Northern Advanced Research Training Initiative (NARTI)
Seminar on ‘Managing your Research Career’
Personal insights from Professor Gary Powell (University of Connecticut) and Professor Caroline Gatrell (Lancaster University)
8 June 2016

Lancaster University
Charles Carter Building
Room A18

Aim of the seminar:

Professor Gary Powell and Dr Caroline Gatrell will convene this Doctoral seminar on managing your research program/career from personal perspectives. This will include discussions on the challenges of managing your academic career from the perspectives of both planning, and maximising opportunity. There will be a focus on carving out space for yourself as a scholar in your field. This session will include a seminar format of about two hours and will be open to a maximum of 15 students/early career faculty.

About the presenters:

Gary Powell is a Professor of Management and Ackerman Scholar in the School of Business at the University of Connecticut. He is also Distinguished Scholar at the Centre for Performance-led HR at Lancaster University Management School (LUMS). He is author ofWomen and Men in Management(4thed.),Managing a Diverse Workforce: Learning Activities(3rded.), and the upcomingMaking Work and Family Work: From Hard Choices to Smart Choices, and editor ofHandbook of Gender and Work. His graduate course on women and men in management won an award on innovation in education from the Committee on Equal Opportunity for Women of the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). He also has won the University of Connecticut School of Business Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award (three times) and Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award. He has received the University of Connecticut President’s Award for Promoting Multiculturalism.

Caroline Gatrell is a Professor of Management Studies at Lancaster University Management School, Department of Management Learning and Leadership. Her research focuses on health, work and family and is theoretically driven, drawing upon notions of the body and gender. She critically analyses, from a socio-cultural perspective, how employed parents manage boundaries between employment and everyday lives.

In connection with this role, Caroline is also the Chair of NARTI (Northern Advanced Research Training Initiative) and institutional lead for the North West Doctoral Training Centre (NWDTC: Lancaster, Manchester, and Liverpool Universities). From 2012-2014 she was Director of Doctoral Programmes in LUMS, with responsibility for strategic development.

Intended audience

Experienced doctoral students (i.e. those who have completed data collection and are working towards submission) and early career researchers.


10.00-10.30 / Coffee
10.30-12.30 / Managing your research career with Professor Gary Powell
12.30-13.30 / Lunch
13.30-15.00 / Writing for publication and carving out space for your research, a personal view with Professor Caroline Gatrell
15.00-15.30 / Open space for discussion
15.30-16.00 / Tea and cakes


As NARTI and the host institution will cover the full cost of the event including lunch and refreshments, confirmed participants are expected to cover the cost of their own travel and any accommodation as required.

How to register for the workshop:

Please complete the online booking form at

How to get to Lancaster University Management School:

The exact location for the seminar will be confirmed in due course.

Please contact if you have any further questions.