TAIME Authors, 1872 to 1885

Biographical Research Process:

  1. Initial material was taken from Vol. 14 of TAIME (marked 1885). However, pages 10 & 11 are missing. Because the scanning was inaccurate, not all of the name spellings are correct (among other details) so part of this process is to compare editions and figure out the real names.
  2. Second pass was taken from hardcopy Vol. 23, marked 1893. This enabled me to check against what I had seen in Vol. 14.

Next steps:

  1. Next I will go to the individual volumes and look for information on the authors that I wasn’t able to find in these two sources. I will use the EXCEL spreadsheet to do this, and correct any mistakes I’ve found along the way. This sheet will continue to change because of the many misspellings in the PDFs. I will use name searches (for instance, using a first name if I suspect the last name is misspelled) and other just techniques to try to track down the last empty data cells.
  1. After I do that, I will probably take another one of my later hardcover TAIMES and look for more missing people or death dates.
  1. Then I will use Misa’s index to get specifics about some of the people.
  1. Then I will use Gorgon’s book to get specifics about others.
  1. Then I will use the internet to get what I was unable to get from those sources. I do this last because a) if anyone has a name that is at all ordinary, it is impossible to find information about them on the internet and 2) sometimes you find too much and get sidetracked.


I am correlating the volume number to the year with a broad brush – there is no way to do it exactly (the meetings they cover span at least a year before the publication, if not more, and we don’t know the exact dates of the publications even though they are assigned a year – that may more may not be true) – and thus there will be some overlap. The approximate year is good for figuring out who was doing what when.

Until Vol. 13, dates were not listed for membership start year.

Note: Vol. 2 is missing pages 10 & 11.

