Southern Maryland Volunteer Firemen’s Association


Member Counties: Calvert ♦ Charles ♦ St. Mary’s

DATE: February 1, 2018

TO: All S.M.V.F.A. Member Companies

Enclosed is a copy of the rules for nomination to the Southern Maryland Volunteer Firemen’s Association Hall of Fame.

Please remember that the Association will induct (10) members. The committee will also select up to (3) special inductees. These nomination will also be open to individuals who have made a distinguished contribution to the SMVFA but are not a member of this association.

Nominations are not held over from the previous year.

Review the rules and submit your nomination to the committee chairman no later than the March 26, 2018 meeting of this Association. Nominations should be sent to the following address:

SMVFA Hall of Fame Committee; Thomas A. Mattingly, Jr., Chairman, 41705 Eldon Ct., Leonardtown, MD 20650 or via email at Email should be sent as a PDF file, be on letterhead and have signatures.

Presentations and inductions will be held at the convention meeting to be hosted by the Newburg VRS/VFD on May 5, 2018.

If you have any questions please feel free to email the chairman: or call the chairman 240-538-7163.


Thomas A. Mattingly, Jr., Chairman


Southern Maryland

Volunteer Firemen’s Association


1.  Nominees may be either living or deceased. Membership is limited to Member Companies of the Southern Maryland Volunteer Firemen’s Association (SMVFA) only.

2.  Each year, the selection will be limited to ten (10) members, living or deceased.

3.  The names of the individuals to be nominated to the Hall of Fame may be received from the Nominees home Fire Department or Rescue Squad, any good company in good standing in the SMVFA, the Executive Board of the SMVFA, or from individual members of the Hall of Fame Committee.

4.  Nominees must have a minimum of ten (10) years of service with a company or companies belonging to the SMVFA.

5.  Nominations for membership to the Hall of Fame must be submitted to the Hall of Fame Committee TYPED OR IN WRITING AND MUST BE SIGNED, with a brief description of why you feel he/she should be selected.

6.  Nominations for membership to the Hall of Fame (other than nominations from members of the Hall of Fame Committee), must be in the hands of the Chairman of the Hall of Fame committee no later than the March meeting of the SMVFA. If a member of the Committee is nominated, the nomination is to be sent to the President of the SMVFA.

7.  Nominations submitted to the Hall of Fame Committee should be based upon the individual members (Nominee) distinguished service to the SMVFA or their individual Company within the SMVFA.

8.  The Hall of Fame Committee may also select up to three (3) individuals who are not members of a Volunteer Fire, Rescue or EMS Company, either living or deceased, who has made a distinguished contribution to the SMVFA. (Implemented in 2005)

9.  The members of the Hall of Fame Committee present at the annual selection meeting will make the selections for membership to the Hall of Fame. A nominee must receive a majority vote of the members present at the selection meeting for election into the Hall of Fame.

10.  The Hall of Fame Committee will consist of no more than six (6) members with equal representation from each county.

11.  All members elected to the Hall of Fame will receive two (2) certificates from the SMVFA (one for the individual elected and one for the individuals station), a rocker patch, a commendation ribbon and a lapel pin. The individuals elected to the Hall of Fame will also have their name engraved on an appropriate plaque to be displayed at the Southern Maryland Regional Training Center in LaPlata, MD.

Southern Maryland Volunteer Firemen’s Association


1.  This award is established for the recognition of Fifty (50) Years of Continuous and Faithful Service to the Fire Department and Rescue Squads of Southern Maryland.

2.  Names of the individuals to be honored are limited to the Member Companies of the Southern Maryland Volunteer Firemen’s Association.

3.  The names of individuals to be honored for this recognition may be received from the individual’s Fire Department or Rescue Squad, any Company, Department or Squad in good standing in the Southern Maryland Volunteer Firemen’s Association, the Executive Board of the Southern Maryland Volunteer Firemen’s Association, or from an individual member of the Association.

4.  Names of the individuals must be submitted to the Hall of Fame Committee in writing, with a brief description of why you feel the individual should be honored.

5.  Names of the individuals submitted for this honor, must be submitted to the Chairperson of the Hall of Fame Committee no later than the March 26, 2018 meeting of the Southern Maryland Volunteer Firemen’s Association.

6.  Each individual receiving this honor will receive two (2) certificates and a Commendation Ribbon. Presentations will be held at the convention meeting to be hosted by the Newburg VRS/VFD on May 5, 2018.

7.  Send all nominations to: SMVFA Hall of Fame Committee, Thomas A. Mattingly, Jr., Chairman, 41705 Eldon Ct., Leonardtown, MD 20650 or via email at Email should be sent as a PDF file, be on letterhead and have signatures.

Member Counties: Calvert ♦ Charles ♦ St. Mary’s