Oregon Department of Education

Office of Student Learning & Partnerships



Also see: OSL&P 2012-13 Fiscal Schedule

Due Dates [1] / SPR&I
June 2012 / Check the SPR&I dashboard frequently for due dates, updates & release of indicator data. / FFY 2010 Final District/Program Determinations issued by ODE
FFY 2010 Final State Determinations issued by OSEP – Oregon meets requirement for Part B and Part C
July 2012 / 7/13 Annual Cumulative ADM (11-12) / Submit evidence of correction of noncompliance (11-12) as soon as possible until 100% compliant and no later than April 15, 2013.
August 2012 / Registration OPENS for Annual SPR&I Training
8/10 LaGrande & Redmond
9/3 Oregon City
9/7 Ashland & Eugene
9/14 Forest Grove, Hillsboro & Salem
Registration OPENS for Annual SECC Training
8/15 Regional SECC Training
8/15 SECC Boot Camp / Submit evidence of correction of noncompliance (11-12) as soon as possible until 100% compliant.
Annual SPR&I Fall Trainings
La Grande 9/25
Redmond 9/27
Oregon City 10/16
Eugene 10/23
Ashland 10/25
Forest Grove 10/29 (SA)
Hillsboro 10/29 (EI/ECSE)
Salem 11/2
September 2012 / 9/19 Corrections Due for June Exit & Child Find Collections
9/30 ARRA 1st Qtr (12-13) / Submit evidence of correction of noncompliance (11-12) as soon as possible until 100% compliant.
9/25 9/27 SECC Boot Camp – enrollment limited to new staff
SPR&I Fall Training
9/25 LaGrande
9/25 Redmond
October 2012 / Annual SECC Trainings
Half day sessions
La Grande 10/10
Bend 10/11
Albany 10/16
Medford 10/17
Portland 10/24
10/5Coordinated Early Intervening Services - CEIS (11-12)
10/11Post School Outcomes & Exit Interviews Open thru 6/28/13
10/29 First Period Cumulative ADM(12-13) / PCR opens for 12-13 file reviews.
Submit evidence of correction of noncompliance (11-12) as soon as possible until 100% compliant.
SPR&I Fall Training
10/16 Oregon City
10/23 Eugene
10/25 Ashland
10/29 Forest Grove (SA)
10/29 Hillsboro (EI/ECSE)
November 2012 / 11/2NCLB Title IV-A Safe & Drug Free Schools End of Year Report (11-12)
11/9 Private School Enrollment Report for Parentally Placed (12-13) / 12-13 PCR data submission continues.
Submit evidence of correction of noncompliance (11-12) as soon as possible until 100% compliant.
SPR&I Fall Training
Salem 11/2
December 2012 / 12/10 Special Ed Child Count (SECC) (12-13)
12/17 NCLB Title 1D October Caseload
12/31 ARRA 2nd Qtr (12-13) / 12-13 PCR data submission continues.
Submit evidence of correction of noncompliance (11-12) as soon as possible until 100% compliant.
January 2013 / 1/14 2nd period Cum ADM (12-13)
1/11 Corrections Due SECC data collection / 12-13 PCR data submission continues.
Submit evidence of correction of noncompliance (11-12) as soon as possible until 100% compliant.
February 2013 / 2/4Staff Position 12-13 / Submit evidence of correction of noncompliance (11-12) as soon as possible until 100% compliant.
12-13 PCR data dueFeb. 22nd
March 2013 / 3/7 through 3/14 SpEd Report Card Preview & Validation
3/10 High Cost Disability 11-12
3/11 IDEA Excess Cost Calculation 11-12
3/31 ARRA 3rd Qtr 12-13 / ODE review/verification of 12-13 PCR submission.
File corrections and additional file reviews may begin after ODE verification process is completed.
April 2013 / 4/3 Special Ed Report Cards Posted
4/15 All corrections for 2011-12 due.
4/26Staff Assignment HQT 12-13 / Submit evidence of correction of noncompliance until 100% compliant.
ALL 11-12 non-compliance must be corrected and evidence submitted no later than the April 15, 2013.
May 2013 / 5/17 Extended Assessments in Math, Reading, Science & Writing
5/23 3rd Period Cumulative ADM
5/31 Title III LEP 12-13 / Submit evidence of correction of noncompliance (12-13) as soon as possible until 100% compliant.
June 2013 / 6/3 IDEA Annual Application for Federal Funds 13-14
6/29 NCLB
  • Title IA Disadvantaged Reports
  • Title ID Delinquent & Neglected Youth Reports
6/30Post School Outcomes - 1 year follow up for 11-12 / Submit evidence of correction of noncompliance (12-13) as soon as possible until 100% compliant.
July 2013 / 7/1
  • SpEd Exit Collection
  • Child Find 12-13
  • NCLB Title X: Homeless & McKinney-Vento Subgrants 12-13
  • ARRA 4th Qtr 12-13
/ Submit evidence of correction of noncompliance (12-13) as soon as possible until 100% compliant.

Note: Indicates data collection accuracy & timeliness is considered in final determination status. Includes SECC, Exit & Child Find

Updated July 2012

[1] See and ODE District Secure Website

References for Accountability Reporting &

for updated listings of all ODE data collection due dates.