Teacher’s Name: McKaig Week 0f: January 30 – Feb 3

Course Title: Digital Literacy: Animation Unit Title: Final project

List learning target
(related to Core Academic Standard): / Briefly outline daily lesson activities/agenda: / Bellwork:
Monday / I can…
·  Understand the Anim8or interface
·  Create primitives, solids, and meshes
·  Convert between solids and meshes
·  Use various tools in Anim8or to create and manipulate various types of 3D geometry in Anim8or
·  Use the program anim8or to complete assignments / Work on independent final project / 1.  What does this button do?
Tuesday / I can…
·  Understand the Anim8or interface
·  Create primitives, solids, and meshes
·  Convert between solids and meshes
·  Use various tools in Anim8or to create and manipulate various types of 3D geometry in Anim8or
·  Use the program anim8or to complete assignments / Work on independent final project / 1.  What does this button do?
Wednesday / I can…
·  Understand the Anim8or interface
·  Create primitives, solids, and meshes
·  Convert between solids and meshes
·  Use various tools in Anim8or to create and manipulate various types of 3D geometry in Anim8or
·  Use the program anim8or to complete assignments / Work on independent final project / 1.  How do you delete objects from a scene?
Thursday / I can…
·  Understand the Anim8or interface
·  Create primitives, solids, and meshes
·  Identify the types of lights in Anim8or
·  Discuss uses for each type of light
·  Discuss how to create and utilize cameras
·  Use various tools in Anim8or to create and manipulate various types of 3D geometry in Anim8or
·  Use the program anim8or to complete assignments / Work on independent final project / 1.  After downloading a model, how do you get it into your project?
Friday / I can…
·  Understand the Anim8or interface
·  Create primitives, solids, and meshes
·  Convert between solids and meshes
·  Use various tools in Anim8or to create and manipulate various types of 3D geometry in Anim8or
·  Use the program anim8or to complete assignments / Work on independent final project / 1.  In what view can you see the background image in your environment?