BCA Board of Directors Minutes
October 9, 2004, Hershey, PA.
Members present: Pat Brooks; John Ball; Jerry Bodden; Bill Darrow; Barney Eaton; Pete Phillips; Dick Sweeney; Paul Meyer, Jeff Brashares
Others present: Mike and Nancy Book, Office Managers; Joel Gauthier, BCA Accountant; Ed Keil, St.Louis Gateway Chapter; Keith Bleakney, Chapter/Regional Coordinator; John Schieb, Yankee Chapter
President Pat Brooks called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.
MINUTES. The minutes of the Plano, Texas Board meeting and the General Membership meeting of June 19, 2004 were reviewed. Pat Brooks asked that the minutes be clarified to show that the terms of office of Chief Judge Rick Schick and Chair of Judges' Training Mac Blair have been extended by one year, due to there being no judged meet last year in Flint. Brooks also asked that the Secretary include any Board votes taken between meetings (such as via internet) in the subsequent Board meeting minutes. MOTION by Jeff Brashares, seconded by Jerry Bodden, to approve both sets of minutes. All in favor.
FINANCIAL REPORT. Treasurer Jerry Bodden suggested that a comparative balance sheet be kept, showing the current year and past year's balances and expenses at each Board meeting. The consensus was that this should be done. Barney Eaton congratulated last year's budget writers, noting that the budget was right on the money. MOTION by Brashares, seconded by Darrow, to accept the Treasurer's report. All in favor.
BCA TAX I.D. #. Joel Gauthier reported on the request by a chapter to use the national BCA tax identification number, to open a chapter bank account. He noted that the national BCA pays taxes on its interest income, which should not be mixed with local chapter finances. Gauthier reviewed several options on sharing or not sharing the tax number with chapters. He stated that the I.R.S. assumes that any tax identification number is for a taxable organization, unless each chapter applies for an exemption. A group exemption was offered several years ago, but most chapters saw no need for it and did not participate. After some discussion, Pat Brooks suggested that the BCA President's message should state that the BCA tax number is not for the use of chapters; chapters with lots of income can get their own tax-exempt number, or they can get a non-interest-bearing bank account. Brooks added that a letter explaining this should be sent out to each chapter annually. MOTION by Brooks, seconded by Brashares, to send out an annual chapter tax I.D. number policy letter, and to state the current policy in the next BCA President's message. All voted in favor of this motion. (John Ball arrived at this point in the meeting).
NATIONAL OFFICE REPORT. Mike Book reported that we have 9400 members, but the number is still declining. A greater incentive is needed to encourage more recruiting of new members. The office is working with several chapters on national meet hosting bids. A van was rented this week, and supplies for the 2005 national meet were hauled to Hershey, where the Finger Lakes Chapter picked them up.
Pat Brooks suggested that the chapter, which recruits the most new BCA members, should have the national meet registration fees waived for all of its members. Jerry Bodden asked who would make up this revenue loss to the national meet host chapter. Paul Meyer asked if the national BCA would reimburse the host chapter. Barney Eaton noted that the winning chapter would be one of the larger chapters; perhaps we should offer free BCA membership to the member who signs up five or more new members. Jeff Brashares replied that we would have to sign up 30 new members before the club would break even, based on the cost of membership. Pete Phillips suggested that a small, quarter-page ad or notice be put in the Bugle listing the top five or ten names of people who sponsored the most new members—this would not cost anything. Brashares said that we should take Pete's suggestion and start listing recruiters' names in the magazine, until we can work up something better for the next meeting. Brashares put this in the form of a MOTION, and John Ball seconded this. All voted in favor. This led to a discussion of where and whether to have a BCA tent or booth, and whether this helps to attract new members. Dick Sweeney asked Pat Brooks to send out a letter encouraging more chapters to host Board meetings, since that seems to help recruit new members. He also suggested a BCA presence at the Carlisle swap meet, which is a younger crowd. Mike Book suggested that a BCA tent at the GS Club nationals in Bowling Green, Kentucky or the Riviera Owners Association meet would be a good idea. Barney Eaton asked Book to send Board members an e-mail reporting on how many new and renewing members signed up at the Hershey meet. Keith Bleakney suggested that the Buick Performance Group be targeted for membership recruitment, since they broke off from the GS Club.