Name / Dates / Degree / Joined / Titles / Notes /
Abbott, Arthur V. / C.E. / 1882 / 1885: 35 Broadway, New York City; 1893: Washington Street, Chicago, Ill.
Adams, J. M. / E.M. / 1873 / 1874 (Vol. 2): in Members listed in New York, in Minutes listed as Silver City, Idaho, in talk he says he’s in charge of several mills including Owyhce Mill.
Adams, William H. / M.E. / 1880 / 1885, 1893: 71 Wall Street, New York City
Akerman, Richard / Bef. 1873 / Stockholm, Sweden; 1893 Honorary Member
Alexander, John S. / 1872 / 1885: 1935 Arch Street, Philadelphia; 1993: San Antonio, TX
Ashburner, Charles A. / d1889 / 1875 / 1885: Walnut Street, Philadelphia; died 1889
Asmus, George / Bef. 1876 / 1876 (Vol 4): Broadway, New York City.
Austin, W. Lawrence / Ph.D. / 1882 / 1885: Toston, Montana; 1893: Boston Bldg, Denver, Co.
Ayres, W. S. / C.E. / 1873 / 1885: Allamuchy, N. J.; 1893: Kenvil, N.J.
Bachman, F. E. / A.C. / 1880 / 1885: Middletown, Pa.; 1893: Care Buffalo Furnace Co., Buffalo, N.Y.
Barnes, Phineas / 1875 / 1885: Pittsburgh, Pa.; 1893: Shady Lane, Pittsburgh
Bartlett, J. C., / A.M. / 1877 / 1885: Taunton, Mass.; 1893: C. B. & Q. R. R., Chicago
Bartlett, James Herbert / 1885 / 1885: Standard Building, Montreal, Canada; 1893 Middlesboro, KY
Barus, Carl, / Ph.D. / 1884 / 1885: U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C.; 1893 not listed
Bayles, James. C. / 1878 / 1885: 66 Duane Street, NYC; 1893 Engineers’ Club, 10 W. 29th St., NYC
Beebe, Alfred L. / 1883 / 1885: 58 E. Sixty-eighth Street, NYC; 1893 not listed
Bell, I. Lowthian / M.P., F.R.S. / H. M.
Bef. 1873 / Sir / England
Bell, Robert, B.A. / Sc., M.D., Ll.D. / 1885 / Dr. / Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada.
Billings, G. H. / 1877 / 1885: Norway Iron Works, Boston, Mass; 1893: Commonwealth, Boston
Birkinbine, John / 1875 / 1885: Fourth Street, Philadelphia; 1893: North Juniper St., Phila.
Blair, Andrew A. / 1875 / 1885: Chant Street, Philadelphia; 1893: Locust St., Phila.
Blair, Thomas S., Jr. / 1888 / 1893: Penn Building, Pittsburgh
Blake, F. C. / d1891 / 1877 / 1885: Mansfield Valley, Allegheny Co., Pa.; died 1891
Blake, Theodore A. / M.E. / 1880 / 1885, 1893: New Haven, Conn.
Blake, William P., / F.G.S. / 1871 / Prof. / 1885, 1893: New Haven, Conn.
Blandy, John F., / M.E. / 1871 / 1885: Sulphur Creek, Colusa Co., Cal.; 1893: Prescott, AZ
Bodmer, J. J. / Bef. 1873 / The Grove, Hammersmith, London.
Bolleur, Alfred P. / 1880 / 1885, 1893: 71 Broadway, New York City.
Bower, A. S. / C.E. / 1883 / 1883 (Vol. 11): St. Neots, England.
Bowie, A. J. Jr. / A.B. / 1872 / 1885, 1893: P. O. Drawer 2220, San Francisco, Cal.
Bowron, William. M. / 1881 / 1885, 1893: South Pittsburg, Tenn.
Boyd, C. R. / 1876 / 1885, 1893: Wytheville, Va
Brainerd, Alfred F. / d1893 / 1879 / Birmingham, Ala.; died 1893
Bramwell, J. H. / 1871 / 1893: 10 W. 29th St., NYC
Britton, J. Blodget / 1872 / 1893: Warrenton, VA
Broadhead, G. C. / ----- / Prof. / 1877 (Vol. 5): Pleasant Hill, Mo.
Brooks, T. B. / 1872 / Major / 1893: Newburgh, NY
Brown, A. J. / d1875 / 1874 / 1874 (Vol. 2): Treasure City, White Pine Co , Nevada; 1875 (Vol. 3) says he died in 1875.
Brown, Walter Lee / 1884 / 1885 (Vol. 13): Aurora, Ill.
Brunton, D. W. / 1883 / 1893: Aspen, CO
Brush, Charles F. / M.E. / 1875 / 1876 (Vol. 4): Cleveland, Ohio
Buck, Stuart M. / 1871 / 1893: Maybeury, McDowell Co., W. Va.
Bulkley, Frederic G. / 1882 / 1893: Aspen M. & S. Co., CO
Cabot, John W. / 1880 / 1885: Johnstown, Pa; 1893: Fisher Ave. Brookline, MA
Campbell, H. H. / 1881 / 1893: Steeltown, Dauphin Co., PA
Carson, J. P. / 1882 / 1893: 206 Broadway, NYC
Chance, H. Martin / M.D. / 1874 / Dr. / 1893: Drexel Building, Phila.
Chauvenet, S. H. / 1881 / 1893: 4th St., Phila.
Cheever, Byron, W. / d1888 / 1882 / Prof. / 1885 (Vol. 13): University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; 1893: Died 1888
