this work in 1970 and dedicated forty uninterrupted years of research to this field. He made important strides to unify the field, by emphasizing the basic physical and chemical processes that the different phenomena have in common. Indeed, he has defined the field through his now classic book, Dynamic Behavior of Materials (1994, 869 citations, google scholar).

In the past ten years, he has applied Materials Science principles to biological materials. This approach, using the highly developed experimental and characterization capabilities developed by MSE, is yielding a cornucopia of new information on biological materials that is indeed enriching biology and expanding the frontiers of MSE. His global network of collaborators is presented in Figure 1. Some of his highly cited contributions are listed below:

  1. [BOOK]MA MeyersDynamic Behavior of Materials, J. Wiley, 1994 (translated into Chinese). This book synthesizes our knowledge on the dynamic behavior of materials and presents it in a unified manner. It is used globally as a text universities and reference at research institutes. It has received a very significant number of citations. ~900 citations (on google scholar)
  2. [BOOK]MA Meyers, KK Chawla , Mechanical Behavior of Materials,1998 (second edition, CUP, 2008 (earlier edition translated into Chinese).
    A balanced mechanics-materials approach and coverage of the latest developments in biomaterials and electronic materials, the new edition of this popular text is the most thorough and modern book available for upper-level undergraduate courses on the mechanical behavior of materials.A successful textbook that is used worldwide. This text has evolved from mechanical metallurgy. ~300citations (on google scholar)
  1. Meyers MA, Mishra A, Benson DJ, Mechanical properties of nanocrystalline materialsPROGRESS IN MATERIALS SCIENCEVol. 51, PP. 427-556, 2006, this overview article is used extensively in the materials community, ~500 citations (on web of science)
  1. Meyers MA, Voehringer O, Lubarda VA, The onset of twinning in metals: A constitutive description , ACTA MATERIALIAVol. 49PP. 4025-4039. ~200 citations
  2. Andrade , Meyers MA, Vecchio KS, Et al., Dynamic Recrystallization In High-Strain, High-Strain-Rate Plastic-Deformation Of Copper , ACTA METALLURGICA ET MATERIALIAVol, 42PP. 3183-3195, 1994, 102 citations
  1. Quasi-static and dynamic mechanical response of Haliotis rufescens (abalone) shells Menig R, Meyers MH, Meyers MA, et al.ACTA MATERIALIAVol. 48PP. 2383-2398, 2000, 65 citations
  1. Growth and structure in abalone shell, Lin A, Meyers MA
  2. Meyers MA, Chen PY, Lin AYM, et al. , Biological materials: Structure and mechanical properties, PROGRESS IN MATERIALS SCIENCEVol. 53 PP. 1-206, 2008, 56 citations
  3. Menig R, Meyers MH, Meyers MA, et al., Quasi-static and dynamic mechanical response of Strombus gigas (conch) shells, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSINGVol. 297, PP. 203-211, 2001, 40 citations

Marc AndréMeyersis a Distinguished Professor in the University of California, San Diego. This is the highest professorial level in the UC system and represents an honor that is reserved for only a small fraction of the tenured faculty. He has had visiting professorships at the U. of Karlsruhe, U. of Metz, and Cambridge U. (Cavendish Laboratory). He is currently supported by the major US funding organizations: National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research (MURI), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, U. of California Office of the President, and DARPA.

Throughout his career, he received a number of important awards. The most prestigious of these, the Acta Materialia Materials and Society Award, which was bestowed in 2010, has a most distinguished list of recipients that includes global leaders in the materials science field. The other awards are from Europe (Humboldt Society Senior Scientist Award in Metal Physics, Germany, and J. S. Rinehart Award from the EURODYMAT Association), China (Lee Hsun Lecture Award from the Institute of metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences) and US (SMD/TMS Distinguished Scientist and Distinguished Service Awards). He is also the co-recipient, with D. Benson, E. Bringa, V. Lubarda, and S. Traiviratana of the JOM (TMS) best paper award in structural materials. In 2011, he is receiving the following recognition: Fellow Award, TMS; Fellow, APS; and Albert Sauveur Award, ASM International.