BUGLE REPORT. Robert Snowden's written report was referred to, in which he asks for direction on whether to include modified Buick articles in any issue of the magazine, or limit them to one issue per year. Pat Brooks suggested that the current policy of limiting these to one issue per year is a good policy. Jerry Bodden agreed, saying that if he is deluged with modified articles, we can take another look at this later. Dick Sweeney replied that this policy is discriminatory, and that modified car articles should be printed as they come in. Paul Meyer agreed with Sweeney. Barney Eaton stated that if the modified cars get a special issue of the magazine, then maybe the Reattas would also need one. MOTION by Jeff Brashares, seconded by Pete Phillips, to leave the current policy as is (one modified issue per year), with Snowden to use his discretion. Brooks stated that perhaps there should be no modified cars on the magazine cover, as that is what really gets people stirred up. Phillips agreed, and Brooks polled the Board on whether modified cars should be on the cover of the Bugle: Darrow, no; Sweeney, no opinion; Bodden, yes; Eaton, yes; Phillips, no; Brooks, no; Meyer, yes; Brashares, doesn't care; Ball, yes. Brashares restated the MOTION: One modified car issue per year, with a modified cover car allowed, Snowden to use his discretion for the cover car. The motion was seconded by Eaton, and the motion passed, 7-1, Sweeney opposed. Phillips is to communicate this to Robert Snowden.
Jerry Bodden reported that a member at the BCA tent asked that the Board consider a “Letters to the Editor” section of the Bugle. Eaton replied that it would take space away from other things, and only be full of complaints. Ball agreed.
REGIONAL/CHAPTER COORDINATOR REPORT. Keith Bleakney reported that he has received and organized the files from Judy Leets. The new Alabama Chapter has 19 members, and the re-established Virginia Chapter has 12 members. Chapter inquiry letters will go out in November; the current data are very old. Mike Book suggested that Keith write a self-introduction letter for the next Bugle.
INTERNET REPORT. Reference was made to Roberta Vasilow’s written report, which notes that it is time to pay website host Peter Gariepy, who has not been paid in two years. MOTION by Brashares, seconded by Ball, to pay Gariepy $600 for two years of website hosting. All in favor. There was some discussion as to whether there needs to be a discussion forum on the website for modified cars. The consensus was that this is not necessary now—let the modified division get up and running first.
TECHNICAL ADVISORS REPORT. Barney Eaton reported that not much is new. He has asked the advisors to submit articles to Robert Snowden, but has not heard of the results. We need advisors for the newer cars, newer than 1972. Bill Darrow suggested that we need an award or incentive for people to submit technical articles. Brooks passed around a copy of the 1937/1938 Club's newsletter with excellent technical articles.
REPORT ON CONTACTS WITH NON-AFFILIATED GROUPS. Brooks reviewed the rules, which say that if we publish the names of non-affiliated clubs in the Bugle monthly, they are supposed to encourage BCA membership. Brooks suggested that the BCA President should ask these clubs to publish our membership application in their magazine each month. Phillips replied that this is too much to ask—just ask them to publish BCA contact information. MOTION by Bodden, seconded by Brashares, to ask non-affiliated groups to publish BCA contact information in their publications each time. All voted in favor. Pat Brooks is to send letters to this effect.
CHIEF JUDGE’S REPORT. Rick Schick's written report was reviewed. Mike Book passed out price quotes he had obtained from Modern Litho for printing the Judging Handbook: $2200 for 500 copies; $2611 for 1000 copies. He stated that this vendor provides substantial savings to the Cadillac-LaSalle Club, and is lower than Baker Press. Some layouts of the new changes have already been done. After some discussion of needed quantities, it was agreed that 1000 copies are enough for several years of national meet judging, and additional copies will be sold for $7. Brooks asked Book if the Baker Press contract refers to the Judging Manual. Book replied that it does not, and he suggested that it will take too long to bid this out, and we have had many requests already for the new manual. MOTION by Brashares that we not go out to bid; that we accept Modern Litho's quote for $2611 for 1000 copies; and that we sell extra copies for $7. This was seconded by Meyer, and all voted in favor. Brooks asked Book to notify Robert Snowden that something should be put in the magazine as to the availability of judging manuals for sale.
SENIOR CAR PARTICIPATION AT NATIONAL MEETS. Brooks stated that the club does not do enough to encourage gold and senior cars to return to subsequent national meets. He suggested implementing additional steps and additional awards, such as a junior senior level. Phillips replied that he is strongly against this—we have too many levels and types of judging already: Archival; 400-point; Modified; Senior Preservation; Driven Class; Modern front-wheel drive class, etc. The national meet judging is getting more and more complicated and complex, so members as well as volunteer judges cannot keep up with it all. Brooks replied that he is not changing any of the rules. Brashares suggested that Rick Schick be asked to come up with a proposal. Brooks asked if there were any Board volunteers. Phillips replied that he would not volunteer for it, as he would be too negative. He asked what was the point of the Senior Preservation trophy, if we are going to do this? Brooks replied that we need to respond to everyone's needs, and Rick should give us a report on stair-stepping the senior awards.
CHIEF JUDGE AND JUDGES' TRAINING SUCCESSORS. Brashares suggested that Rick be allowed to discuss this in San Diego at the next meeting. Sweeney stated that we need to define the positions first, before we can recruit someone. Nancy Book was asked to remind Rick Schick about this, prior to the San Diego meeting.
