Annual Meeting of


South Korea, 17 to 19 November 2003

Chairman Summary

The annual meeting of the INSARAG USAR Teams was co-chaired by Mr. Sok Hwa Chang, EMS Section Chief, Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs, Republic of Korea and Mr. Arjun Katoch, Chief, Field Coordination Support Section, OCHA Geneva and INSARAG Secretary. 58 participants from 24 countries and organisations attended the meeting. The list of participants is attached as Annex I.

The meeting was opened by Mr. Sung K. Huh, Minister of Government Administration and Home Affairs, which was followed by introductory remarks from Mr. Sang-Ho Nam, Director General of the Fire Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs, and Mr. Arjun Katoch, OCHA-Geneva and INSARAG Secretary.

The Agenda of the meeting is attached as Annex II. The meeting included presentations and discussions on the following topics:

-Overview of INSARAG Activities in the regional groups

-Lessons Learned in the response to the Algeria earthquake in May 2003

-Status of the 5/10 Collapsed Structure evaluation concept

-The USAR Self-Evaluation and Accreditation concept as proposed by the Regional Group of the Americas

-Cultural Sensitivity in USAR operations from the viewpoints of Korea, South Africa and Germany

-The use of explosives to extract victims in collapsed structures – results of a research conducted by the German THW

-Concepts of performance evaluation post mission by Japan and the US

-Role of USAR team leaders on mission by Japan

The participants in the meeting also attended (as observers) the 2003 Emergency Exercise of the Korean Fire Services of the Seoul Metropolitan Fire & Disaster Department and National 119 Rescue Services which dealt with response to a major emergency in metropolitan Seoul.

A table-top exercise was held to introduce the concept of USAR-OSOCC liaison at the LEMA in international earthquake response operations was also undertaken during the meeting.

The discussions following presentations and exercises at the meeting resulted in Conclusions and Recommendations as given below.

Please note that all background documents, the Chairman Summary as well as the presentations held at the meeting are available on the Virtual OSOCC at under Meetings, following the link “Annual INSARAG USAR Team Leaders Meeting in Seoul”. The Chairman Summary is also published on the INSARAG website at following the link “Events” or “Reports”.

Conclusions and Recommendations

  1. 5/10 Collapsed Structure evaluation concept to be finalised and presented in its final version at the next Team Leaders meeting for approval. (Action: RAINRACE, INSARAG Secretariat)
  1. It was suggested that the 5/10 collapsed structure evaluation system should be taught in the UNDAC Induction Course in order for UNDAC members to also have knowledge of it. (INSARAG Secretariat)
  1. A standardised reporting format (one page) from USAR teams to OSOCC needs to be developed before 31 January 2004 and included after revision and approval as Annex in the INSARAG Guidelines (Action: Sweden (Per-Anders Berthlin), WG on Guidelines, INSARAG Secretariat)
  1. An error in the INSARAG Marking System has been identified. Correction to be provided by Australia (Trevor Haines) and Sweden (Per-Anders Berthlin) by 31 Jan 2004. Modifications to be made to the relevant chapter in the INSARAG Guidelines (Action: Australia, Sweden, INSARAG Secretariat, WG INSARAG Guidelines)
  1. A recommendation was made regarding an alternative to the use of aerosol spray for INSARAG marking due to the difficulty in carrying it in aircraft: Utilisation of black and white shoe paste (tubes) achieves comparable results, is water resistant and can be transported in aircraft. Details regarding IATA regulations for the transport of aerosol will be provided on the INSARAG website after receipt from the USA (Action: International USAR teams to consider, USA, INSARAG Secretariat)
  1. Cultural awareness is an important issue that can affect USAR operations in the field. This needs greater emphasis. It was suggested that the “Code of Ethics” of the INSARAG Guidelines to be complemented with guidelines on Cultural Awareness in USAR Operations (WG INSARAG Guidelines).
  1. The self-evaluation system introduced by the Americas Regional Group to be finalised and made widely known in INSARAG. The final paper to be sent to INSARAG Secretariat by 31 Jan 2004 (USA, INSARAG Secretariat).
  1. USAR teams interested in further discussion regarding the use of explosives for entry into collapsed structures to directly contact THW, Germany, Claus Hoellein. (Germany, all INSARAG)
  1. The use of graphic displays in the OSOCC is needed, as was brought out in the Algeria Lessons Learned meeting. Suggestions regarding how this should best be done in the field to be sent to the INSARAG Sect by 31 Jan 2004. (all INSARAG).
  1. The SOP of USAR Liaison Officers working with the UNDAC team in the OSOCC needs to be distributed. Switzerland offered to make Walter Jaeggli available to assist in finalizing the paper. (Switzerland, INSARAG Secretariat).
  1. The schedule of possible forthcoming international USAR exercises in 2004 was discussed (Philippines, Nepal, Armenia, Turkey, Australia) and Team Leaders were to consider participation by their teams (in skeleton form) and let INSARAG Secretariat know of their desire to participate by 31 Dec 2003. For the Philippines exercise (19-23 Jan 2004) this information is required by 15 Dec 2003.

