1777 Reisterstown Road Suite 145
Baltimore, Maryland21208
Maryland State Golf Association is a Not-For-Profit Corporation that provides undergraduate scholarships for needy and deserving employees and/or their children of MSGA member clubs with minimum two years employment, and to students having completed their junior year of high school.
If an employee has served for a minimum of two years, the employee and/or his/her child, or a student who has completed his/her junior year of high school will be eligible to apply for a scholarship. Each applicant shall be judged and compared with all other applicants. The final selection of Scholarship recipients rests with the Scholarship Selection Committee of the Maryland State Golf Association Scholarship.
Requirements for nomination are as follows:
1. Classes of candidates:
- Candidates must have been employed regularly at a MSGA Member Club for a minimum of two (2) years, or be a child of an employee who has been employed at a MSGA Member Club for a minimum of two years.
- Candidates must be a student who has completed junior year of high school and has a bonafide connection to golf through playing, caddying, or working at a club or course.
- Candidates must clearly establish their need for financial assistance.
3. Candidates must be outstanding in character, integrity, and leadership. These qualities must have been proved during participation in extracurricular, civic, or community activities.
Candidates must make certain that a transcript of their high school grades is sent to the Scholarship Selection Committee along with the Principal’s Report.
All candidates who satisfy the above requirements then compete, on the basis of their overall record and financial need, for the limited number of Maryland Sate Golf Association Scholarships awarded annually. Because there are many more scholarship applicants each year than there are available scholarships, it is not possible to award scholarships to all candidates who are eligible to apply.
Applications should be submitted as soon as possible after July 1 following the junior year in high school. The deadline for submission is August 31 of each year.
Applications are appraised by the Scholarship Selection Committee of the Maryland State Golf Association Scholarship.
MarylandState Golf Association