Figure 1: Collaborators in 1998-2011 period

Over the past forty years, M. A. Meyers has been funded by the U.S. Army Research Office, Office of Naval Research, National Science Foundation, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory, US Army Research Laboratory, Japan MITI, German Humboldt Foundation, UC Office of the President, DARPA, and Department of Energy. His current programs support a considerable number graduate students. Approximately twenty-five Ph.D.s and numerous M. Sc. were granted under his supervision. Additionally, over ten Post-Doctoral researchers worked with him. These research activities have led to the publication of approximately 340 papers. He has an H index of 35, and ~4,500 citations. In2008, 2009, and 2010, his work was cited over 600 times. Figure 2 shows the number of publications/year and citations/year since 1990. Although these statistics do not express the quality and significance of M. Meyers’ contributions, they serve to assess his level of activity. It should be mentioned that several of these contributions are not in his chosen field of dynamic behavior of materials. This reflects the breath of contributions by Prof. Meyers.


Figure 1. ISI (web of Science-March 8, 2010) plots showing (a) publications/year since1991 and (b) citations per year since 1991.

Highlighted below are some of his most recognized contributions:

  • In his Ph. D. thesis, he proposed that the shock front in polycrystalline aggregates showed irregularities in position and pressure due to elastic and plastic anisotropy. He quantified these predictions and wrote two analytical papers on the subject. His attempts at verifying the effect experimentally failed, but recent scientific interest on the topic has led to measurements and computations that confirm the effect.
  • An experimental method for the establishment of the kinetics and nucleation time for martensite. Using reflected stress waves, Meyers and students were able to establish the kinetics of athermal martensitic transformations. This technique was extended to ultrashort times and the nucleation time was established ( 20-50 ns).
  • Dynamic recrystallization at high strain rates, This concept, initially received with considerable skepticism, is being recognized by the community as a significant contribution. It has important bearing on shear localization in metals.
  • A model for plastic deformation at the shock front. He modified the Smith interface in order to account for the generation of dislocations. No supersonic dislocations are required in this model. This model has resisted the test of time and is well known.
  • Mechanism for solid-liquid reactions in shock -induced chemistry [with K. S. Vecchio and L. H. Yu]. A similar mechanism seems to operate in intense shear and combustion synthesis. This new mechanism was documented and modeled analytically.
  • Experimental and analytical investigation of the self-organization of shear bands in metals, ceramics, and granular media. With V. Nesterenko and other colleagues, he investigated the spacing of shear bands. They were able to conclude that this spacing is characteristic and evolves with the growth of shear bands. This work is reviewed in the recent book authored by Dr. T. Wright. This work has stimulated investigations in China and Israel.
  • A model for the formation of annealing twins in metals. This work is widely cited in the literature. Key researchers have carried out experiments and analyses; there seems to be evidence for this mechanism, called "pop-out" mechanism.
  • A mechanism for the effect of grain size on the yield stress of metals. This paper is described in some detail in the top text on interfaces. This model was recently extended to the nanocrystalline domain.
  • He proposed a constitutive description of the slip-twinning transition.
  • He developed a new method for the densification of combustion synthesis products involving a high-speed forging process which enables ceramics to be deformed while still hot from the exothermic reaction.
  • With V. Lubarda, he proposed a mechanism for the growth of voids using a new typed of dislocation shear. It is interesting to notice that, although voids have been studied at great length, their growth by dislocations had not heretofore been explained.

Professor Meyers embarked, in the past years, into two new and exciting research directions: biological materials and ultrafine grained and nanocrystalline metals. He is focusing on the mechanical behavior of these materials and has made discoveries in this field that are receiving considerable recognition in the press.

These studies have as objective the development of new approaches for the synthesis of complex materials of the future.

