The new JCAM includes the following changes:
Article 7. The full-time flexible memorandum is modified to express agreement that the full-time flexible is an incumbent only position, and once a full-time flexible leaves that position it is not put up for bid.
Article 7.3.C. has been changed showing that PTF carriers working an opt with a rotating schedule have worked “the same five days” and that all paid leave (not just annual leave) is counted as work for purposes of meeting the requirements of Article 7.3.C.
Article 8 has been modified to express agreement that full-time flexibles may sign the Work Assignment or Overtime Desired List and that overtime worked on the sixth day of a six day opt is not counted in determining equitability.
Article 8.5 has an agreement concerning what overtime worked on a holiday or designated holiday shall be counted to determine equitability. We have a number of recent agreements concerning overtime on a carrier technician string which should be noted.
Article 10 has been modified to provide an explanation of LMU incidental leave provisions, and to reflect resolution of disputes concerning PTF sick leave.
Article 11 incorporates Arbitrator Mittenthal’s award holding that holiday volunteers are not considered as having volunteered to work overtime.
Article 12 provides for a clarification of the distinction between the transfer lock-in provisions and “craft lock-ins.”
Article 15 has been modified to show that writing appeals to Step 3 is compensable.
Article 29 has been modified to include agreement upon language on the implementation of Arbitrator Snow’s award on the revocation of driving privileges.
Article 41.1.7. has been modified to express agreement that full-time flexibles may be assigned under those provisions.
Article 41 has also been modified to express agreement that VOMA positions are not included in Article 41.3.O postings and withheld positions are not included either.
Article 41.2.B. has been modified to show that unassigned regulars may opt no matter what the reason for their unassigned status is and that an opt ends whenever the regular returns, even if it’s only to perform part of the assignment. In addition, full-time flexibles may opt even though they are not included in these provisions.
In addition, Article 41 has been modified to include the national level settlement on viewing DPS mail.