NATIONAL MEET ADVISORY BOARD. Barney Eaton reviewed the need for this, and stated that we need to make some modifications to the national meet policy and plan. He suggested a supplemental sheet with names and contacts be added, along with some updates. He will have a draft of names to contact, if host chapters so desire, for the San Diego meeting.
NEWSLETTER AWARD REPORT. John Ball reported that the newsletter contest was successful, and that it was probably not necessary for this to be done at future national meet awards banquets, but that it needs to be printed in the Bugle. Many newsletters have already been reviewed for the 2005 awards. Terry Dunham and Keith Bleakney are assisting on this.
BUGLE CONTENT AND EXTRA PAGES REPORT. Bill Darrow reported that the magazine was once 44 pages, but now has 40 internal pages per month. The cost of adding four more pages is $1071 per month, or $12,854 per year.--a 9.5% increase. This led to a discussion of advertising costs and revenue. Mike Book reported that the BCA has one of the lowest display ad costs of any major car club, but an increase now may kill off some of the revenue. Sweeney asked how long the rates had been at their current level. Book replied 5 to 10 years. This led to a long discussion of rates; how to poll advertisers on whether there should be a rate increase; how much of an increase there should be; when to implement an increase; etc. Sweeney stated that a 25% increase is too much; it should be no more than 10%. The consensus was that Mike Book is to get proposed ad cost information to Brooks, who will then poll the Board on what to do.
2004 NATIONAL MEET REPORT. Pete Phillips reported that 207 cars participated in the show, and the North Texas Chapter made a small profit of approximately $1000. Copies of the show's financial report were reviewed.
2005 NATIONAL MEET. A written report from the Finger Lakes Chapter was reviewed.
2006 NATIONAL MEET. Bill Darrow reported that the hotel contracts have been signed. Donna Syrdal, Gopher State Chapter, will be asked for a report.
2007 NATIONAL MEET BIDS. Mike Book reported that the Los Angeles Chapter and the Golden West Region would be combining their bid. The Yankee Chapter is interested, and there will probably be a bid from Washington State. John Schieb, Yankee Chapter, was in the audience, and asked whether the Board would allow an optional trip to a gambling casino. The consensus was that it should not be a sponsored trip on the registration form. Mike Book suggested that 2007 bids should be sent from the bidding chapters to each Board member by May 1, 2005.
MODIFIED DIVISION ORGANIZATIONAL REPORT. Reference was made to Keith Horsfall's written report. Mike Book reported that the Batavia meet organizers would provide the modified awards, with Horsfall to review it first.
ATTRACTING YOUNGER MEMBERS. Jerry Bodden reported that 6 youngsters participated in the “Buick and its Parts” youth program at the Plano meet. Batavia also has this program scheduled. After some discussion, it was agreed that there should be a junior judges program for ages 12-15, and that there be a youth column in the Bugle with a junior literary award. Bodden is to get more details on the junior judging program for the San Diego meeting.
BCA STATE OF INCORPORATION. Jeff Brashares reported that Cecil Don had been the club's official agent in California; CT Corporation is now our official agent, but they do not communicate with us. Brashares agreed to pay for incorporation in Ohio. Brooks stated that a new 501-c-3 filing would be needed if the club moves its incorporation to Ohio. Brashares agreed to report on what is required to “fix” the California situation.
FINAL PASSAGE OF PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED SOP AND BY-LAW AMENDMENTS. Brooks asked for a motion to approve the amended standard operating procedure #13, vote counting for Board elections (by office managers, in presence of a Notary Public). MOTION by Brashares, seconded by Darrow, to approve the amendment. All in favor.
2005 BOARD ELECTION. It was pointed out that Paul Meyer is eligible to run for another full term in 2005, due to his initial period on the Board being an interim fill-in appointment.
RECOGNITION OF NON-BOARD MEMBERS. Mike Book passed out copies of the certificate of appreciation that is currently sent to outgoing, appointed position holders. He stated that he sees no need for anything more than what we currently do on this. Brashares listed the offices that should receive this: Outgoing Board members; Chief Judge; Chair of Judges' Training; Chapter Coordinator; and Technical Coordinator.
NATIONAL SOFTWARE COORDINATOR. Roy Faries, stating that he sees no need for any expenses to be compensated at this point, made reference to the written report.
AMENDMENT TO SOP #14. Regarding the time for newly elected Board members to be seated, Pat Brooks reviewed his proposal. Under the amendment, newly elected members and officers shall not be seated until after all tasks concerning the immediate national meet are concluded. MOTION by Brashares, seconded by Ball, to approve this, with the exception that “July” be changed to “national meet board meeting”. All in favor.
REPORT ON DISPOSITION OF OLD BUGLES. Mike Book reported that both the National Pike Chapter and the Pittsburgh Chapter applied to do this. A coin toss was done in the Office, and the Pittsburgh Chapter won the toss, so they will sell back issues of the magazine. Pete Phillips suggested that the conditions of this arrangement need to be put in writing. Book agreed to do this.