Proposed Agenda Items for USAR Team Leaders Meeting in 2004

  1. Presentation on a finalised version of the 5/10 Collapsed Structure evaluation concept (RAINRACE).
  1. Table top exercises 5/10 evaluation concept and functioning in an OSOCC. (RAINRACE, INSARAG Secretariat)
  1. Presentation: Optimising the use of search dogs integrated in the USAR team (Sweden, Norway)
  1. International USAR teams (max 3) to make a presentation of their organisation, capacity and mobilization/deployment procedures (Netherlands, China, Iran)
  1. Presentation: Logistics management in USAR operations and common bottlenecks and their alternative solutions (Germany)
  1. Presentation: Earthquake Loss Estimation tool/Seismology to improve decision making for international USAR deployment (Switzerland).
  1. Presentation: Satellite images to improve decision making for international USAR deployment (Germany).
  1. Presentation: Do’s and Don’ts in different cultures; the field guide of the German THW (Germany).
  1. Local capacity building within Regional Groups (Regional Groups or INSARAG Secretariat).
  1. The BREC USAR training system followed in the Americas Regional Group and the CAT1 approach followed by Australia and New Zealand. (Americas Regional Group, Australia, New Zealand)
  1. The revised Guidelines and its interpretation (WG on Guidelines)
  1. UN Security System and security of USAR teams in the field (INSARAG Secretariat).

Annex I

Annual INSARAG USAR Team Leaders Meeting

Seoul, Republic of Korea

17 to 19November 2003



Mr. Gregory Philip MullinsCommissioner

New South Wales Fire Brigades

PO Box A249 Sydney STH NSW 1232, Australia

Tel: +61 2 9265 2930

Fax: +61 2 9265 2988


Mr. James GustusManager Technical Assistance

Emergency Management Australia

PO Box 1020, Dickson, ACT 2602, Australia

Tel: +61 2 6266 5325

Fax: + 61 2 6266 5029


Mr. Trevor W. HainesAssistant Director

Emergency Management Australia

PO Box 1020, Dickson, ACT 2602, Australia

Tel: +61 2 6266 5169

Fax: + 61 2 6266 5029


Mr. George Thomas SmithDeputy Director

NSW Health Counter Disaster Unit

Ambulance Service of New South Wales

Locked Bag 105, Rozelle, NSW 2039, Australia

Tel: +61 2 9320 7629

Fax: + 61 2 9320 7817



Dr. Zörner Dr. Wolfgang President

Internationalen Rettungshunde Organisation(IRO)

(International Rescue Dog Organization)

Strohdorf 4, A-3232 Bischofstetten

Tel: +43 2748 6665

Fax: +43 27486665 14



Mr. Don Campbell National USAR Coordinator

Government of Canada

122 Bank Street, 2nd Floor, Jackson Building,

Ottawa Ontario Canada K1A 0W6

Tel: +1 613 991 5299(cell +1 613 293 0233)

Fax: +1 613 954 5534


Mr. Bruce GrayUSAR Coordinator

Canada Task Force 2

Calgary Fire Service, 5727 23rd Avenue Calgary

Alberta, Canada T2B 3E2

Tel: +1 403-268-8757

Fax: +1 403-272-1368



Mr. Ma Qingjun CISAR Team Leader

China International Search and Rescue, CSB

No 63 Fuxing Avenue, Beijing, China

Tel: +86 10 88015518

Fax: +86 10 68210995


Ms. Chen Hong Professor

Institute ofCrustal Dynamics, CSB

P.O.Box 2855, Beijing, China

Tel: +86 10 88015518

Fax: +86 10 68210995



Mr. Steffen Schmidt Senior Programme Officer

Danish Emergency Management Agency

Datavej 16, 3460, Birkeroed, Denmark

Tel: +45 45 90 60 00

Fax: +45 45 90 60 60



Mr. Raimo Rasijeff Expert & Fire Battalion Chief

Ministry of Interior

22 Route De Geneve Switzerland

Tel: +41 22 776 5229

Fax: +41 22 776 5229



Mr. Peter Paul Bytomski Program Manager & Team Leader

Technisches Hilfswerk(THW)