Chester, Albert, H., / 1771 / Prof. / 1876 (Vol. 4): Hamilton College, Clinton, Oneida Co., NY; 1885: Rutgers College, N. Brunswick, NJ
Chism, Richard E. / 1880 / 1893: City of Mexico, Mexico
Christy, Samuel B. / 1883 / 1893: State University, Berkeley, CA
Church, John A. / M.E. / 1872 / 1893: 40 Wall St., NYC
Clark, Ellis, Jr. / 1874 / 1885: Sixth Street, Philadelphia; 1893: Phoenix, AZ
Clark, F. W. / 1882 / 1885: Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass.; 1893: Warren St., Chicago
Clark, R. Neilson / d1894 / M. E. / 1872 / Leadville, Colorado, died 1894
Clayton, Joshua E. / d1889 / 1874 / 1885: Salt Lake City, Utah; 1893: died 1889
Clemes, J. H. / 1881 / 1885: Penrhyn Lodge, Woodb'y Down, Finsb'y Park,London,N.,Eng.; 1893: Cheriton, Chelston on Torquay, Eng.
Cloud, John W. / Bef. 1881 / 1881 (Vol. 9): Altoona, Pa. “engineer of tests” p. 367 (railroad steel)
Coggin, F. G. / 1880 / Lake Linden, Mich.
Colton, Charles A. / E.M. / 1874 / 1885, 1893: 21 West Park Street, Newark, N. J.
Colton, Henry E. / 1883 / Chattanooga, Tenn.; 1893 not listed
Comstock, Theodore, B. / 1880 / Prof. / 1885: P. O. Box 472, Champagne, Ill.; 1893: Unive. Of AZ, Tuscon, AZ
Conk, N. H. / M.E. / Bef, 1876 / 1876 (Vol. 4): Nederland, Boulder Co., Colorado
Constable, Casimir / C.E. / Bef. 1883 / 1883 (Vol. 11): in Members listed at Exchange Place, New York City. Writing about Rockwood Mines in Chattenaogga
Cook, George H., / d1886 / 1874 / Prof. / 1885: State Geologist, New Brunswick, N. J., 1893: died 1886
Cook, Robert Anderson / A.M. / 1883 / 1885: ML Savage, Md.; 1893: New Brunswick, NJ
Coryell, Martin / d1892 / M.E. / 1871 / 1885: Lambertville, N. J., 1893: died 1892
Courtis, William M. / M.E. / 1871 / 1885, 1893: Fourth Avenue, Detroit, Mich.
Cox, E. T., / 1890 / Prof. / 1893: 10 Wall St.
Coxe, Eckley B. / 1871 / 1885, 1893: Drifton, Luzerne Co., Pa. (as well as many relatives)
Coxe, W. E. C. / 1874 / 1885: Heading, Pa.; 1893: Columbus & Hocking Coal & Iron Co. Columbus, OH
Daddow, S. Harries / 1871 / 1873 (Vol. 1): Seranton, Pa. “Practical Miner” p. 185
Daggett, Ellsworth / 1873 / 1885, 1893: Salt Lake City, Utah.
Daniels, Fred H. / 1876 / 1885, 1893: 132 Lincoln Street, Worcester, Mass.
Deby, Julien / C.E. / Bef. 1880 / 1885, 1893: 3 Lombard Street, London.
Henderson, C. Hanford / 1883 / 1884 (Vol. 12): Fifth Street, Philadelphia; 1885: Broadway, N. Y.
Devereux, Walter B., / E.M. / 1880 / 1882 (Vol. 10): Globe, Arizona; 1885: Aspen, Colorado; 1893: Glenwood Springs, CO
Dewey, Fred P. / 1877 / 1885, 1893: Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.
D'Invilliers, E. V. / 1882 / 1885, 1893: Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
Drinker, H. S. / C.E. / 1871 / 1885, 1893: Fourth Street, Philadelphia.
Drown, Thomas M. / Dr. / 1893: Honorary Member, MIT, Boston MA
Dudley, Charles B. / Ph.D. / 1878 / Altoona, Pa.
Dudley, P. H., / C.E. / 1875 / 1885, 1893: Pine Street, New York City
Dudley, W. L. / 1884 / Prof. / 1885: Miami Medical College, Cincinnati, Ohio.; 1893: Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, TN
Durfee, W. F. / 1876 / 1885: 89 Courtland Street, Bridgeport, Conn.; 1893: W. New Brighton, SI, NY
Egleston, Thomas / 1871 / Prof.
Dr. / 1885, 1893: West Washington Square, New York City
Eilers, Anton, M.E. / 1871 / 1885: South Pueblo, Colorado; 1893: St. Mark’s Ave., Bklyn, NY
Emmons, Arthur B. / Ph.D., Ll.B. / 1885 / 1885, 1893: Newport, R. I.
Emmons, S. F. / 1877 / 1885, 1893: U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C.
Engelmann, Henry / M.E. / 1872 / 1885, 1893: La Salle, Ill.
Eustis, W. E. C. / A.B., S.B. / 1876 / 1885, 1893: Boston, Mass.
Fackenthal, B. F., Jr. / 1880 / 1885, 1893: Riegelsville, Pa,
Firmstone, Frank / 1871 / 1885, 1893: Glendon Iron Works, Easton, Pa
Firmstone, H. / 1875 / 1885, 1893: Longdale, Alleghany Co., Va.
Firmstone, William / d1877 / 1871 / 1875 (Vol. 3): Glendon Iron Works, Easton, Pa; 1893: Died 1877
