28 January 2012 -4 Sh'vat 5772
Before anyone can get a proper perspective on this lesson, they need to establish a Body of Fire with the required Eternal Link of Infinite Power attaching your Body of Fire, the Sun and your physical body. Follow my instructions and re-establish your Body of Fire before we proceed with this instructional.
Akurians, envision an Image of your Living Body; fly that Image into the center of the Sun and expand it to 400,000 miles in diameter, noting you are still inside the Sun. Draw into yourself all the present Light and Electric Energies as you can manage. Now fill yourself with as much Black Fire as you can muster, and turn your Spirit Image into a Body of Fire. Now charge your Body of Fire: AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH INTELLIGENCE, COMPREHENSION, DISCERNMENT, STRENGTH, COURAGE, POWER!
Akurians, establish an anchor between your Body of Fire and the Sun to become an Eternal Link of Infinite Power, a Link of Fire; and return to your Living Body stringing your Sun Link that you be fully attached to the Sun. Now return and attach your Body of Fire to your Living Body with your Permanent Sun Link.
Properly constructed and renewed everyday for the time being, your Body of Fire will provide you with instant manifestations because it is virtually unlimited energy for all intents and purposes. Once hard-established, using it will become Second Nature.
It is often and rightly asked, "If The Most High has given the Akurians the objective of defeating the Nefilim and informing the whole world of all Spiritual Truth, why has He not provided the millions of dollars required by today's economy to accomplish it?"
The answer is as Spiritual as it is simple: The Most High is going to win this, and all other, fights with whom/whatsoever the enemy and/or their given agenda! Our personal preference of a "NOW" agenda is a real factor, but NOT a final determination of that outcome. It is more a TEST of our resolve toward our Duty toward Righteousness than it is anything critical toward the eventual end result. And that brings us to some Great Questions:
WHO will be found worthy in That Day?
Only those who DO The Will of The Most High!; which excludes all hallelujah halfwits both Catholic, Christian and 'believing' non-participants; Moslems whether sincere or psychopathic; all current Levites and Jews; Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, et al; and specifically those who have taken the Proof of Anointing, The Great Testimony, and then went whoring after other desires regardless of the nature thereof.
WHAT will be the evidences in their behalf?
NOTHING is going to be hidden, even the most-minute details are going to be open and considered! Each and every action and non-action is going to get a full review right along with the causes and reasons thereof. For ALL those who are, ALL those who will become and ALL those who will remain True and Faithful Proven Knows of The Great Testimony, their Trial has already been presented, heard and adjudicated: "NOT GUILTY TO ALL SPECIFICATIONS AND CHARGES!" via Forgiveness of and by The Most High! No exceptions under any conditions.
WHEN will we be on-record of standing on and declaring the Holy Ground?
Instantly and for howsoever long you maintain! "Within a micro-micro-second" is far longer than The Most High's decision on your behalf! And for those who then reject, blaspheme and/or defile as mentioned above, including all hallelujah halfwits, stupid-grinners, non-existent-Jesus praisers, know-so-muches, self-inflicted idiots, Marxists, Communists, Fascists, Socialists, Progressives, politicians, priests, preachers and other liars: His rejection is equally as rapid. Once a Holy Seal (Holy Mark in the Forehead) is lost, it will NEVER be returned nor reinstated. There is STILL time for repentance and Eternal Rescue but the Holy Seal is gone forever. BEWARE! You have been warned!
WHERE will we present Truth and Righteousness that all may review, to accept or reject, with both rewards and penalties then and there being upon their own heads and at their own hands?
Every-and-any-place there is space available! We're in the process of updating all our websites there will be some NEW url tags and once finished every Akurian is encouraged to post them at every opportunity; add them to your own emails; and use them in every appropriate reply. Do not forget WE ARE AT WAR with both Demons, Nefilim and virtually all Departments of Government. The first two are ages-long conflicts, but government has made itself an enemy of unspeakable proportions over the past 100 or so years. Zap hell out of any and all who attempt any restriction whatsoever against our Righteous Endeavors. DO NOT SPARE THEM NOR THEIR MANIPULATORS! They are the scum of Creation and must be Judged accordingly.
WHY this TEST in the process of declaring and defeating the known enemies both Nefilim and Demonic?
Because WE chose to be True and Righteous Servants of The Most High when He reached out His Hand to us! PERIOD! We need to constantly clean ourselves of decades of Kak Jew and hallelujah halfwit programming that began BEFORE we even knew we could think! The Most High has required and presented us the opportunity and His Reasons to "become as I am" ELEVEN TIMES in "The ANOINTED, The ELECT, and The DAMNED!" (AED) Make no mistake! Both Demons and Nefilim are fully aware of this opportunity, along with each and every personal and collective weakness we have to send us astray IF we're stupid enough to abide them.