Deutschherren Str. 93-95, 53177 Bonn, Germany

Tel: +49 228 9401506

Fax: +49 228 9401144


Mr. Claus Höllein USAR Trainer

Technisches Hilfswerk(THW)

Federal Training Center

Rupert-Mayer-Strasse 62

73765 Neuhausen

Tel: +49 7158 931 121

Fax: +49 7158 931 111


Mr. Hans-Joachim Gerhold Team Leader

Technisches Hilfswerk(THW)

Schlesier Weg 8-10

34576 Homberg

Tel: +49 568 193 9390

Fax: +49 568 1939 3918



Mr. Asgeir Baldur BodvarssonTeam Leader

SAR-Team Iceland(ICE-SAR)

Skógarhlid 14, 105 Reykjavik, Iceland

Tel: +354 570 5900

Fax: +354 570 5900

Mobile: +354 863 1814



Mr. Bhushan, Lal VohraDirector General, Civil Defence,

Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India,

Jaisalmer House, 26, Mansingh Road,

New Delhi-110 011, India

Tel: +91 11 23071157

Fax: +91 11 23387436



Mr. Majid HamedaniFirst Secretary, Desk officer of the UNDP

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Imam Khomeini Ave. Department of the

specialized Agencies MFA

Tel: +98 21 3212693

Fax: +98 21 6704176


Mr. Seyed Mehdi SidatiSecretary General

Commission for Effective Reducing Natural

Disaster in Khorasan Province

Tel: +98 511 8590001-2

Fax: +98 511 8517878


Mr.Abdul Ghasem SafaviSecretary General

Commission for Unpredictable Disaster in

Gholestan Province

Tel: +0098-0171-2240014-0911-171-5463

Fax: +0098-0171-2237500



Mr. Eiichi SuzukiDirector

Overseas Disaster Assistance Division,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2-11-1, Shibakouen, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Tel: +81 3 3580 3311

Fax: +81 3 6402 2170


Mr. Michio WatanabeLiaison Officer

International Affairs Department,

National Police Agency

2-1-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Tel: +81 3 3581 0141

Fax: +81 3 3580 5092


Mr. Atuya NakamotoSpecialist for International Fire Service


Ambulance and Rescue Service Division

Ministry of Public Management

Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications

Fire and Disaster Management Agency

2-1-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Tel: +81 3 5253 7529

Fax: +81 3 5253 7539


Mr. Toshiya HayamaSpecialist for International SAR

Japan Coast Guard

2-1-3, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Tel: +81 3 3581 2828

Fax: +81 3 3581 2828


Mr. Hideki SakataDeputy Director

The Secretariate of Japan Disaster Relief Team

Japan International Cooperation Agency

1-1, Yoyogi 2-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Tel: +81 3 5352 5456

Fax: +81 3 5352 5400


Mr. Kunihiko ShimizuStaff

The Secretariate of Japan Diaster Relief Team

Japan International Cooperation Agency

1-1, Yoyogi 2-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Tel: +81 3 5352 5456

Fax: +81 3 5352 5400



Mr. Bonaventure S. Wendo Director

National Disaster Operations

Office of the President, PO Box 30510-00100,


Tel: +254 20 211622

Fax: +254 20 211660



Mr. Kim, Cha-Soo Director

Rescue & EMS Department

Ministry of Government Administration and

Home Affairs

Government Complex Building, Sejongro1-ga,

Jongno-gu, Seoul Korea

Tel: +82-2-3703-5341

Fax: +82-2-3703-5572


Mr. Chang, Sok-Hwa Manager

EMS section of Rescue & EMS Department

Ministry of Government Administration and

Home Affairs

Government Complex Building, Sejongro1-ga,

Jongno-gu, Seoul Korea

Tel: +82-2-3703-5344

Fax: +82-2-3703-5572


Mr. Choi, Chul-Young Chief of National 119 Rescue Services

190-2, Doksong-ri, byulnae-myon,

Namyangjoo-si, Kyonggi-do, Korea

Tel: +82-31-528-0119

Fax: +82-31-528-1119



Mr. Ahmad Zailani b. Yaacob Commander

Special Malaysia Disaster Assistance and Rescue

Team (SMART)

