Beloved Sisters in the Lord,
Greetings in the name of the One who has made us Princesses of the King of kings, Jesus Christ, our only Savior and Lord.
Another Founder’s Day is being celebrated today, unlike any of the past, because it takes us one step closer to the 2nd coming of the Founder, Lord and Master of the church.
Be reminded today sisters that;
Þ No other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. (I Cor. 3:11)
Þ Women like you in Bible times had served God faithfully, not caring for their lives.
Þ Missionary sisters had served in the Union faithfully, at the expense of their comfort and even their lives.
Þ Cameroonian mothers had served whole heartedly to establish the Union, leaving a legacy of selfless humility.
Þ My predecessor Wango Monica Bih has served faithfully as W.U. President for 15 years, and has with satisfaction handed over. Praise God for her. She, Ma Nokuri, Ma Abraham and others still living, remain resource persons to the Union.
Þ We have taken over the baton, and must leave a God glorifying, Jesus exalting legacy for the generations to come, if Jesus tarries.
Dear Sisters, I thank God for the privilege to run alongside with you. Uphold that which you are engaged in, which is pleasing to the Lord. Remember we shall be rewarded for faithfulness not for the position we hold.
Thank you for getting your copy of the Women’s Union quarterly prayer bulletin, and above all for praying. Keep on! Children are being initiated by the hour, and the hearts of the youths drawn to getting rich by devilish and criminal means. PRAY! Distribute the weekly prayer topics and build prayer chains to suit your setting. Form a prayer band of at least three women from your local church group. As you lift listed prayer concerns for already visited fields, be open to reach and bless them materially. Include Akwaya missionary Field visited in March by zone 3.
Praise Jesus for your consumption of the Women’s Manual Lessons. During our visits we have taught and laid emphasis on lessons 18 “Victory over Evil Traditions” and 21 “Overcoming the power of strong Drinks”. Go over them. May men see the good works produced by the transforming power of the light of Jesus in us, and be brought to the saving knowledge of Jesus – Mathew 5:16.
This time around sisters, we the CBC women are challenging ourselves with the name – “DEBESTAB”. Deborah, Esther, Tabitha (DEBESTAB) are our challenging Biblical women for the next 3 years
ü Deborah, the prophetess/warrior said to Barrack, “I will go with you--- the Lord will hand Sisera to a woman” (Judges 4:9a + c). Stand as warriors for and in the Lord. Stand by the men in the battle for a harvest of souls for the Kingdom of heaven.
ü Esther the Intercessor said to Mordecai, “----hold a fast and pray for me. Don’t eat or drink anything for three days and nights. My servant girls and I will be doing the same----.” Esther 4:16b. Spare not your knees and tears before the Lord for the church, our nation Cameroon, the lost and the world at large.
ü Tabitha the Kind hearted lady is described as such. “She was always doing good and helping the poor”. Acts 9:36b. Be a channel of blessing to the needy. God will take care of your needs.
Turn to the person next to you and say. “From today, DEBESTAB is my challenge name.” AMEN!
B.W.A. Conference will be holding in Hawaii in 2010. Consider Hawaii a stones throw away, for the God we serve is not limited by distance or in resources. Registration fee is 175 dollars which is about 79.000 FCFA (present exchange rate). Closing date at National level is December 2009 for onward transmission. Send your name to your Field chairlady by mid July, or call 75 82 25 19.
Beloved sisters in the Lord, the period of finger pointing and majoring on minors is past. Though minors should not be ignored, do not loose your focus because of them. As one great army of saved women, let’s stand with our eyes lifted heavenward in prayer praise and worship. Let’s engage in evangelism and discipleship. Older women, encourage and be exemplary to the young diamonds, whose membership in the Union is increasing by leaps and bounds. Involve, assign and stand by them at all times. Remember you lived their age.
Finally sisters, may heaven celebrate with you for that one soul you will bring to the Lord today.
Praise Jesus, and Happy Founder’s Day!
Mrs. SamaNdi Elizabeth
W.U. President