APPENDIX 6Outstanding natural character assessment record sheets

This schedule documents the outstanding natural character area values identified under each of the assessmentfactors and the relative significance of these values in the context of the Kāpiti Coast District.

Physical, perceptual and associative factors contributing to natural character values for each area were identified as part of a district wide assessment. Where more detailed appraisal is required to determine the effects of a particular consent application, factors relevant to the site and the proposal will be confirmed. Project specific assessment may also identify additional factors to consider that are relevant to the management of outstanding natural character under the NZCPS and the operative RPS; as determined through a finer grain of assessment.Ground- truthingof outstanding natural character area boundaries, carried out during a more detailed assessment process, will be a furthera matter for decision makers to consider, when determining the appropriateness of effects in a particular consent application.

Waikanae River Mouth
Location / NZTopo Map BP32 / RS*
Factors / Description
Physical / Relativelyunmodified large estuarine area and sequence of freshwater lakelets, saltwater lagoons and marsh’s resulting from a dynamic confluence of marine, coastal, alluvial and dune formation process. Important habitat for fauna that move between sea, river and land habitats resulting from dynamic landforms, exposure to the coast, tidal water flows and salt. Essential link betweenKāpiti Islandandthemainland, andformspartofthe Waikanae River corridorthat extendsfrom the mountainsto the sea. Habitat for over 60 birdspecies includingbanded dotterel, pukeko,dabchick,oystercatchersandthenationaland international migratoryspecies. Habitatforindigenousfish species thatrequire freshandsaltwater, includingseveralspeciesofwhitebaitandlong andshortfineels. Diversepatternsofindigenous flora represented, includingrare species nationally and regionally. / H
Perceptual / Qualitiesenhancedbydynamic processes ofseaandfreshwater,exposed climaticconditionsalongwithexpansiveviewsofthecoastalmarine area,Kāpiti Islandandtheprominentbackdropof Hemi Matenga escarpment. Perceptions enhanced where the river mouths relatively unmodified landforms and naturalised vegetation patterns are in marked contrast with adjacent residential environmentand built structures are limited and clearly associated with habitat restoration, informal recreation and interpretation. / MH
Associative / Values recognized and enhanced by community group involvement (Waikanae Estuary caregroup)andwhereareasarezonedasOpenSpaceand are identified in the DistrictPlan ecosite schedule/GreaterWellingtonRegionalCouncil Areas of Significant Conservation Value/DoCRecommended Area for Protection (RAP)site and moderate-high Site of Special Wildlife Interest (SSWI) and as a scientific reserve (Reserves Act)andformthe contextforawiderangeofinformal coastalactivitiesincludinglinks to boardwalk managed by DoC and the District Cycleway/Walkway/Bridleway network. Important mahinga kai historically and adjacent recreationalfisheriessupported by the river mouth; recognized as the mainland edge of the Kāpiti Marine Reserve (Marine Reserves Act). / H
Overall Natural Character Values / Outstanding

Note: *RS in the table, means ‘relative significance’ of the values identified under each assessment factor on a five point scale; low (l), low-moderate (lm), moderate (m), moderate-high (mh), high (h) in the context of the whole District. A more detailed description of the process used to identify these areas is included in Section 2.4 of this report.

KāpitiIslands -excluding high natural character areas identified at Motungarara Island (Fishermans Island) and at Waiorua Bay.
Location / NZ Topo Map BN32-BP32 / RS*
Factors / Description
Physical / Unmodified prominentlandformwithuniquegeomorphological featuresincludingcataclastic rock belts,seacaves, uplifted beach ridges, marine shingles and a confined coastal lagoon at Okupe. Steep western escarpment and more gentle eastern slopes are clearly expressive of tectonic activity along the Wairau Fault and remnant of the land bridge that extended to the south island.Coherent patterns of regenerating indigenousvegetation reflect varying altitude and exposure to prevailing winds and salt. Diverse habitats range from coastal edge and unique marine shingle environments to lowland forest with canopy species of rata, matai and miro. Land and coastal edge provide habitatsfora widerangeofnativefauna. One of the country’s most important bird recovery sites for rare and mainland extinct species such as the stitch-bird and spotted kiwi. Land edge to the Kāpiti Island MarineReserve that provides importanthabitatforarangeofcoastalmarinespecies and link to the mainland Waikanae Rive corridor. / H
Perceptual / Perceptualqualitiesenhancedbysenseofscaleandsettingoffthecoast alongwiththeislandscontribution toimportantviewsthroughoutthe District.Nonvehicular(andattimesdifficult)accessisa furthercontributortoperceptionsofnaturalcharacteraswellas the limited pattern of structures. Existing buildings are well integrated, have an ‘island’ vernacular, are clearly linked to conservation efforts and facilitate a wilderness experience. / H
Associative / Valuesenhancedbypastassociationswithcoastalactivities (seafaring, exploration, coastal settlement and traditional food gathering). MajorityinclusionintheConservation estateasaNatureReserve (Reserves Act). Recognized as a nationally importantbirdrecoverysitesupported by shared (Department of Conservation and Ngati Toa) management, volunteers and low impact public access. Ecosites scheduledintheDistrictPlan recognize varied habitats on main island and islets. Geological sites (phyllonite belt, beach ridges and uplifted sea caves) recognized by NZ Geological Society. Land Edge to the Kāpiti MarineReserve (Marine Reserves Act) and identified asanareaofsignificant conservation and biodiversity valuebytheGreaterWellington Regional Council (draft Natural Resource Plan). / H
Overall Natural Character Values / Outstanding


IGL_3367 C2 KCDC Landscape and Coastal Environment Study Addendum Report FINAL for S42A 09/06/2016