SMART, Pulapol Jalan Semarak 54100,

Kuala Lunpur

Tel:+60 3 2692 4398

Fax: +60 3 2692 3735



Mr. Huub van der Weide General Team Leader

Dutch USAR.NL-team

PO Box 20011, 2500 EA s’Gravenhage,


Tel: +31 651317053

Fax: +31 180451589


Mr. Jan Bron Operational Team Leader

Dutch USAR.NL-team

PO Box 20011, 2500 EA s’Gravenhage,


Tel: +31 152602703

Fax: +31 152125321


New Zealand

Mr. Paul Francis Burns Team Leader

New Zealand USAR Task Force 2

PO Box 13747, Armagh Street Christchurch

Tel: +64 027 241 3104

Fax: +64 03 3713638



Mr. Ove Syslak Team Leader

Norwegian Search and Rescue Team

Kneika 10, 1923 Sørum, Norway

Tel: +47 952 07 68, +47 63 82 74 62

Fax: +47 63 82 50 89


Mr.Ståle Lindhardt Operating Manager

Norwegian Search and Rescue Team

Tiurveien 9, 2020 Gjerdrum, Norway

Tel: +47 98 22 58 01




Mr. Kadir Maideen Bin Mohamed Commander

Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team(DART)

Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF),

HQ, 91 Ubi Ave 4, Singapore 408827

Tel: +65 6848 1820

Fax: +65 6848 1830


Mr. Tan Hwa Yong EdmundHead of Urban Search and Rescue

Civil Defence Academy(CDA),

Singapore Civil Defence Force

Civil Defence Academy, 101, Jalan Bahar,

Singapore 649734

Tel: +65 6794 5673

Fax: +65 6794 5505


South Africa

Mr. Brendon David MorrisInstructor & Consultant Technical Rescue

Rescue South Africa,

Holmatro Rescue Equipment

Zalmweg 30, 4941 VX, Raamsdonksveer,


Tel: +31 622 421528 (+31 (0)162 589200)

Fax: +31 162 522482 (+31 (0)162 522482)

Mobile : +31 (0)6 22421528



Mr. Per-Anders BerthlinSenior Liaison Officer

Swedish Rescue Services Agency(SRSA)


P.O. Box 1328, SE – 11183 Stockholm, Sweden

Tel: +46 70 680 2874

Fax: +46 70 612 2874


Mr. Anders OBergUSAR Team Leader

Swedish Rescue Services Agency(SRSA)


P.O. Box 1328, SE – 11183 Stockholm, Sweden

Tel: +46 70 764 87 94

Fax: +46 8 454 89 06


Mr. Birger Andersson Vice Chairman in border

Swedish Working Dog Association

Svenska Brukshundklubben(SBK)

Glansgatan 7, S-554 54, Sweden

Tel: +46 36 71 80 13

Fax: +46 706 10 60 31

Mobile: +46 705 144345



Mr. Künzi BeatSenior Program Coordinator

Division of Humanitarian Aid,

Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit and,

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation,

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

Sägestrasse 77, Köniz, 3003 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 322 35 63