Ford, S. Alfred / 1875 / 1885, 1893: Edgar Thomson Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Forsyth, Robert / 1875 / 1885: Union Steel Co., Chicago, Ill.; 1893: Illinois Steel Co.
Frazer, Persifor, Jr. / 1871 / Prof. / 1885, 1893: 201 S. Fifth Street & Drexel Building Philadelphia.
Frazier, B. W. / 1871 / Prof. / 1885, 1893: Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa.
Freeland, Francis T. / B.S. / 1885 / 1885: Iron Silver Mining Co., Leadville, Colo.; 1893: Aspen, CO
Freeman, Henry C. / C.E., E.M. / 1878 / 1885, 1893: Box 1, Alto Pass, Union Co., Ill.
Fulton, John / M.E. / 1872 / 1885, 1893: Cambria Iron Co., Johnstown, Pa.
Gaertner, Erich G. / 1884 / 1885: 127 Fulton Street, New York City.; 1893: not listed
Gage, James R. / M.E. / 1875 (Vol. 3): St. Louis, Mo.
Garrett, William / 1881 / 1885: Oliver & Roberts Wire Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.; 1893: Illinois Steel Co., Joliet, Ill
Garrison, F. Lynwood / 1883 / 1885, 1893: Girard Ave., etc. Philadelphia.'
Gatewood, R. / d1890 / U.S.N / 1884 / Delaware River Iron Ship Building Works, Chester, Pa., died 1890
Gaujot, E., / M.E. / 1871 / 1873 (Vol. 1): Eagle Harbor, Keweenaw Co., Mich. – also listed as from Pottsville, Pa – he is a manager
Gayley, James / 1880 / 1885, 1893: Braddock, Pa.
Gjers, John / 1885 (Vol. 13): Middlesbrough, England, member of the British Iron and Steel Institute.
Gilpin, E., Jr. / A.M., F.G.S. F.R.S. / 1885 / 1885: Halifax, Nova Scotia.; 1893: not listed
Goodyear, Watson A. / 1883 (Vol. 11): Blake Crusher Co., New Haven, Conn.
Gordon, Fred W. / 1880 / 1885, 1893: Walnut Street, etc., Philadelphia.
Grabill, L. R. / 1883 (Vol. 11): Querida, Custer Co., Colorado.
Gridley, Edward / d1887 / 1877 / Wassaic, Dutchess Co., N. Y., died 1877
Hahn, O. H., / M. E. / 1871 / 1885: South Pueblo, Colorado.; 1893: Apolda, Germany
Hale, A. W. / 1875 / 1 Broadway, New York City.; 1893: not listed
Hall, Charles C. / 1882 / 1885: Iron Street, S. St. Louis, Mo.; 1893: Pittsburgh Reduction Co.
Hammond, John Hays / 1881 / 1885: 35 Wall Street, New York City.; 1893: SF, CA
Harden, E. B. / 1873 / 1885, 1893: Thirty-third Street, etc, Philadelphia.
Harden, John Henry / M.E. / 1871 / 1885, 1893: Phoenixville, Pa.
Harris, J. S. / 1872 / 226 S. Third Street, Philadelphia.; 1893 not listed
Hart, Edward / 1881 / 1885, 1893: Lafayette College, Easton, Pa.
Hartman, John M. / 1875 / 1885, 1893: Front Street, Philadelphia.
Haupt, Lewis M. / Prof. / 1877 (Vol. 5): University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Heinrich, Oswald J. / d1886 / M. E. / 1871 / All: Superintending Engineer, The Midlothian Colliery, Virginia; he was a manager in 1877; 1893 says died in 1886
Henry, Adolph / bef. 1880 / Prof. / 1877 (Vol. 5): Foreign Member, Rive do Gier, Loire, France.
Herrick, J. A. / M.E., S.B. / 1876 / 1885: Crosby Square, Bishopgate Street, London, Eng.; 1893 not listed
Hewitt, Abram / 1871 / Hon. / 1885, 1893: 17 Burling Slip, New York City.
Hill, Albert F. / C.E. / 1883 (Vol. 11): 83 Reade Street, New York City.
Himrod, Charles / 1885 / 1885: 186 Dearborn Street, Chicago, III.
Hitchcock, C. H. / 1885 / Prof. / 1885, 1893: State Geologist, Hanover, N. H.
Hodges, A. D., Jr. / M.E. / 1884 / 1885, 1893: Boston, Mass.
Holley, Alexander L. / d1882 / C.E., M.I.C.E., Ll.D. / 1871 / 1873 (Vol. 1): Bklyn, NY; 1885: nothing; 1893 says he died in 1882
Howe, Henry M. / A.M., E.M. / 1871 / 1885, 1893: Hotel Oxford, etc, Boston, Mass.
Hunt, Alfred E. / 1880 / 1885: New Brighton, S. I., N. Y.; 1893: Furguson Bldg. Pittsburgh, PS
Hunt, Robert W. / 1874 / 1885: Albany and Rensselaer Iron and Steel Co., Troy, N. Y.; 1893: The rookerie Chicago
Hunt, Thomas Sterry / d1892 / Ll.D., F.R.S. / 1871 / Montreal, Canada. 1893 says he died in 1892
Hutchinson, E. S. / 1880 / 1885: Newtown, Pa.; 1893: Maybeury, West VA
Irving, Roland D. / d1888 / 1872 / Prof. / 1885: University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.; 1993 says died 1888