Technological Literacy TEC060
General Course Information
Classroom: 225
Credits: ½
Fees: $10
Instructor: / Beth CueniOffice Phone: / (440) 428-8410
FAX / (440) 428-2165
E-Mail /
Websites /
Course Description
This class is recommended for all MadisonHigh School students and is intended to provide a foundation in technology that will enhance student's coursework throughout their high school career. Topics to be included are: Overview of computer hardware, business application software, usage of email, plagiarism; input and output devices, storage and the Internet. Upon completion of this course, students may choose to enroll in Tech Prep Survey or Tech Prep Specialist programs before moving onto AuburnCareerCenter as a junior.
Instructional Philosophy
This is intended to be ahands-on class. Class participation is essential, and students should be prepared for class by bringing appropriate materials to class and being prepared to work on a daily basis. Classroom activities will include computer-based assignments, research and group projects as well as individual projects. In addition, students will have assignments to be completed in and out-of-class. Assessment methods include weekly quizzes, worksheets, regular notebook checks and projects.
Supplies needed include: spiral notebook, pen or pencil and folder
Performance Competencies
Skills defined in the Information Technology Competency Profile published by the Ohio Department of Education are the foundation for this course. A complete list of these competencies may be downloaded at the Ohio Department of Education website
Major Course Goals
After completing the Information Technology Survey course at Madison, students will be able to:
Beacquainted with the various fields and areas of study in Information Technology
Acquire a strong knowledge of different aspects of computers and tech equipment
Function as a member of a team in order to complete projects and activities
Identify basic computer terms
Units covered include:
Using the Internet
Intro to Computers
Computer Hardware
Input / Output units
Storage Units
Input / Output devices
Software Applications
Course Assessment Plan
Performance Standards: Grades for the course will be based on the following levels of performance:
Grade / DescriptionA
(90-100%) / Work is correct with only minor flaws (not having to do with the main idea of the problem). You understood the concepts presented in class and were able to apply them appropriately to real-world examples. You completed all assignments on time, demonstrated a good work ethic, and produced high quality work.
(80-89%) / You did quality work with a few flaws. You understood the concepts presented in class, and were able to apply them with help. You completed almost all assignments on time, and demonstrated knowledge with sufficient skill.
(70-79%) / Had difficulty understanding class concepts or applying concepts to real-world situations. Some assignments were late or were not turned in.
(60-69%) / Did complete some of the work for the class. Work competed was frequently late or of low quality with error and omissions.
59% and lower / Did not complete a significant amount of work for the class, or if work was done it had major errors and did not meet standards. Excessive absenteeism and did not complete station work.
It is expected that students complete assignments on time. Assignments will be dropped one letter grade for each day that they are late. If an assignment is turned in more than four days late, it will be worth half credit.
Grades will be determined using a Total points system and include:
Classroom assignments, Weekly Vocabulary quizzes, Regular Notebook check, Tests
Course Policies
All Course Policies are generated from the core values of AuburnCareerCenter:
People are responsible for their choices and actions; Treat all people with dignity and respect; Attitude and goals drive achievement; All people can learn; All people can make positive contributions.
- Code of Conduct: The published Code of Conduct for MadisonHigh School found in the Student Handbook on page 9 will be enforced at all times. Refer to the Handbook for discussion of due process of Code and safety violations.
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Infractions will be dealt with according to established MadisonHigh School policy.
- Attendance: The attendance/tardiness policy provided in the MadisonHigh SchoolStudent Handbook page 5 will be followed at all times.
It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements to make up any missed activity immediately upon return to the classroom. Students are excepted to work on assignments even when their partner is absent.
There are certain activities that cannot be made up, such as guest speakers and some class activities. At the end of each quarter, an optional extra credit assignment may be given.
- Computer Usage: AuburnCareerCenter supports instruction through the use of computers, software and other media, and Internet access. However, the use of these tools is a privilege, not a right. Any student who violates the Computer Use Policy found on page 21 of the MadisonHigh SchoolStudent Handbook may lose their access to Auburn’s computers and network accounts.
In addition, students are expected to use computers at the designated time, and only for class assignments. Abuses may result in a loss of computer privileges.
Auburn email accounts are monitored, and the use of them falls under all ACC policies.
- Extra Help: If a student requires extra help for any reason, please contact the instructor as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made.
- Changes to the Syllabus: The Instructor/ACC Administration reserve the right to make changes to this syllabus as needed throughout the year.
Vocabulary Quizzes are every Friday