Professor Meyers is also active in nanocrystalline materials and is carrying out research on ECAP to create ultrafine grained structures. His primary focus is to explain how the grain structure is formed by extreme plastic deformation. With D. Benson and A. Mishra, he published a major overview (129 pages) on the mechanical behavior of nanocrystalline materials.


Professor Meyers has exercised leadership throughout his entire career by initiating and taking an active part in a number of important organizational/administrative responsibilities.

  • At New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, he was the co-conceiver (with L. E. Murr), co-founder (with Dr. Marx Brook, in 1983) and Associate Director of the Center for Technology Research, a unique academic facility with extensive laboratories to test the effects of explosions and impact events on materials. This is the most complete explosives facility in a university in the world. CETR attracted, during the 80s and 90s, a large number of leading scientists from many countries. The creation of CETR enabled an unmatched reputation in explosive science and technology at New Mexico Tech. This center established the best experimental facilities in an academic institution worldwide and was funded by the State of New Mexico at the level of $1.3 M / year.
  • He has co-organized and co-chaired five international conferences (EXPLOMET 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, which he and L. E. Murr co-founded), four symposia at TMS/ASM meetings (Dynamic Behavior of Materials I, II, III, and IV), and a symposium on shear localization. This activity has been instrumental in advancing the field of dynamic behavior of materials over the past thirty years. A great amount of innovative research has been stimulated by these activities, and the field of dynamic behavior of materials is gaining recognition comparable with creep and fatigue in the materials community. These events had a very significant impact on the field and helped to define it.
  • He was an Advisor to the Director, Materials Science Division, US Army Research Office, from 1985 to 1987. His primary responsibility was to oversee ARO supported programs in the area of mechanical behavior of materials, with emphasis on dynamic behavior of materials. He organized a workshop in Virginia that brought together all Principal Investigators and many experts in dynamic behavior of materials. The policies and ideas that he helped to conceive at that time were important in determining funding directions. His activities at ARO had a significant and lasting impact in the field of dynamic behavior of materials.

As advisor to the Director, Materials Science Division he was actively engaged in the management of many Army supported research projects in the area of Mechanical Behavior of Materials.

  • Coordination of research with Soviet scientists, 1992-95. He traveled to the USSR four times, attending conferences and developing joint research with researchers (Profs. S. S. Batsanov, V. F. Nesterenko, A. Deribas). Dr. Meyers was selected as one of the key liaison scientists in a program of technological exchange in the area of shock-induced chemical reactions.
  • At UC San Diego, he was one of the four Associate Directors of the Institute for Mechanics and Materials and its Director for eighteen months. The IMM summer schools, well received nationally, were one of the most visible activities as Associate Director. As a Director of the IMM, he coordinated over twenty symposia and workshops in a number of critical science and technology areas. These events were very important in stimulating a closer relationship between Mechanics and Materials.
  • He was a subject editor (one of 100 leading Materials Scientists/Engineers) for the Encyclopedia of Materials Science and Technology, Elsevier's global effort for 2001. As a subject editor, he invited and coordinated the contributions of twenty-five experts in the field of mechanical behavior of materials.
  • MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Industry) Visiting Scientist, Japan. He was invited by the Japanese government to give a series of lectures at industrial laboratories, research institutes, and universities on the new technological developments taking place at the Center for Explosives Technology Research. He also carried out research at the Tsukuba Science City.
  • He created, with L. E. Murr and K. P. Staudhammer, the John S. Rinehart Award on Dynamic Behavior of Materials. This award, which is global, was initially given at the Explomet conferences and now will be the responsibility of the EURODYMAT Association. Eight awards were given, with two additional scheduled for 2009.
  • He is working with TMS to establish an all-institute award in the mechanical behavior of materials. This award will be named Orowan Award and is being developed.
  • In addition to the four symposia on dynamic behavior of materials, he co-organized five additional symposia at TMS/ASM meetings (four on Biological Materials Science). These symposia were important in establishing this new area of activity within TMS. Proceedings of the four symposia were published in leading journals.
  • He has been a member of the Board of Reviewers for Metallurgical and Materials Transactions for twenty years, and was its Chair 2000. He is a member of the Joint Commission in 2003.
  • He was the Chair of the Biomaterials Committee of TMS (2006-2007) and is making efforts to turn this into a joint TMS-ASM committee, as the Mechanical Behavior of Materials.
  • He is active in APS and was the Topical Group Officer for Materials Science in 2004 and for the 2005 APS Shock Compression Conference.
  • He is currently working with TMS and ABM (Brazil) officials to organize a joint TMS-ABM conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (July 2010).

