Advice Dorset Partnership:
Accessibility Conference – 8 February 2018
Summary of notes and group work
Table talk: problems and solutions
Problems / SolutionsDIGITAL /
- Knowledge and skills
- Cost and availability
- Behaviour
more use of support via GP surgeries
money from the private sector
Accessibility Champions
more digital solutions = less travel issues
TRANSPORT / lack of knowledge of services
signposting and raising awareness
infrastructure / community services info
use GPs!
share travel
share services formultiple uses
get supermarkets to provide buses
- trust
- language
- culture
- isolation
- lack of infrastructure
- people not involved in planning events that might be about them!
support at GPs
raise cultural awareness
consistency of services
Don’t assume understanding of systems
Include BAME people in planning events
There are already liaison groups eg Gypsy, Traveller, Roma
OTHER / Look at the other models that work eg social prescribing
Good signposting
SPEAKERS: slide presentations are available on:
Matthew Piles: Director Environment and Economy, Dorset County Council
DCC spends £240m per year on transport. Integration is key – eg use of DCC’s fleet (90+ vehicles).
Community Transport: How do people know what is available? More info on schemes:
Toolkit – available in pdf full and basic text versions: version:
Grants are available for communityprojects:
Local example: BUS2GO
Focus Groups
- Digital is not for everyone
- People resent having to do thingsdigitally
- Digital divide is growing eg. between generations
- Isolation and bullyingif you are not dig-savvy and (seen as) ‘different’
- Digital is needed within organisations – culture change to encourage ongoing training
- Need to keep considering non-digital waysof communicating
- On-line forms must bereviewed and improved from feedback
- Have to separate digital barriers form other barriers
- On-line banking is much safer
- Voluntary sector can fill the gap – or can it?!
Recognise the importance of ‘assisted digital’ – and publicise availability
Training: increase skills and knowledge
Accessing Services: the minority ethnic perspective / interpretation services
If a voluntary sector organisation has a case with a statutory organisation the stat. org. needs to provide interpreter services
If they don’t it is a discrimination case – contact DREC
Most leaflets have gone on-line – but need a variety of tools: on-line leaflets, 1-2-1 discussions
Somepeople cope with an App that reads and writes for them
Produce videosto show services
Easy-read versions to present services
Servicesneed to be flexible in their approach
Need a variety of communication tools
Take time
Utilise community leaders
Discrimination: use DREC and Cit Advice services
Transport (detailed flips will be available in due course)
Combination of factors including
Communication of what’s available – need lots of ways
Collaboration – including with the private sector
ACTIONS for the Advice Dorset Partnership to take forward
- Improving communication and availability of information on services, transport schemes etc, and sharing best practice across the advice sector.
- Improving links with GP practices.
- What can we get from the private sector – money, help in kind etc?
- Combining our evidence from service users of the issues and barriers they face and how these can be mitigated.
Improving Digital Access: Citizens Advice report
Read the full report produced by the Dorset Citizens Advice offices here:
Feedback and comments
Overall, delegates rated their conference satisfaction at 8.52 out of 10. People asked to see copies of slides and flips from the focus groups etc. Other comments:
Is there any action you will take as a result of todays event?Yes, connect with Bus2Go. Signpost its services
More networking and more services to connect with
Link with integrated transport
Hope to improve working with other organisations
CAB digital inclusion research - very usefulfor our accessibility improvements
Numerous actions
Use similar snapshot model for whole organisation meeting e.g. speakers from CAB to CST staff etc.
Yes, connect with Bus2Go. Signpost its services
Disability groups
Helpful to reflect upon the way forward for our organisation in terms of digital
Publicise transport options and help with costs
New ways to connect/reach BME's
Linking more with other organisations, promoting more other services
Look at referring to Bournemouth interpreters Group
Yes - Wyvern. Find out more
Email contacts with transport team and Penny at Digital DCC for digital champions
Developing links with other organisations. Using learning to help inform action plan for future public engagement work - ensuring equality of access
Review whether our information explains non-digital methods to access services (e.g. 30 hours free childcare application)
Share learning with colleagues. Make direct contact with a couple of people met today to discuss further collaboration opportunities
Several: Referral forms to delegates for connecting people. Weymouth project. Need to consider how to get more info to CAB re:computer support. Working with CAB on UC project, especially in Dorchester library.
Anything you would like to see or repeat at future events ?
Cyber crime - longer session
Would have liked more detail on BME inclusion
Sessions re: BME and transport
Focus groups were a really helpful feature - I think and hope I speak from both a facilitator and delegate perspective!
The positive benefits of digital solutions. National CRB website and initiatives
More opportunities to develop signposting systems between agencies
Anything you would like to raise or receive further info on?
Yes - will make links with other organisations represented at the conference to find out more where needed
We need to consider how we can take some of these ideas forward. Do you engage with DCC councillors much? Do they know what you're doing? Need to incorporate CitA’s digital access findings into the picture of Dorset's offline/excluded population.
Further thoughts on the idea of general champions, ensuring our champions are aware of online Joseph's transport info
Did the conference support the objectives of the Advice Dorset Partnership?
Any comments and/or for further information on the Advice Dorset Partnership – contact Caroline Buxton: