Compass Men’s Bible Study LESSON 8 Hebrews 4:11-13

Day 1 / THEN

Read Hebrews 4:11-13

1)What did the author of Hebrews tell the readers to do in Hebrews 4:11? How does a person “strive to enter the rest,” when salvation is a gift from God?

2)Hebrews 4:11 follows directly from Hebrews 3:7 - 4:10. What had happened to the people in those verses? What was their “disobedience”? Looking back at those verses, what seemed to be the progression in their lives that brought them to the disobedience and rebellion against God?

Pray that you will not be unbelieving or distracted from God’s plan for you as you live in this world.

Day 2 / THEN

Read Hebrews 4:11-13

3)What did the author of Hebrews mean in Hebrews 4:12 when he said the word of God “is living and active”? What does it mean that God’s word is “piercing to the division of soul and of spirit”? What does it mean that God’s word is “discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart”?

4)Read Hebrews 4:13 and Revelation 3:1. What does Jesus say to the church of Sardis? What does this tell us about how the church of Sardis appeared before the rest of the Christian community? What does this tell us about how God viewed them?

Pray that you will be sensitive to the power of the Bible. Pray to be aware that God sees all aspects of your life.

Day 3 / ALWAYS

Read Hebrews 4:11

5) Look at Hebrews 4:11, Hebrews 11:6, and Luke 6:46. What does God always want from His people?

6)Read Joshua 1:8 and 2 Timothy 2:15. What are two acts of obedience a Christian should always do concerning his relationship with the word of God?

Pray that you will always be diligent to take serious time to put God’s word in your heart to rest in God and obey Him fully.

Day 4 / ALWAYS

Read Hebrews 4:12-13

7)Using Hebrews 4:12, Isaiah 55:11, 1 Peter 1:23, 1 Thessalonians 2:13 and 2 Timothy 3:16 & 17, make a list of facts that are always true about how God’s word is alive and working today.

8)Using Hebrews 4:13 and Revelation 3:1, explain what is always true about things that might be hidden from God. What can we hide from man? Whom do we have to give an account to in the end?

Pray Psalm 119:11, that you will always strive store God’s word in your heart so you will not sin against Him.

Day 5 / NOW

Read Hebrews 4:11-13

9)What do you see in your life that needs to change if you are serious about obeying verse 11?How will you change to do that this next week?

10)If you truly aredetermined to expect that God’s word will be active and living in your life, then you will seriously and carefully immerse yourself in God’s word. How will you become immersed and infused by God’s word this week and beyond?

Pray that you will take time to let God’s word will cut to your heart.

Day 6 / NOW

Read Hebrews 4:11-13

11)In what ways do you try to hide yourself from God? List the motivations that drive you in your efforts at work. Then label which are “me-centered” motivations and which are “God-directed” motivations.

12)We understand that God sees everything, hears everything, knows all motivations and hidden thoughts. With this in mind, make a list of what needs to change in relation to your “non-viewable” self.

Pray that God will strengthen you and you will make an effort to live a changed life that is led by the Spirit, focused on God’s word and His sovereignty.