Part A
परिसंपत्तिविभाग,मंडलीयकार्यालय, पाल्मरोड, सिविललाइन्सनागपुर - 440001
मकान/परिसंपत्ति/हुडकेशवर- एसडीएल/3465 Date: 03.04.2018
Work:Supply & installation of safe deposit locker cabinets Hudkeshwar Branch Nagpur
Sealed tenders in two bids system (technical bid and financial bid) are invited from the empanelled contractors for supply and installation of safe deposit locker cabinets at our Hudkeshwar Branch Nagpur. Tender document may be collected from / submitted to the Bank at first floor, Property Deparment, Zonal Office, Palm Road, Civil Lines Nagpur – 440001 as per following programme.
Issue of Tender Documents / Date: From 03.04.2018 to 13.04.2018Time of Completion of work / 4weeks
Submission of Tender / On or before 13.04.2018up to 14.00 hrs
Opening of tender / 13.04.2018at 15.00hrs
Earnest Money / Rs.1500/- (one thousand five hundred only) by crossed demand draft /Banker’s Cheque favouring ALLAHABAD BANK payable at Nagpur. The earnest money will be forfeited in case the successful offerer does not willing to execute the caption work.
Liquidated Damages for
Delay / If the work not completed up to the satisfaction of the Bank within the stipulated period of four weeks, the contractor shall be bound to pay to the Employer a sum equivalent to 1% of the accepted tendered per week subject to ceiling of 10% of the accepted contract amount by way of liquidated damages.
Payment terms / Final Payment will be made on satisfactory completion of the job.
Tender document in two bid system i.e.1) technical bid and 2) financial bid.
A) Technical bid: Part A+ Part B + EMD (earnest money)
B) Financial bid: Annexure I
The Bank will not be bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.
(Chief Manager)
Part B
मंडलीयकार्यालय, पाल्मरोड, सिविललाइन्सनागपुर - 440001
- Delivery of above quoted items within a period of 4 weeksfrom the date of work order. The rates quoted in the tender shall include all taxes, freight, labours required materials etc. and all charges of scaffolding lift any tool fluctuation in the rate
- Payment will be released on satisfactory completion of the job & submission of final bill. No advance will be paid
- Rs.1500/- (one thousand five hundred only) by crossed demand draft /Banker’s Cheque favouring ALLAHABAD BANK payable at Nagpur. The earnest money will be forfeited in case the successful offerer does not willing to execute the caption work
- All erasures and alteration made while filing the tender must attested by initials of tender. Overwriting of the figures is not permitted.
- The Bank will not be bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever
- It is your responsibility to take all necessary safety / precautionary measures for the safety of your labours and Bank shall not be responsible in case any accident / mis-happening occurred to your labour during execution of captioned work.
- The contractor should quote the rate in figures as well as in words .The amount for item should be worked out and the requisite totals to be given.
- Should the work be not completed to the satisfaction of the Employer within the stipulated period, the contractor/suppliers shall be bound to pay to the Employer a sum equivalent to 1% of the accepted tendered per week subject to ceiling of 10% of the accepted contract amount by way of liquidated damages and not as penalty during which the work remains uncommenced or unfinished after expiry of the completion date.
Date: (Contractor/firm Sign)
Proprietor Name:
Contact no.
Annexure I
Property Department, Zonal Office, Civil Lines, Nagpur 440001
Sr.No. / Items / Unit / Qty / Rate / Amount1 / Supply & installation of safe Deposit locker-75 approved by BIS label with embossing on the locker keys. C-SDL-75 (66 S + 6M +3L) / SET / 1
2 / Total Amount
Amount in words
The contractors / suppliers are requested to visit the site to understand the Annexure I/BOQ before filling the tender document.
Warranty :1 years
Proprietor Name:
Contact no.