Change Creators – The XLR Collective, a Creative Leadership Programme
Ensure you read the programme detailsand note the essential datesbefore you start to complete the application form.
Please do not attach CV, references or educational certificates to your application form.
If you need to attach a continuation sheet please put your name clearly at the top of the sheet. Please limit continuation sheets to one side of A4.
The application form is an important part of the selection process. To ensure fairness to all applicants, any decision to shortlist you for an assessment interview will be based solely on the information that you supply on your application form.
We are most interested in section 7 of the application, so it is important you give as much information as relevant regarding why you wish to apply and what makes you a suitable applicant.
Applications in the form of CVs will not be considered.
KWMC is actively working towards equal opportunities and welcomes applications from all areas of society. We also recognise that some groups are under represented within either tech or creative leadership within the UK, so we welcome and encourage applications from those groups. We would appreciate it if you would complete and return the enclosed equalities monitoring form.
Completed applications sent by post or delivered by hand should be marked on the top left corner of the envelope ‘Change Creators’ and sent along with the monitoring form to:
James Kennaby
Knowle West Media Centre
Leinster Avenue
Knowle West
Bristol, BS4 1NL
Alternatively, you can email your application form to:
Applications to arrive no later than11am, Thursday 26th January 2017
Following shortlisting interviews will be held: either Thursday 2ndor Friday 3rdFebruary 2017
We would like the successful applicants to attend the team induction workshop on Monday 13th February (evening) with the programme officially starting on Monday 20thFebruary.
Knowle West Media Centre
The application form is an important part of the selection process. To ensure fairness to all applicants any decision to shortlist you for interview will be based solely on the information you supply on the application form. It is important you give as much information as relevant regarding why you wish to apply and what makes you a suitable applicant.
post applied for: / Change Creators: The XLR CollectiveSection One: Personal details
tel no. home
tel no. mb
Section Two:Details of relevant education qualifications [starting with the most recent]
/ to / institution / course/award title / gradeSection Three: Details of other relevant qualifications[starting with the most recent]
/ to / institution / course/award title / gradeSection Four: Details of relevant past employment [starting with the most recent]
from / to / employer / brief description of dutiesSection Five: Other relevant experience including any voluntary work
from / to / employer / brief description of dutiesSection six: Please give details for two referees and state their relationship to you. These will only be contacted after interview.
telephone no:
Section SEVEN:This is the most important area to demonstrate your suitability for the programme.If you use a continuation sheet please ensure your name is clearly visible at the top of the page.
- Why you would like be part of the Change Creators: TheXLR Collective? (200 words max)
- What issuesare you passionate about? (100 words max)
- Give us an example of how you would/could use music and/or music events to either raise awareness or help solve one of these issues (200 words max)
- Which music industry skills are you most interested in developing during the programme? (Please tick as many boxes as relevant)
Event management / Event promotion
PR / Press / Plugging / Personal / Group branding
Other (Please specify):
- Pleaseprovide us with some examples of music/creativework you have created thatyou are proud of.Please explain each example below and include web links, photos or video if you have them. (200 words max)
- If you would like to, send us a short intro video telling us who you are, what you’re passionate about and what it would mean to you be on the programme. Please send a link via wetransfer.comto , clearly stating your name (we are not assessing professional film quality –videos filmed on a phone arefine) - 60 seconds max
- Please tell us anything else which you think will help your application (100 words)
All information given in this form is correct at time of application:
Signed: / Date: