Physics P Course Syllabus 2012-2013

Mr. Hotell

Email: (best way to reach me)

Voicemail: 277-6400 ext 1147

College-preparatory Physics is an exciting course that involves the study of our world and how it works. Our curriculum is focused upon the Physics Standards as adopted by the State of California and our school district. The major topic areas that will be learned are: Motion and Forces, Energy and Momentum, Heat and Thermodynamics, Waves, Electricity and Magnetism.


1. Learn physics!

2. Become a critical thinker and problem solver.

3. Develop good study habits.

4. Gain a positive feeling about science.

5. Work successfully within a group to achieve a common goal.

6. Develop punctuality and personal responsibility.

7. Learn proper use and care for scientific laboratory equipment.

8. Have fun!


Your three-ring binder will be organized in the following sequence:

1. Title page

2. Course syllabus

3. Assignment sheet

4. Physics standards

5. Collateral material

6. Agendas

7. Notes

8. Completed assignments in order

Textbook: Physics Principles and Problems, Paul W. Zitewitz et al. Approximate replacement cost is $100. Keep your book covered at all times and return it in comparable condition.


The following are to be brought by the student to class every day:

  • Three ring binder (at least 1”) with loose-leaf lined paper
  • Textbook
  • Scientific Calculator: Casio and TI are the most popular, approx. $15 (Mr. Hotell can give you calculator advice if you need it)
  • Writing Instruments (pen and pencil)
  • A “can-do” attitude

Laboratory Donation: The science department is requesting a laboratory donation of $25 per student. This money will be used to provide and support the laboratory activities our students need and deserve. Laboratory activities are critical for the proper depth of understanding necessary in physics.

The lab donation is to be given to Mr. Hotell in the form of cash or check (made out to “West Campus”). A timely response is greatly appreciated.


1. Grades will be determined using a point system. Points will be totaled at the end of the grading period and a grade assigned based on the following scale:

A = 90 - 100%

B = 80 - 89%

C = 65 - 79% A grade of D or F is not

D = 55 - 64% acceptable for college

F = 0 - 54% admission!

If a D or an F is earned, the class must be repeated in order for physics to count as a lab science for college admission.

Students AND parents may access grades with the use of Zangle.

Points will be approximately distributed as follows:



Binder Checks20%

Final Exam15%

2. All assignments must be turned in on time.

EXCEPTION #1: When you return from an excused absence, you must present a readmit or early dismissal from the attendance office excusing your absence. You must turn in any assignments that were completed prior to your absence and receive all assignments missed during your absence. You will be given the same amount of time to turn in these missed assignments as was given the rest of the class. It is not the instructor’s responsibility to ask for any missed assignments, you must take that responsibility upon yourself! There will be no extra credit.

EXCEPTION #2: Each student will be given 3 BLH “Because Life Happens” passes per semester, in case any unforeseen circumstance arises that prevents the completion of a homework assignment. With this pass a student can turn in an assignment within ONE WEEK of the due date WITHOUT penalty. The pass can only be used on assignments that are worth 20 points or less. The pass must be signed and stapled to the assignment for credit.

3. Binders will be graded on a monthly basis. Each binder check will be worth 25 points.

4. Citizenship grades will reflect classroom behavior and your attitude toward the class.

Homework Policy:

Homework assignments will average about 3 per week. Homework may consist of textbook problems, a worksheet, a reading assignment, or completion of an in-class lab activity. When you turn in an assignment with your name on it, you are certifying that you did the work and not someone else. As mentioned above, all homework must be turned in on time (usually at the beginning of the period on the day following the assignment). If no homework is assigned, you should study your notes about the concepts recently learned.

Tardy Policy:

Students are allowed 3tardies per semester without consequence. The 4th tardy, and every one thereafter, will result in assignment of lunch detention under the direction of the principal or assistant principal. Remember, late work is not accepted!!!

Cell Phone Policy: Cell phones will not be tolerated. They are to be turned off and put away prior to entering class. A violation of this rule will result in confiscation of phone and/or referral to an administrator. A violation during a test will result in an automatic zero. If you are in “texting position”, you are texting!

Classroom Rules:

  • I will do my best today.
  • I will respect myself and others.
  • I will be responsible for my academic success.
  • I will be teachable.
  • I will have fun!


Attention Students and Parents:

Please read thePhysics Course Syllabus. Sign and return the bottom half of this page to Mr. Hotell THURSDAYto indicate that class information has been communicated to and understood by both students and parents. This is your first assignment! Course Syllabus is to be placed in Physics Binder. I look forward to a fulfilling and successful school year for all.

Mike Hotell

Print Student Name ______

Student Signature______


Print Parent Name ______

Parent Signature ______