Fax: +41 31 324 16 94


Mr. Amiet UrsGeneral Staff

Swiss Disaster Relief Coordination and Control

Centre DDPS

Papiermühlestrasse 20, 3003 Bern, Switzerland

Tel: +41 31 324 53 05

Fax: +41 31 324 33 14



Mr. Zeki Topay Training Officer

Turkey Armed Forces NDSAR Battalion,

Oğulbey-Gölbaşı, Ankara, Turkey

Tel: +90 312 6152773

Fax: +90 312 6152122


Miss. Serife Aydan Pasaoglu International Relations Official

AKUT Search and Rescue Association

Buyukdere Caddesi No.120 Esentepe, Istanbul

Tel: +90 212 231 7727

Fax: +90 212 231 2063


United States of America

Mr. Peter Ward HendersonBranch Chief, Operations Support

Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance,

US Agency for International Development


1300 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. Washingto, DC

20523 8620

Tel: +1 202 712 1025

Fax: +1 202 216 3399


Mr. Terry Joe DeJournettBattalion Chief

County of Los Angeles Fire Department

12605 Osborne St., Pacoima, CA 91331

Tel: +1 818 890 5700

Fax: +1 818 890 5740


Mr. Donald Paul RoyFire Captain

County of Los Angeles Fire Department

12605 Osborne St., Pacoima, CA 91331

Tel: +1 562 942 1015

Fax: +1 818 890 5740


Mr. Frank Dennis McCarthyFire Captain

County of Los Angeles Fire Department

12605 Osborne St., Pacoima, CA 91331

Tel: +1 818 890 5734

Fax: +1 818 890 5740


Mr. Edward Michael Brinkley Team Leader

Fairfax County US&R/USAID-OFDA

4600 West Ox Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22030

Tel: +1 703 815 5523

Fax: +1 703 803 2119


Mr. Dewey Hindman Perks Team Leader

Fairfax County US&R/USAID-OFDA

4600 West Ox Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22030

Tel: +1 703 815 5523

Fax: +1 703 803 2119


Mr. David Lewis Taylor Team Leader

Fairfax County US&R/USAID-OFDA

4600 West Ox Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22030

Tel: +1 703 815 5523

Fax: +1 703 803 2119


External Consultants

Ms.Sólveig ThorvaldsdóttirConsultant


Vesturgata 35, 101 Reykjavík Iceland

Mobile: +354 898 1194




Mr. Arjun KatochChief, Field Coordination Support Section

and Secretary of INSARAG

Emergency Services Branch

Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian

Affairs(OCHA), Palais des Nations

CH-1211 Geneva,Switzerland

Tel: +41 22 917 1199

Fax: +41 22 917 0023

Mobile: +41 79 417 41 65 or 788-6381


Mr. Thomas PeterDeputy Chief

Field Coordination Support Section

Emergency Services Branch

Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian

Affairs(OCHA), Palais des Nations

CH-1211 Geneva,Switzerland

Tel: +41 22 91731 43

Fax: +41 22 917 00 23

Mobile: +41 79 417 41 69


Mr. Terje Skavdal Regional Disaster Response Advisor in Asia

Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian

Affairs(OCHA), Kobe

Hitomiraikan 5F, 1-5-1, Wakinohamakaigan-dori,

Chuo-ku, Kobe 651-0073, Japan

Tel: +81 78 262 5550/5551

Fax: +81 78 262 5554


Annex II

Annual INSARAGUSAR Team Leaders Meeting

17 to 19 Nov. 2003 - Seoul, Republic of Korea

Agenda(by Korean Fire Bureau)

Monday, 17 November



Arrival of participants and registration




1st F



Welcome lunch




31st F



Introduction Guests




19th F

14:05-14:15 /

Opening Remarks


Korea & Secretariat


Same above

14:15-14:25 /

Welcome Address


Korea (Minister/Vice)

14:25-14:40 /

Presentation on Korean Fire Bureau



14:40-14:50 /

Group Photo





Introduction of participants and adoption of the agenda




19th F



Overview of activities of INSARAG in the Regional Groups and in the Steering Committee


INSARAG Secretariat



Coffee break



Presentation and discussion of lessons learned in the recent earthquakes in Turkey (April 2003) and Algeria (May 2003)



Adjourn – free evening

Tuesday, 18 November

08.30-09.15 / Status of the 5/10 evaluation concept for collapsed structure / Sólveig Thorvaldsdóttir, Iceland / 19th F
09.15-10.00 / The USAR team capabilities verification concept, developed by the Americas INSARAG Regional Group / USA
10.00-10.30 / Coffee
10.30-11.15 / Cultural Sensitivity relevant to international USAR operations / Korea, Germany,
South Africa
11.15-12.00 / Using explosives to access trapped victims / Germany
12.00-14.00 / Lunch /

31st F

14.00-14.45 / Performance Evaluation System of own USAR team post mission / Japan, USA / 19th F
14.45-15.00 / The Ideal Role of USAR Team Leaders /


15.00-18.00 / 2003 Emergency Exercise of Korean Fire Bureau
by Seoul Metropolitan Fire & Disaster Department and National 119 Rescue Services /



Hyundai 41st F


18.00-22.00 / Cultural event /


Wednesday, 19 November

08.30-11.30 / Table-top exercise: The work of USAR liaison persons in the Reception Centre and the OSOCC /

Facilitated by

Mr. Thomas Peter


19th F

11.30-13.00 / Identification of topics for the next USAR team leaders meeting & closure
13.00-15.00 / Lunch /

31st F

15.00-17.30 / Tour of Korean ancient royal palace /


