T-Shirt (Poster) Book Report

Read the Runway

For your book report, you will design a T-shirt to advertise and explain your book. Your T-shirt should include the following elements:




A one-sentence statement of the main idea/theme

Favorite quote


Your recommendation

Colors symbolic of tone

(With the exception of the statement of theme, these items do not have to be written in complete sentences.)

You may use markers, paint, iron-ons, sewn-on items, etc.—be creative.

Your T-shirt will be graded on completeness, use of color, neatness, and creativity.

The book must be grade level appropriate and approved by the teacher.

*The t-shirt must be a plain white cotton t-shirt or a poster board cut into the shape of a t-shirt.*

T-Shirt Book Report Grading Rubric


Book Title______

Category / Excellent 100 pts / Average 90 pts / Below Average 80 pts / No Effort 70 pts
Front of t-shirt
A one-sentence statement of the main idea/theme
Favorite quote
Pictures / All information is present. The T-shirt is attractively designed. The student’s originality and creativity is clearly evident. / Most information is present. The T-shirt is attractively designed. The student’s originality and creativity is evident. / Some information is present. The T-shirt is present. The T-shirt appears a bit messy. / No information is present. The T-Shirt does not have an attractive design. Little originality or creativity exists.
Back of t-shirt
Pictures / All information is present / Most information is present. / Some information is present / No information is present.
Right Sleeve
Pictures / All information is present. / Most of information is present. / Some information is present. / No information is present.
Left Sleeve
Colors symbolic of tone / All information is present / Most information is present. / Most information is present / No information is present
Conventions / There are no grammatical and spelling errors. / There are 1-3 errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. / There are 4-6 errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. / There are 7 or more errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
Attractiveness & Creativity / The project is exceptionally and creative in terms of design, layout, and neatness. / The project is attractive and creative in terms of design, layout, and neatness. / The project is a bit creative and acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. / The project is not creative and distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive.
Presentation / The presenter includes all major points and several details when describing his/her t-shirt / The presenter includes all major points and 1-2 details when describing his/her t-shirt / The presenter includes all major points when describing his/her t-shirt. / The presenter forgets major points when describing.
Effort / Student put forth his/her best effort to produce a project that he/she is proud to display. / The student put forth a modest amount of effort to produce a project that he/she is proud to display. / The student put forth little effort in producing this project. / The student put forth no effort in producing the project.