WE ARE KNOWERS! We are NOT 'believers' by any application of the word. We KNOW we need sustenance, shelter and rest. We KNOW that all three come with a monetary price to any any/all with any degree of survivable safety. We KNOW the whole world has been programmed-ignorant and is woefully deluded with respect to all politics, economics, sciences, religions and virtually everything else. We KNOW there is an unspeakably horrible GLOBAL HOLOCAUST on the immediate horizon. We KNOW there are plans and operations (some in progress and some being implemented) to create as many - and as severe as necessary disasters as 'justification' to "send in government" to 'control the situation' in disguise of The Grand Plan of TOTAL Global Enslavement. Therefore, we also KNOW we need as much available communications as may be available. COMMUNICATIONS IS THE KEY!
To counter the deliberate damnations of Demons, Nefilim, Religions and Governments, we, the Akurians, need to publish as often as possible and as far and wide as obtainable. AND THAT COSTS MONEY! A lot of it. Money we do not have. Money we must EARN before we can spend. Thus the total re-do of our websites to present the whole picture; that many will come and be informed across our battle field perspective; that some may gain possession of the AED; and most of all, become Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony of The Most High. Money for the sake of money is NOT our objective. In the Days of Holocaust and horrendous Days of Tribulation, money will be cast into the streets as too much of a burden to carry when the same weight of beans would be far more valuable.
Ezekiel 7:19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the Day of the Wrath of the Lord: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumbling block of their iniquity.
A few years back, when we had the money to TEST it, Command Marshal General D. Chylon Budagher and myself invested a great deal of TIME and MONEY in the Hebrew numerical combinations found in the Biblical Prophecies revealed via Biblical Codes in the lottery. Our procedure was simple. We made our selections from both past Events and future Events in about equal amounts; we took those numbers and marked as many playing cards as the lottery required with respect to the several discovered combinations. We placed our bets in absolute neutrality. And LOST each and every time! We were ordered to TEST IT, we TESTED IT. For exactly WHAT purpose, we didn't have a clue nor did we ask; we simply obeyed.
Then that magnificent AED jumped out at us show us a SOURCE that is evidently unacceptable to this Holy Order at large WITHOUT closing the same doors to individuals as long as their ultimate goal is their own individual pleasure or prosperity. Nobody has been more faithful in this respect than Brigadier Kathryn A. Malone; and nobody in this Holy Order has been more targeted by Demons and Nefilim because of it!
And for the Record: NO! Brigadier Malone has NEVER AS IN NEVER used winning a lottery as a desire! Knowing if she won this Holy Order would be a great recipient is an entirely different matter and perspective.
Playing lotteries, betting horse, dog, automotive, boat and aircraft races, sports teams and all other forms of gambling for the pleasure of it is NOT a violation of Holy Law nor a 'sin' of any kind. It may be bellowed loud and long via hallelujah halfwits along side 'demon rum' but The Most High laughs at such ignorance and furiously condemns all those who expound such stupidities. The only SIN that comes into play is when anyone squanders the LIVING required for their families, especially children, and wives who do not work outside the home. That is NOT a 'sin' of gambling, it's a SIN OF NEGLECT!; a pure and clear violation of Holy Law when The Most High has made provision for all to eat and be clothed! A grant of conduct far older in Israel than the Book of 1 Timothy 5:8 where it still appears as a grain of truth to confuse: "But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel," is an absolute.
That any Akurian would TITHE on any winnings is not the issue. That The Most High WANTS a more pure and pristine source of individual presentation IS THE WHOLE ISSUE! It's a matter of contaminated energy versus the Demons and Nefilim tampering being a Testimony against themselves! And so it rests with us to publish and distribute the contents of the AED over and above any and all other considerations; regardless of the investments in personal time and effort required.
For all those who would confirm us first hand, here are the most-relevant contents with respect to the lottery [emphasis ours] direct from the AED:
0221 Woe upon woe to those who lose their Holy Seal! Woe upon woe to those who profane their Holy Seal! Woe to those who shall in any manner profane The Great Testimony by gambling, by avarice, by selfishness, by covetness, or by any evil: for that would cause them to profane and lose their Holy Seal. Never, under any conditions, use The Proof of The Anointing to attempt to win any lottery, gain any favor, or any other such act as it would instantly become an abomination and cost you your Holy Seal.