Additional organizational activities:

  • 2010-Co-organizer of First Joint TMS-ABM Congress on Materials, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2010
  • 2007- Associate Editor, Materials Science and Engineering C; Biology
  • 2001-2002 Arizona State University, member of Materials Program Advisory Council.
  • 1980s –Present: Member of ASM/TMS Mechanical Behavior of Materials Committee
  • 1983 –1985 Editor, Mechanical Testing Chapter, Metals Handbook (one-volume edition). This involved writing and editing an extended part of this handbook( approximately 50 pages)
  • 1978, 79 –Secretary-Treasurer and lst Vice Chairman, Black Hills Chapter, A.I.M.E.
  • 1980s- Faculty Liaison for the Albuquerque ASM Chapter. Dr. Meyers coordinated the monthly student travel from Socorro to Albuquerque (70 miles) as well as the student presentations for several years.
  • 1976 - 1980: Associate Editor, Materials Science and Engineering.


He wrote three books that have been adopted as texts in universities and research laboratories worldwide. These books were well received by the community (over 1000 citations reported by Institute of Scientific Information-ISI) and over 10,000 copies were sold. He co-edited seven books.

  • Dynamic Behavior of Materials (J. Wiley, 1994). This book was well received by the community (800+ citations reported by ISI) and over 2,500 copies were sold. It was translated into Chinese. It is used as a text and reference work at research laboratories and universities worldwide. It presents a unified vision of the field emphasizing the fundamental mechanisms. The treatment is a balance of physics, chemistry, thermodynamics, and mechanics.
  • Mechanical Behavior of Materials (Prentice Hall, 1999), with K. K. Chawla. This book is being used as a senior and graduate text at a number of universities; it is based on an earlier text, with the same co-author, on mechanical metallurgy. Sales of over 4,300 volumes. Second edition, with a significant biological component, was published by Cambridge University Press in October 2008. CUP’s Singapore office has launched the international edition, primarily intended for the Asian market.
  • Mechanical Metallurgy(Prentice Hall, 1984) and its predecessor, ‘Principios de Metalurgia Mecanica’, (Blucher, 1982). The Portuguese version of the book was written in the late 70s, when Prof. Meyers started his professional career at the Military Institute of Engineering, Brazil. The Portuguese edition has been completely sold out (2,500 copies) and was widely used in that country. The English version has been very successful, with over 4,000 copies sold. This book was translated into Chinese and is widely used in that country.
  • Mechanics and Materials: Fundamentals and Linkages, co-edited by R. W. Armstrong and H. O. K. Kirchner, contains the principal contributions of the Institute for Mechanics and Materials summer schools. Professor Meyers also authored two extensive chapters in this book (adding up to over 100 pages). This book contains chapters by the foremost authorities in the field and is one of the important sources of information in the Mechanics and Materials field.
  • Frontiers in Materials Technologies, co-edited with O. Inal (Prentice Hall, 1985). This book, the result of a distinguished lecture series organized in New Mexico, contains an outstanding collection of contribution by highly respected authorities (Thomas, Gilman, Grant, Heuer, Cohen, Kelly, Dingle, Geballe).
  • Five Explomet conference proceedings. Each volume averaged one thousand pages. These proceedings were published by major publishers (Plenum, Elsevier) and constitute an important assessment of the advancing knowledge in the field of dynamic behavior of materials. The proceedings of the EXPLOMET 1980 conference were translated into Russian and constitute a widely used source of information.