Last updated: / 29 March 2017


Post title: / PrincipalResearch Fellow
Academic Unit/Service: / School of Geography and Environment
Faculty: / Social, Human and Mathematical Sciences
Career Pathway: / Education, Research and Enterprise (ERE) / Level: / 6
*ERE category: / Research pathway
Posts responsible to: / Principal Investigator
Posts responsible for:
Post base: / Non Office-based
Job purpose
The post is required to fulfil the research tasks of the new BBSRC contract on modelling the Mekong River Systems. The job will involve the development of mathematical models of flow and water quality for the MEKONG and engage in the project, providing support to post doc staff and writing reports/papers as required. There will be a high level role to advise the management team and also assist with presenting results in a range of different meetings.
Key accountabilities/primary responsibilities / % Time
Lead a broad research programme and activity in an area of recognised excellence for the University. Act as principal investigator on major projects, responsible for defining original research objectives, leading research programmes, developing and managing staff, setting-up and managing resources, and leading major funding bids. / 25 %
Develop and sustain a national and international reputation as a research leader in a major subject area, maintaining the regular dissemination and explanation of findings through leading peer-reviewed publications, major conferences, or exhibiting work at other appropriate events. / 25 %
Devise, develop and oversee the application of innovative and creative research methodologies and techniques that add to the knowledge/understanding of a major subject area. Interpret findings from research projects and develop new insights, expanding, refining and testing hypotheses and ideas. / 25 %
Collaborate on and develop original research with colleagues in other institutions. / 25 %
Internal and external relationships
Responsibility to research director.
As a senior member of the project team, will coordinate the day-to-day activities of research and technician staff under the guidance of the research director.
Collaborators and colleagues in other work areas and institutions.
Special Requirements
To be available to participate in fieldwork in Vietnam as required by the specified research project.
To attend national and international conferences for the purpose of disseminating research results.


Criteria / Essential / How to be assessed
Qualifications, knowledge and experience / PhD or equivalent professional qualifications and experience in geography
Knowledge of geography
Well-established national and international reputation in geography
Extensive track record of published research
Significant track record of achievement within geography
Planning and organising / Proven ability to plan and shape the direction of an area of research activity with substantial impact on finance and/or reputation of the University
Proven ability to lead major funding bids, developing funding sources and attracting significant funds
Proven ability to build research teams
Problem solving and initiative / Able to develop significant new concepts and original ideas within own field in response to intractable issues of importance to the research area
Management and teamwork / Able to mentor, manage, motivate and coordinate research team, delegating effectively. Able to resolve performance issues and formulate staff development plans, where appropriate, to ensure team aims are met
Able to foster and develop good relationships between own Academic Unit and the rest of the university. Able to work proactively with senior colleagues to develop cross-Academic Unit and institution cooperation and effectiveness
Able to monitor and manage resources and budgets
Work effectively in a team, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of others to help teamwork development
Communicating and influencing / Communicate new and complex information effectively, both verbally and in writing, engaging the interest and enthusiasm of the target audience
Extensive track record of presenting research results at group meetings and conferences
Able to persuade and influence at all levels in order to foster and maintain relationships, resolving tensions/difficulties as they arise
Able to provide expert guidance and to colleagues in own team, other work areas and institutions to develop understanding and resolve complex problems
Able to negotiate for the Academic Unit on key issues
Able to develop and lead key communications strategies
Other skills and behaviours / Compliance with relevant Health & Safety issues
Positive attitude to colleagues and students
Special requirements / Able to attend national and international conferences to present research results


Is this an office-based post?

☐Yes / If this post is an office-based job with routine office hazards (eg: use of VDU),no further information needs to be supplied. Do not complete the section below.
☒No / If this post is not office-based or has some hazards other than routine office (eg: more than use of VDU) please complete the analysis below.
Hiring managers are asked to complete this section as accurately as possible to ensure the safety of the post-holder.

## - HR will send a full PEHQ to all applicants for this position.Please note, if full health clearance is required for a role, this will apply to all individuals,including existing members of staff.

(<30% of time) / Frequently
(30-60% of time) / Constantly
(> 60% of time)
Outside work / X
Extremes of temperature (eg: fridge/ furnace) / X
## Potential for exposure to body fluids / X
## Noise (greater than 80 dba - 8 hrs twa)
## Exposure to hazardous substances (eg: solvents, liquids, dust, fumes, biohazards). Specify below: / X
Frequent hand washing / X
Ionising radiation
## Food handling
## Driving university vehicles(eg: car/van/LGV/PCV) / X
## Use of latex gloves (prohibited unless specific clinical necessity)
## Vibrating tools (eg: strimmers, hammer drill, lawnmowers)
Load manual handling / X
Repetitive crouching/kneeling/stooping / X
Repetitive pulling/pushing / X
Repetitive lifting / X
Standing for prolonged periods / X
Repetitive climbing (ie: steps, stools, ladders, stairs) / X
Fine motor grips (eg: pipetting) / X
Gross motor grips / X
Repetitive reaching below shoulder height / X
Repetitive reaching at shoulder height / X
Repetitive reaching above shoulder height / X
Face to face contact with public / X
Lone working / X
## Shift work/night work/on call duties

Template Job Description - ERE Level 6 – Research Pathway – PrincipalResearch Fellow1