Village of North Fairfield

Regular Meeting

October 13, 2017

The Village of North Fairfield Council held a Regular Council Meeting on Friday,October 13, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at 3 East Main Street, North Fairfield, Ohio. The meeting was rescheduled from the regular meeting of October 9th due to not having a quorum. Mayor called the meeting to order with the pledge of allegiance and a moment off silent prayer.

Roll Call: Mary Millis, present; Sharleen Coy, present; Amy Gahring, present; Jack Pfanner, present; Cheryll Pfanner, excused; Terry Jones, present; Village Solicitor, Vickie Ruffing, present; Village Administrator, Tom Leto, excused; Mayor, Josh Radcliffe, present; Fiscal Officer, Linda Prater, excused.

Visitors in Attendance:

Attending the meeting were Water Superintendent, Clint Minniear, and Jacob Mckenzie from the Willard Times Junction.

Recognize Visitors in Attendance: Mayor, Radcliff recognized the visitors in attendance. Clint Minniear presented Council with a second quote for the water meters. The quote is from NECO. Mr. Minniear said he prefers NECO. He said they are cheaper, they have brass bottoms,and will hold up better. Jack Pfanner had questions for Mr. Minniear about replacing the meters. Mr. Minniear also informed Council that the catch basin down by the school where it’s crushed under the road will be done before month end. Mary Millis questioned Clint about the catch basin on East Second Street. He informed her that the Health Department contacted him and let him know that a resident’s aeration motor on Earl Court is bad, and will be fixed.

Previous Minutes of September 25, 2017: Council is presented with the minutes. Jack Pfannermade a motion to accept the minutesas presented. Amy Gahring seconded the motion. Roll call by Mayor: Mary Millis, aye; Sharleen Coy, aye; Amy Gahring, aye; Jack Pfanner, aye; Terry Jones, aye. Motion carried. Minutes from the September 25, 2017 accepted.

Financial Statement dated September 30, 2017: Council is presented with the Financial Statement. Amy Gahringmade a motion to accept the financial statement. Terry Jones seconded the motion. Roll call by Mayor: Mary Millis, aye; Sharleen Coy, aye; Amy Gahring, aye; Jack Pfanner, aye; Terry Jones, aye. Motion carried. The Financial Statement date September 30, 2017 approved.

Disbursements dated October 13, 2017:Council is presented with the disbursements: Jack Pfannermade a motion to approvethe disbursements. Terry Jones seconded the motion. Roll call by Mayor: Mary Millis, aye; Amy Gahring, aye;Sharleen Coy, aye; Jack Pfanner, aye; Terry Jones, aye. Motion carried. Disbursement of October 13, 2017 approved.

Mayor’s Report:Mayor, Radcliffe presented Council with an estimate from Jonathan Shaw Technologyfor security cameras.

The estimate was for one monitor for $100, one camera, parts and installation for $1200.00. Mary suggested having Jonathan Shaw to come and talk to Council about it. Council discussed the comparisons with the other two quotes.

Mayor said that the leaves will be picked up on Tuesdays and Thursdays only until they start plowing, or they get all the leaves picked up.

Mayor informed Council that the truck didn’t come in yet. The Mayor will pick up the truck in Fremont when it comes in.

The new Children at Play Sign on West Ashtabula Street was stolen.

Mayor, Radcliffe indicated that the curfew is now back to 10:00 p.m. after October 1st. There was vandalism at Minniear and Simmons and the street light in front of them.

Amy Gahring mentioned a comment on Facebook regarding someone having chickens.

Fiscal Officer’s Report:Council sign to approve September 30, 2017 monthly appropriations status report.

Solicitor’s Report:Solicitor, Vickie Ruffing discussed the situation of the municipal election coming this November. There are 4 terms opened: Terry Jones, Mary Millis, Sharleen Coy, and Jack Pfanner. The situation is they have a write in vote. Mrs. Ruffing indicated that if one person votes for that write-in, that candidate is going to take one of those four seats. That leaves us three seats, and two of those seats are held by Council Members serving unexpired terms, and one is serving a term to expire on December 31st. The way positions of public trust are done is that you serve until your successor is elected and qualified for the position. Therefore, Terry would be what we call a hold over, if she so chooses. So we have two of the four seats that are possibly going to be filled, either by a hold over, or by a new individual being elected by a write-in. We then have two people for one seat. Jack Pfanner and Mary Millis are serving the two unexpired seats. If Terry should choose not to hold over then there’s no problem. If Jack or Mary decide they don’t want to serve again, there’s no problem. If none of those things happen then they have a problem, and said she has no solution to the problem yet. Mrs. Ruffing will be reporting again on the ultimate if they do have the two people contenting for one seat. After discussion she indicated that she’s letting them know what the situation is so Council can consider.

Mrs. Ruffing informed Council that she found the Ordinance that established the surcharge.

Report of Council Committees

Finance/Audit Committee:

Street Committee:

Recreation Committee:Mary Millis mentioned Trick or Treating, and the need of 50 more crayons.

Street Fair Representatives:No report.

Buildings & Grounds Committee: No report.

Fireboard Committee:Amy Gahring gave report on the Fireboard Meeting. They had three runs last month. They had a pancake breakfast on the 1st. and went well. The next meeting is October 24, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.

Planning Commission: No report.

Records Committee:

Historical Association: No report.

Tree Commission: No Report, except Terry Jones reiterated about the dead trees in the park.

Special Issues:

Adjournment:Jack Pfanner made a motion for adjournment. Terry Jonesseconded the motion. Council voted, all ayes; motion carried.

Approved and adopted by the Council of the Village of North Fairfield ______, 2017.


Joshua Radcliffe, MayorLinda Prater, Fiscal Officer