7th Annual High Country Warrior Ride!!!!
Ride to support Operation Heal Our Patriots & our Wounded Veterans
Date: Saturday, May 19th 2018 (Rain or Shine)
Registration Site:Registration Time: 9:00-9:40 am
Samaritan's Purse - Furman BuildingRide Instructions: 9:40 – 9:50 am
801 Bamboo Rd.Kick Stands Up: 10:00 am
Boone, NC 28607Ride Finish/Lunch: 12:30 pm
Route: (Ride with break/gas refueling will be approximately 2 ½ hours) The ride will begin and end at Samaritan’s Purse International Headquarters in Boone, NC. Upon arrival at Samaritan’s Purse, please park in the parking garage behind the Furman Building on your right as you approach the campus. Our 2 hour ride through the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains will be led by the Christian Motorcycle Association of Boone, NC. They will lead and assist in keeping proper ride formations for everyone’s safety. The majority of the ride will be on the Blue Ridge Parkway because of the size of the group. Safety is our priority! There will be one stop at the midway point of the ride to stretch and refuel. Total mileage will be approximately 100 miles.
Program: Operation Heal Our Patriots (OHOP) is a ministry of Samaritans Purse designed to assist with long term healing for wounded veterans and their spouses. Just before ride instructions at 9:40 am, we will have a video and speaker to describe more about how OHOP helps those who gave so much for our nation.
Lunch: Upon completion of the ride, we will have a BBQ lunch at Samaritan’s Purse.
Price: Includes barbeque lunch & 7th Annual Warrior Ride T-Shirt
$30 for Single Rider (Includes meal & T-Shirt)
$45 for Double Riders (Includes 2 meals & 2 T-Shirts)
***You must pre-register by Friday, May 11th to guarantee receipt of a Ride T-Shirt
Proceeds: 100% of tax-deductible proceeds & donations will go toOperation Heal Our Patriots, a ministry of Samaritan's Purse forwounded veteransand their spouses. Go to to find out more details about the project.For the latest information and updates please visit and like our page on Facebook:
Pre-Registration: Registration form must be returned by Friday, May 11th 2017 to guarantee receipt of a Ride T-Shirt. Same day registration will be available on the 19th, which will include the meal, but T-Shirt availability and sizes will be limited. This is an effort to keep unnecessary cost down.
Please print out the next page and return registration form before May 11th 2017.
Thank You for your support of Samaritan’s Purse & Operation Heal Our Patriots!!!
Please fill out registration form & mail back along with registration fee check to address below:
Driver name:______
Double’s Name:______
Phone Number:______
1st Rider T-Shirt size: ______
2ndRider T-Shirt size:______
Additional T-Shirt size(s) may be pre-purchased at $15 per shirt:______
Please make check payable to: Samaritan’s Purse - OHOP
Memo Line of Check:Warrior Ride
Please mail check & registration form to:After May 11th deadline, email form to:
Mark to secure place in ride
P.O. Box 3743and bring check the day of the ride.
Cullowhee, NC 28723Lunch included,T-Shirt subject to availability after May 11th.
Thank you for your support of Samaritan’s Purse, Operation Heal Our Patriots & our Brave U. S. military. If you have questions about the Ride, please contact Mark Speir at 828-773-1591 or email at .
Donation to Operation Heal Our Patriots: The price of the ride is to cover the cost associated with the ride. 100% of all profits will go directly to Operation Heal Our Patriots. Please prayerfully consider an additional contribution to the project to help minister to our wounded veterans and their spouses. Any additional donations can be made directly to the project through the Samaritan’s Purse OHOP website listed above or by simply increasing the amount of the check you are sending for the cost of the ride.
All Gave Some … Some Gave ALL!!!