Kempshott Junior School

Old Down Close


Hampshire, RG22 5LL

Head Teacher F. Craig B.Ed

Dear Parents, 8 September 2017

Autumn Newsletter No. 1

Welcome back to all our children and a special welcome to our new Year 3’s and their families. The children have all settled in well this week and are all working very hard.

This is a very busy term and I have included as much information as possible in this first newsletter.

We will continue to remind you of important events. Mrs Clifton and myself have loved seeing all the summer holiday work the children have brought in, it’s not too late to send yours in if you wish.

Miss Agate

We are delighted to announce that Miss Agate gave birth to a little girl on Wednesday, Matilda Florence. Mother and baby are doing well and we are looking forward to meeting them both soon.

Clubs for the Autumn Term

Clubs will begin on Monday 18 September and will run until Friday 1 December. You will receive a detailed letter regarding clubs very shortly.

School Photographs

Snappers will be in school on 31 October to take the children’s individual photographs, they will also be in school on 9 November to take photographs of any children who were absent on 31 Oct and any family photographs you would like to have taken, more details to follow.

Our New Classroom

We have had a lot of interest from children and parents regarding our new green classroom on the grass by the playground. This classroom is a wonderful addition to our grounds, it is air conditioned, fully networked with a cloakroom, toilets, store facilities and kitchen area. This will allow us to use it for multiple activities including speech and language groups, small group working activities, meeting room, KSA use, large drama and dance space and extra space for Breakfast and Afterschool Club. We are very excited to have this lovely new room and are looking forward to using it.


Please could all parents be aware that due to there being no supervision of the Playdale, before or after school, for their safety, the children should not be using this facility during these times.

Year 3

Warburton’s will be visiting Year 3 on 2, 3 and 4 October to talk to the children about healthy eating and making sandwiches. Year 3 will also be having a visit at the school from the Open Box Theatre company to complement their Pirate topic.

Year 3 Curriculum Overview – Autumn Term 12 Sept 3.15pm

The Autumn Term curriculum will be discussed with Year 3 parents in the Year 3 work area at 3.15 on

12 September.

Year 4 – Alice Holt Visit 28 September

You will be receiving details of this visit within the next few days.

Residentials Information and Curriculum Overview Evening for Year 4, 5 and 6

These meetings will also include the Autumn Term curriculum overview.

Year 4 Minstead 20 September at 6.00pm.

Year 5 Stubbington 27 September at 6.00pm.

Year 6 Calshot 28 September at 6.00pm.

Year 5 Swimming

Swimming starts for Year 5 on Monday 11 September and will run on Mondays and Wednesdays for 6 weeks with the last sessions being Wednesday 10 October. Please don’t forget to send your child in with their swimming kit. Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to help on these visits.

Year 6

The Shakespeare cast have a workshop at the Haymarket Theatre on 10 October between 10.00 and 12.30pm, more details to follow.

Cycling Proficiency will take place on week commencing Monday 16 October.

School Nurse

The school nursing team will be visiting Year 3, 4 and 6 on 18 September to talk about hand washing with Year 3 and 4 and the forthcoming height and weight measurements for Year 6.

The KSA Annual General Meeting

This will take place at the Juniors on 21 September at 6.00pm, more details to follow.

Aldworth School – Open Evenings

Aldworth are holding an opening evening for Years 5 and 6 on 21 September, 5.30 – 8.00pm and an open morning on 26 September, 8.45 – 11.00am.

Christmas Production

We will remind you nearer the time but for those parents who will need to book annual leave, our Christmas Productions will be on the following dates:

Ash: 12 Dec pm and evening Beech: 13 Dec pm and evening Oak: 14 Dec pm and evening


Orchestra will start on Friday 15 September at 8.00am with Mrs Kilgannon. If your child plays an instrument outside of school and has at least one year’s experience, they are welcome to join our orchestra.

Charity of the Year

We are looking forward to hearing the ‘charity of the year’ presentations next week.

Dinner Money

Please remember to check your online dinner accounts regularly in order to maintain funds.

This Weeks Attendance – Best House and Class

Ash had the highest house attendance this week and 3JH, 4AL and 6CG had the highest class attendance, at 100%.

Yours sincerely

Fiona Craig

Head Teacher


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School Website

2016/2017 Term Dates and Inset Days

Inset Day 1 Monday 4 September 2017

Inset Day 2 Friday 20 October 2017

Inset Day 3 Thursday 21 December 2017

Inset Day 4 Thursday 29 March 2018

Inset Day 5 Monday 23 July 2018

Autumn Term 1 Tuesday 5 September – Thursday 19 October 2017 - school closes at 3.15pm

Half Term Monday 23 October - Friday 27 October 2017

Autumn Term 2 Monday 30 October – Wednesday 20 December 2017 - school closes at 2.00pm

Spring Term 1 Thursday 4 January - Friday 9 February 2018 – school closes at 3.15pm

Half Term Monday 12 February – Friday 16 February 2018

Spring Term 2 Monday 19 February – Wednesday 28 March 2018 – school closes at 2.00pm

Summer Term 1 Monday 16 April – Friday 25 May 2018 – school closes at 3.15pm

Half Term Monday 28 May – Friday 1 June 2018

Summer Term 2 Monday 4 June – Friday 20 July 2018 – school closes at 2.00pm