5060 The Most High is not a gambler and will not endorse your gambling; so don't think you can make a gift offering and embind Him to cause you to win the lottery, or any other game of chance. Gambling is not a 'sin,' as hallelujah halfwits claim, unless it causes hardship on the family. And any habit or conduct that causes needless hardship on the family or on one's own self is a violation of Holy Law.
5377 Lord El Aku has the expertise and connections to make the same millions of dollars as anyone else in entertainment, and other than discovering gold or winning a lottery sweepstakes which is a shot in the dark at best there's no other way you are going to be financed! It's as simple as that. So you can do 'your' projects and Die the Death in Holocaust, but you sure as hell can't do 'your' projects and earn sufficient funds to finance a Refuge!
7506 Even though while UP IN THE SPIRIT you can learn to call Spirit Entities into your presence, it can be dangerous for even the experienced and spiritually fatal for the halfcocked! No! They will not show you the location of gold or any other treasures. Nor will they bestow upon you any powers whatsoever. And, finally: they will not inform you of what dog, horse, or anything else will win tomorrow, nor give you sure-fire winning lottery numbers! They will not do any of those things BECAUSE THEY CAN'T!
7552 Seventh: Without anyone else knowing, either about the offering or that you are going to test The Proof of The Anointing at all, making sure you are alone, with the sealed offering in hand, verbally or mentally declare anything that you would like to have or a given condition in which you would like to find yourself. Just don't be stupid with your request winning the lottery, having some married Super Star as a spouse, all powers, knowledge and understanding equal to Him, killing some HONEST person you don't like because they see through your jealousies or other nonsense, or anything crackpot, et cetera. Healings do come, some instantly and some over time. We don't keep track of such things as they are Sacred Territory, so we don't know about them unless the Proven Knower informs us. Asking for more/extended life than you're worth to The Most High is generally futile.
We, the Akurians, are left with whatever we have to deliver The Will of The Most High; much when we have much and little when we have little. He requires nothing more of us. We are required to condemn evil in all its forms and manifestations, and all its practitioners whether knowing or unknowing, and to do so without even the pretence of sidewalk arm-grabbing, door knocking or any other force of contact whatsoever. Primarily, the Akurians operate on whatever resources we have as individuals. Often there is none in the Akurian accounts, so we provide what we can afford out of our personal possessions and income. Seldom is that ever sufficient for even the minimum obligations. Nevertheless, that is what we do.
Be cognizant and fully assured, there is Hell on the Horizon, and The Most High is going to ask each and every one concerning the billions of deaths being planned and plotted as I write these very words (28 January, 2012). Not only is He going to ask all the slain who died in their sins, He is going to ask all those who are and will be responsible for those deaths and ignorances of the slain in addition to their own. And THAT is where the Akurians enter the game: IGNORANCES! We are the sole and exclusive people commissioned to publish and deliver the HOLY TRUTH and access to The Most High and His Righteousness against all obstacles economic and otherwise.
We do this in addition to our own self and family obligations, and in addition to our own personal Spiritual development. Financially broke and constantly bombed by both Demons and Nefilim we still hammer Hell Itself into the enemies and their concoctions. We spare neither cracked pot 'religions' nor political idiocies. We train, we rehearse, we watch, we learn, and we witness HAND PRINTS as result of our efforts on an almost daily basis. We are the True, the Righteous, the Akurians. Even the Armored Gates of Hell shudder at mention of us, for they know that neither their strength nor their contents are sufficient; and against us they are less a resistance than morning mist under our feet.
Will financial resources come? Perhaps.
Will sufficient financial resources come? Perhaps.
We have several ventures that are capable of providing sufficient resources; as we have had in the past, some successful and some that were not. In my younger and hardier years, I bankrupted myself, my music and other investments, and this Holy Order, to establish Ak-1 with a population of 1,720 and it became REFUGE in 1976! I didn't do it alone, nor was I the only source of finance. I did manage to eliminate some 300,000 self-aggrandized hallelujah halfwits from this Holy Order and for the most part our Mission/Rescue endeavors went down the drain in the process. So be it. I had orders to establish a Holy Refuge to survive both Earth's natural disasters, man-made Holocaust and socialist-created Tribulation; NOT to maintain another totally worthless level of 'praise (the non-existent) Jesus' and I did it. I would do the same thing again.
Now that all Tribes and Peoples are destined to live or die in the Nations, I have orders to TEACH as many as will learn toward their becoming Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony of The Most High; to be a Witness OF (neither for nor against) those who do and those who don't; and to tear down and destroy without even consideration of mercy all those who resist or in any manner contribute to the Spiritual, Physical and Mental Enslavement of mankind (Anusazi). Publishing and delivery are both financially expensive, physically and mentally exhausting, but that is where my final hours and last breath will be expended.