WATTS TOWNSHIP, August 1, 2012

The Watts Township Board of Supervisors met in regular sessionat the Watts Buffalo Community Center at 7:00 PM. Present were Karl Raudensky, Frank Poust, Pat Gutheil, and several residents.

The minutes of theJunemeeting were read and approved with corrections. Gutheil Raudensky


The board accepted Mr. Jorich’s 30 day time extension with stipulations.


Zoning Officer: Review and issued permit for Dan Jorich’s River Mist property. Phone call from person interested in Bruhaw property. Zoning questions about property on Notch Road, Questions from Samanta @ Lamar

Engineer: Guardrail quotes given

Fire Company: Financial Report given. Raffle being held $25/ticket. Runs from January 2013- December 2013. It is a gun raffle, one gun per day along with other giveaways on weekends and special occassions

Old Business:

Interested parties have contacted the Township about the Act 537. The deadline is set for August 15, but not firm.

The status of the cul-de-sac at Notch Dead End- Still no word from Mr. Hoffman. Jane Casey has decided not to donate her ground. Mr. Hoffman should be informed of the change in Jane Casey’s participation. The secretary will contact him and ask for how he would like to proceed

UCC COG update: Spoke with Linus, appears to be ok

The security system is in the office and waiting to be installed. Frank has a monitor that he can donate

Wolfington Bus: A letter was received from County Conservation. Karl will keep an eye on their progress so we can update

New Buffalo Water Treatment Plant: Frank attended the meeting last month, haven’t heard from the borough since. He will attend the next meeting as well

Guiderail: The officer involved said to get a quote together to replace 100-150 feet of cable to be brought up at his Final Plea. Also said to contact PenDot to see who they use and if there are any rebate programs. Karl will get the quote in to the secretary to send in to the officer

Audit: The Board requests a workshop with the auditors to get any questions out of the way so the audit can be submitted. The secretary will contact the auditors to set this up

New Business:

Mower needs repairs. Quotes received for a new mower, but not what was requested. Karl will get more quotes together

A new recorder is needed. A digital recorder runs around $65 on Amazon. There are no tapes to buy, it has a better sound quality, no tapes to flip. Recordings can be stored on cd’s or memory card. A motion was made to purchase a new recorder Rudensky/ Gutheil. Unanimous

Guiderail: Signs are needed. One that says No Maintenance, one Drive at Your Own Risk, two No Guiderail. Motion made to purchase Raudensky/Gutheil. Unanimous


Stop sign needed for one stolen on Bucks Church Road. Several other signs have been vandalized. Signs should be changed- move the Watch Children sign to Spinning Wheel.

Planning Commission:

SALDO: Was given to Jerry and he returned. The secretary updated SALDO with Jerry’s recommended changes. One revision is needed yet.

*Mr. Jorich called Karl to withdraw his plans

PLAN NAMEDate submitted Date for approval/disapproval

  1. River Mist 210-27-10(DEP)8/1/12 Motion: Take action to deny plans Gutheil/Raudensky
  2. River Mist 310-27-10(DEP)8/1/12 Motion: Motion: Take action to deny plans Gutheil/Raudensky
  3. Kiley Assoc7-13-11 12-5-12 Motion:Rescind denial, approve resubmittal with $200 fee, and plans and reviews remain applicable. Poust/Raudensky. All in favor
  4. Gary/Charnette Wilt 11-9-11 10/12/12 Motion: To accept extension. Gutheil/Raudensky. All in favor

Financial Report:
As of May 2, 2012
General Account
Checking CD # 2887 (10-24-12)
$48,305.03.05% $123,404.95—.40%
Liquid Fuels Account
Bills Approved: Raudensky/Gutheil, unanimous
Date / Check # / Paid To / Debit / Credit / Reason
7/5/2012 / 3986 / Blue Ridge / $39.95 / June
7/5/2012 / 3987 / Hempt Bros / $1,978.37 / Stone/Patch
7/5/2012 / 3988 / Madden Engineering / $16.25 / June
7/5/2012 / 3989 / Advance Publications / $11.45 / Ad for Mtg Change
7/5/2012 / 3990 / PPL Electric Utilities / $63.41 / June
7/5/2012 / 3991 / Stephanie Dorman / $403.85 / June
7/5/2012 / 3992 / IM Supplies / $147.87 / Parts
7/5/2012 / 3993 / Century Link / $5.21 / Catch up-June
7/5/2012 / 3994 / Chase Card Services / $215.37 / June(Fuel)
7/5/2012 / 3995 / Pat Gutheil / $88.72 / Spring Clean up Hours
7/5/2012 / 3996 / Janet Peters / $45.70 / June Taxes
7/5/2012 / 3997 / New Buffalo Fire Company / $748.61 / June Taxes
7/5/2012 / 3998 / Pat Gutheil / $114.90 / PSATS Mileage/Food
7/5/2012 / 3999 / Pat Gutheil / $118.15 / PSATS Conf Attendance
7/11/2012 / 4000 / Kelly Riggs / $783.93 / Labor
7/11/2012 / 4001 / William McMillan / $553.41 / Labor
7/11/2012 / 4002 / PA SCDU / $222.49 / Payment
7/11/2012 / 4003 / Karl Raudensky / $219.17 / Labor
7/11/2012 / 4004 / Kelly Riggs / $22.51 / Supplies
7/25/2012 / 4005 / Kelly Riggs / $626.07 / Labor
7/25/2012 / 4006 / William McMillan / $489.20 / Labor
7/25/2012 / 4007 / PA SCDU / $222.49 / Payment
7/25/2012 / 4008 / Century Link / $56.32 / July
7/25/2012 / 4009 / IM Supplies / $147.87 / July Running
8/1/2012 / 4010 / Janet Peters / $18.86 / July Taxes
8/1/2012 / 4011 / New Buffalo Fire Company / $274.78 / July Taxes
8/1/2012 / Credit / $147.87 / Credit-Overpayment on acct.
8/2/2012 / Deposit / $2,277.88 / Taxes, Copies, DJ
8/1/2012 / 4019 / Stephanie Dorman / $403.85 / July
Total / $8,038.76 / $2,425.75
$54,125.34 / $49,108.47

Good and Welfare:

Adjournment: Motion Gutheil/Raudensky. All in favor

The Board met in executive session with their Solicitor on July 10, 2012 to discuss various legal matters. No action was taken by the Board.